Mobile Suit Gundam UC: Episode 5 'Black Unicorn' - Promo Video 3
Previous Videos:
First 8 Mins Streaming Video (English) & PV #2:
Mobile Suit
Gundam UC Episode 5 'The Black Unicorn' Trailer (Theatrical Release:
May 2012)
Gundam UC
Episode 5 'The Black Unicorn' Blu-ray (Release Date: Jun 8th 2012,
Price: 6090 yen)
Gundam UC
Episode 5 'The Black Unicorn' DVD (Release Date: Jun 8th 2012, Price:
5040 yen)
Synopsis via Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Official Website [Spoilers Below]:
Banagher is attacked
by the black mobile suit Banshee, and taken into custody. Backed into a corner,
he still continues to conceal the new coordinates leading to Laplace's Box which
were revealed by the Unicorn Gundam. Bright, the commander of the Londo Bell,
sees in Banagher the dignity and possibility shown by generations of Gundam
pilots, and he finds help from old firends he once fought beside.
Meanwhile, Mineva has
been handed over from Ronan to Martha, and she is transferred to the giant
transport plane Garuda as a pawn to make Banagher talk. The conflict surrounding
the Box soars to a high altitude and, finally, back into space...