Here is a minor worklog update for my 1/100 Gundam Astraea Type-F. As I had stated in my previous worklog, I will be modifying this kit to make it into another version of the Astraea line... I am actually aiming toward creating a FA Kai version (Full Armored), but I've yet to come up with a cool name for it. More on that in a later post.
So with what limited time I get to work on this kit, I had used most of that time to sculpt & design new / modify part for this kit...mainly using epoxy putty & pla-plate. I have also primed most of th upper body, as well as performed a bit of kit bashing for a new GN booster. This update will mainly just display some of what I done to the upper body and the new GN Booster. Last time we left off where I was at 30% modify state, but now I am at about 50% modify state, so still quite a lot of work to be done.
This image display the results on the head where I had used epoxy putty to lenghten the antennas.

Here all the labled parts are 100% epoxy putty & pla-plate, maticulously sculpt, sand & panel lined. The two square holes on the new piece is for a pair of vulcun cannons (silver tube) to be installed later.

The new GN Booster shown at the back is created using parts from the 1/100 Gundam Dynames & MG Freedom Gundam. The GN Booster itself is at 40% completion pending wings extenions, some small parts created from pla-plates, & new panel lines.

The back of the head is an extension which was sculpted using epoxy putty.

Here are various misc images of the work done thus far.... most of the new parts still requires a bit of sanding to smoothen the surface.