Some new scans from this week's Famisu magazine provided by SRWHotNews for the PS3 game Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C. 0081, the name is a mouth full. Most people now just calls it Gundam Senki 0081.
Release Date: Fall '09
(No specified date yet, but is good to know that is not too far off...YAY!)
Ranking of New Games that Japanese Wants: Rank 31st
(It has ranked 28th during April, and 23th during late May)
In these scans, the article shows a bit more of the Zeon side of things. In the game, Zeon loving players get to play the Invincible Knights unit, a squad belonging to the remnant Zeon forces left on Earth after the One Year War. In the article, it seem like a new Zeon mobile suit is being introduced. I have tried to sort out the name of this awesome looking Zaku-Gouf-Dom hybrid mobile suit. And thanks to Blue-Destiny (a fellow blogger) for telling me that it is actually the MS-08TX Efreet Custom (w/ a really nice looking katana blade). I had previously thought that the large katakana letters on the side was the name. But it turns out that it reads "Ifurito Nahato", which sounds more like "Invisible Knight" to me.
Anyhow the games has the look & feel of it's prodessor Gundam Lost War Chronicle (PS2). But I ain't complaining since this one has way better graphics & most importantly online gameplay (Support up to 8 players...WOOT!).

I really dig the customization screenshots shown below. It reminds me of the customization interface in Wii's Gundam MS Front 0079 game, but hopefully it is not as constricted.
And for each completed mission, the game would grant awards (prizes) to player. And these prizes would go into the customization of the mobile suits. I wondered if the prizes will be determined by performance, if so, then I really dig it. A bit of RPG element never hurts.
I also like how the pilots also has their own stats. I hope the stats can either be customized or be able to grow on its own. Again, I really like RPG elements.

The screen below despict the formation & squad command elements of the game. fairly standard similiar to the other 2 gundam games that I was talking about.
Typical formation style (A & V formations).
Squad commands seen here suggests player will be able to issue commands such as (1) focusing fire on certain enemy unit, (2) Close Range Attack (Melee?), (3) Resupply. Don't trust me too much on (2), my understanding of Kanji is a bit flaky sometimes.

Here, info about how story elements will come into play before & during each mission. Gosh...I can't wait until this game comes out.

Images from SRWHotNews