Remember those little ships that were on display at the Shizouka Hobby Show. Here are some close up photo and brief descriptions. I just love ships from the UC era.

Gwadan class
Unit type: large battleship
Armament: 2-barrel main gun x 2, 2-barrel secondary gun x 10, secondary gun x 4
Armament: 2-barrel main gun x 2, 2-barrel secondary gun x 10, secondary gun x 4

Unit type: cruiser
Ships of the line: Dogosse Gier, General Revil
Launch catapults: 12
Captain(s): Paptimus Scirocco, Bask Om (Dogosse Gier)

Unit type: heavy cruiser
Armament: 2-barrel main gun x 6, main gun x 2, 2-barrel secondary gun x 2, secondary gun x 4
Mobile suits: 10
Launch catapults: 4
Ships of the line: Hario

Unit type: heavy cruiser
Armament: 2-barrel main gun x 4, main gun x 2, 2-barrel secondary gun x 4, secondary gun x 4
Ships of the line: Alexandria, Al Giza, Aswan, Al Qasr, Kandahar, Hario (refit)
Mobile suits: 12
Launch catapults: 4

Class: ArgamaName: Argama
Ships of the line: Argama, Pegasus III
Unit type: assault cruiserManufacturer: Anti-Earth Union Group/Anaheim Electronics CompanyOperator(s): Anti-Earth Union Group; Karaba
First deployment: March UC 0087
Dimensions: overall length 323 metersWeight: 54031 metric tonsPropulsion: jet/rocket engine; Minovsky craft system
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 4 x main gun; 2 x mega particle gun; hyper mega particle cannon; 2 x missile launcher
Mobile suits: 8 Mobile weapons: MSA-003 Nemo; RMS-099 (MSA-099) Rick Dias; MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam; MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam; RX-178 Gundam Mark II; MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki; FXA-08R Mega Rider; FXA-05D G-Defenser
Launch catapults: 2

Unit type: battleship
Armament: 2-barrel main gun x 2, main gun x 5
Ships of the line: Irish, Radish