GG INFINITE is having a holiday sale for a whole bunch of our latest & greatest goods. We are placing both in-stock & pre-order items on sale through out the holiday season. More items will be listed daily on sale here during this holiday sales campaign. So please check back HERE to see what's new on sale!
And to help you save even more money for your holiday shopping, we are offering two types of coupon during the holiday!
$10 Coupon for orders in the amount of $150 and above. Just type in the coupon code 10foryou in your shopping cart.
$20 Coupon for orders in the amount to of $300 and above. Just type in the coupon code 20foryou in your shopping cart.
Don't forget we are still offering our low $9.99 flat rate shipping for order within the United States of up to 10 lbs!