Gundam: Duel Company (PC / Handheld Device Card-based Video Game)
A brand-new NetCarddass product from the Mobile Suit Gundam series from Carddass (Bandai South Asia Pte Ltd.)
More info about the launch of this upcoming game... stay tuned!
[Updated 7/26/14] *NEW*
[Gundam: Duel Company]
Attention Commanders!
Gundam: Duel Company Version 1 booster pack has officially launched today! For a list of where you can purchase the booster packs in your region, do refer to this link:
Remember, for every box purchase, you will be entitled to either a Guncannon 109 Unit card, Guntank card or Char's Zaku card, while stocks last! On top of that, there will be a random Zaku card and Gundam card inserted into every box.
So hurry out there and engage the strongest mobile suits and pilots to aid you on your quest to be the number 1 commander in the world!