RG 1/144 Destiny Gundam (Release Date: April 2013, Price: 2,625 yen)
P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive: RG 1/144 Destiny Gundam Expansion Effect Unit "Wing of Light"
1/144 Destiny Gundam + Wing of Light Set Combo Deal
3 Images above via el_hobby_mokei Twitter

Called it
DeleteI always love destiny gundam. I hope bandai make PG destiny later.
destiny is weak
Deletebut in the game, it is quite strong..
Deleteasu is weak like a jackass!
Delete@ anon 10:55 PM not with impulse. he actually improved until he destroyed freedom
Delete@Raikid It's because Kira was not serious. He'll be dead in a heartbeat if Kira wants to.
Deletei want RG exia .....or rg zz... sad
ReplyDeletesame... I was expecting Exia too...
DeleteI wanted RG stuff from 00 as well. But considering that Destiny just got an HD Remaster confirmed, not too surprised really. I wonder if RG Strike Freedom will slip in there before this guy comes out.
DeleteI hope not strike freedom has gotten way to much fan service. I mean if it wasent for shine being turned into the enemy, I think destiny deserves some love.
Deleteyeah true that anonymous .... well if you guuys expect exia it must be in the next release of Rg .... my prediction
DeleteI think Destiny/Seed doesn't need that much attention in the RG line. I love UC but cmon, why seed destiny? could've been 00 series or other older series.
DeleteAnd trust me, AGE doesn't deserve anything. BanDai should stop making these little fucks(AGE)
so its true.. Bandai planning to release those popular MS
ReplyDeleteSeems like you are new to Gunpla and Bandai.
Deletewhy not impulse T.T
ReplyDeleteAgreed. To be honest, when I heard the news of the destiny remaster, I was expecting bandai to announce either a RG Impulse or Destiny.
DeleteYea, especially Impulse with Blast Mode T~T
DeleteWell.. that was unexpected...
ReplyDeleteIf Bandai is stingy, They'll not provide the wing effect parts. The one with the HG is compatible with it. Or a second version with the effect part, like the MG.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this I can't help but sense RG 1/144 Destiny Gundam Extreme Blast Mode will coming.
DeleteDon't give them any ideas!
DeleteI bet next 1 is Impulse with the announcement around the 1st episode airing of remaster HD of SEED Destiny.
ReplyDeletenext RG 7 Sword plss... LOL
ReplyDeletemy poor poor wallet...
ReplyDeletemine too, but not on seed stuff but on others like mg nu ver.ka, rg zeta & mb exia r3.
Deleteso far the pattern goes 3 suits from every series right.
ReplyDeletemaybe they'll give us saviour after this?
so the 2 other will be strike freedom and infinite justice?
DeleteSFreedom so they could reuse some of their RG molds.
DeleteI'm just not feeling the SF and IJ though.
DeleteI'm 80% sure that Impulse will be one of the 3, since they can use the same trick they used with strike.
give out the strike and the packs later.
the problem with that is the different impulse colors when using the different packs.
I guess you guys didn't notice that SEED got four RG releases. Strike, Freedom, Justice and Skygrasper. You can argue all you want that it's not a mobile suit, it's still a kit that they had to invest money into making. Stop trying to find patterns from arbitrary information. Here's the only pattern that matters: will people buy it?
DeleteActually SEED got more RG releases than the rest so far. Remember there's Freedom, Justice, Strike in Deactivate Mode, Strike Rouge in 2 packs (Aile Strike & upcoming Online Limited with I.W.S.P Pack) & there's Strike w/o any Packs at all.
DeleteDefinitely SEED series is a money cow for Bandai
Aw mai gawd, what a bad news. :/
ReplyDeleteWhy not rg wing zero custom?
ReplyDeleteBecause in Japan wing zero simply isn't as popular as the Seed suits.
DeleteLucky Japanese fans (and non-japanese fans with the same tastes)
Deletemaybe I should throw away my MG destiny now lol. RG seems to be better than MG
ReplyDeleteFInally!!!! i was waiting for the best ever build gundam!!! thundering darkness is coming....
ReplyDeleteOh yes another RG to my collection, but as someone said earlier
ReplyDeleteI bet they cheap out on the wing effect parts.......
Destiny Gundam has nothing going for it except those cool pink wings
(the sword impulse does the big sword thing better imo)
So I guess possible RG order could be..
Strike Freedom
Infinite Justice
Force Impulse
Silhouette Flyer with Blast and Sword attachments
^ Maybe that list is ideal..LOL I suspect 00 Real Grade kits sliding in there in 2013.
I actually waiting for RG 00Qan[T] and give it GN Sword IV.
DeleteAnd RG Wing Zero EW as well
Fuck you and your RG predictions. Are you fucking retarded? more than 2 consecutive Seed/Destiny RG would be dumb as fuck.
DeleteThe RG should highlight UC series or probably introduce a new series in the RG line? maybe 00 or wing?
Fuck you they just made an MG of aegis.
Seriously? There is no way Bandai would make all those mobile suits into real grade. If the Saviour didn't get a mg do you really think they'll make a real grade? And if you haven't noticed all the other real grade model kits Bandai releases them in a variety, not just in one series. If this is your personal prediction then it's a pretty stupid one.
DeletePeople, it's nike / suiton, don't take his words seriously, he's just a little kid, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
DeletePersonally i like the rg model without the decals. They just look clean and neat. Anyone with me? :))
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on that, but i find a few decals on add something to the look of the kit
DeleteWhiever didn't see this coming with the Seed Destiny HD remaster announcement were naive
ReplyDeleteOkay this is cool even though I dont like Destiny. Still will they chrome and give us the wings of light? Or cheap out
ReplyDeleteIf SF ever get a RG, make a better gold inner frame pls bandai
ReplyDeleteand Bandai better give us the wings of light effect for SF,even the Perfect Grade doesn't have it
DeleteFUCK, I would totally buy an RG ground type!
DeleteFUCK seed and Destiny. UC all the way
Calm down, grandpa. You might accidentally stab yourself with your RG Zeta.
DeleteWhy not go down the line impulse then destiny. It's probably going to be ¥3000 for the wings of light
ReplyDeletethe lineart looks very busy...
ReplyDeleteAt least they got to release the title MS first this time...
ReplyDeleteanother year of seed/destiny, meh whatever... at least my wallet is happy.
ReplyDeleteI don't like a Gundam that has defeated just like that, gimme strike freedom or infinite justice.
ReplyDeletewell,from my point of view, the fact that bandai announced RG Destiny is already an indirect confirmation of strike freedom and infinite justice, just wait and be patient
DeleteAnon Nov 21, The Gundam itself is awesome it just the story that made it lose that sucks.
DeleteEverything about it sucks, the only thing thae made it look good is it's RG style looks and line-art, and probably it'll look good/ awesome? with them RG style decals
DeleteAnd people, please, why the hell does it matter when a gundam was defeated or not?
"If a gundam is defeated, it's model kit probably sucks" yep, seems about right.
With similar inner frame as RG Destiny, we can hope for RG Legend gundam to come up not too distant into the future
ReplyDeleteI'm glad they decided to bring Destiny out first instead of SF. Seriously, enough with Freedom and Justice. They had their spot at SEED. Now it's Shinn's spotlight.
ReplyDeleteShin sucks.
Deletewell matthew, u sucks..
Deleteaw.. why not some wing series RG? was really hoping for it since rg zeta has been rolled out with the new transformation tech, so i thought wing(tv series) has a shot to be the next rg.. :(
ReplyDeleteGoing by production time we got 4 more series to go before we get to wing (ZZ, CCA, F91, V)
DeleteBecause ZZ, CCA, F91 and Victory are popular enough to constitute real grades. The next series that actually have a shot at being real graded would be 00, Wing or Unicorn. Unicorn is simply too new. As much as I dislike the idea, 00 would probably come next. Maybe if Frozen Teardrop got enough people interested, then we could see wing.
DeleteAs for Destiny, consider MSG is getting the Zgok, GM &Gouf,maybe we will see the SF, IJ, and Impulse/packs.
I think you're overestimating Wing's popularity in Japan (it was average at best). UC is still the flagship cash cow for Bandai with Seed coming close second. I expect we'll see something from those two eras before anything from Wing or 00. However the recent push of MG Wing kits does make it a possibility...
DeleteMe personally I'm waiting for a RG Turn A or Turn X! I don't care what haters say, I like their design.
"Anonymous December 2, 2012 3:22 AM
DeleteGoing by production time we got 4 more series to go before we get to wing (ZZ, CCA, F91, V)"
Except that the RG series went from UC straight to SEED. They "skipped" every series made in between. When will you guys realize that Bandai's only pattern is profit; like every other business? They're not your friend. They don't think "Let's make Destiny, the design deserves respect and it will make people happy". Get over your sentimentality, and stop projecting emotion onto a company that is only serving its function.
compulsory in my buying list! =D
ReplyDeleteY Destiny?? Y U NO Release Unicorn or EZ-8 or another Universal Century MS :'(
DeleteRG unicorn, no matter how good it sounds, it's most unlikely to come to the RG line, at least anytime soon, BanDai would probably milk the Seed line then produce more aweosme older UC stuff.
DeleteI Don't think they'll introduce a new series to the RG line just yet(00, wing, etc..).
I don't really give a ghost of a rat's ass about the Destiny. I'm more interested in the potential kits that have a chance of coming out after it. The line art displays showed all Universal Century Mobile Suits, which is a plus in my books regardless. BUT, I'm rooting for the Ground Type Gundam to win it. That son of a bitch hasn't had a new kit in what...like 12 years?
ReplyDeleteI guess you missed the HGUC release in 2007? How many times should they make it?
DeleteUC has 6 to SEED's 5. SEED is catching up and soon they'll takeover UC and the series will be called RGCE.
ReplyDeleteWe must thank SEED for making money for Bandai 'cause they need it badly to keep them alive. If not from SEED franchise the company would not survive.
Except the next 3 RG will be UC ones with Gouf, Zok, and GM. Bandai doesn't care about universes, they release RG on proven popular designs.
ReplyDeleteI'll take it.
DeleteI'm actually hoping for a break on gundam type RGs.
IS sky grasper a proven popular design compared to Nu Gundam, ZZ, EZ-8 or V?
DeleteProbably not. But the strike was already a RG and I'm pretty sure Bandai wanted to milk the strike for more money by making a RG for the two other striker packs. I wouldn't be too surprised to see a RG perfect strike at some point in the future.
DeleteBesides, the MG Nu Ver. KA is already awesome (except for the fin funnel connections)
DeleteI bought the Skygrasper for the add-on packs, I don't even have it on display.
DeleteApril? That's quite a gap between RG releases.
ReplyDeleteYeah, then after april, I hope bandai bombards us with many UC RG
DeleteRG MS Gundam : Gundam, Zaku II, Zaku II CA
ReplyDeleteRG MS Zeta : Gundam MK II, MK II Titan, Zeta Gundam
RG MS Seed : Aile Strike, Freedom , Justice, Sky Grasper, Strike Rouge, Freedom & Justice Deactive
RG MS S.Destiny : Destiny, ... Next (Maybe) : Strike Freedom, Infinite Justice
and Next Series (Maybe)...... Hope for it ^^
RG MS Unicorn : Unicorn & Banshee (Destroy Mode / Unicorn Mode), Sinanju
RG MS 00 : Exia, 00 Raiser, 00 Qan[T]
RG MS Wing : Wing Zero, Tallgeese, Epyon
well, RG Destiny means an "auto guarantee" that bandai gonna release Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice, since how are you gonna make the "showdown" pose when you only have Destiny without Strike Freedom
DeleteI also hole for something from 00, maybe 00 7Sword/G gonna be badass ^^
and since they already release Zeta, they maybe gonna make wing or wing zero tv version since both are also a transformable ms ^^
RG MS Zeta: Rick Diaz, Hyaku Shiki.
DeleteRG 8th MS team: Ground Type, Gouf.
RG MS Sentinel: S/Ex-S
RG 0083: Gp01/ Gp03
dude really EX-S?
DeleteC'mon man, there's nothing wring about dreaming bout it, besides, I love the Ex-s,
Deleteif not Ex-s most likely the S gundam! hear me out bandai
RG AGE Series would be nice....
ReplyDelete.Gundam AGE-1 Normal
.Gundam AGE-2 Normal
.Gundam AGE-3 Normal
.Gundam AGE-FX
.Gundam Legilis
Dude, that sort of reaction towards someones liking is not needed. It's people like you that don't deserve to be a part of the Gundam/Gunpla community. But I don't think we'll be getting any age mobile suits in real grade form for a while, as the age series isn't doing so well in the market. Maybe some time in the future :]
Deleteman you have a point, but please anything BUT age on the RG line.
Deletewhy not 00? wing? or some other series
each have their own strong points. While Wing is highly popular, the company needs to see something that sells, and Wing is older (and less attractive to make into RG's), and what with the Wing MGs recently out?
DeleteThat said, PLEASE no more SEED
I agree, NO MORE SEED,
Deletemany seed destiny fags are crying out there, OMFG this thing has no fucking wings!?
what the fuck people?
@anon Jan 5
DeleteLol go suck a dick you close minded shitface faggot fuckhead
Why don't YOU kill yourself ya fucking assbag
@Anonymous January 5, 2013 at 2:41 AM
Deletezzzzz.... maybe another UC fucktard, doesn't care much bout other universe... man, all of the GUNDAM is BANDAI's franchise so dont get so picky on it
I want to see a rg wing zero custom
ReplyDeleteI'll cry if they make one, oh those delicate wings....
DeleteI can't imagine how WZC will look like in RG style.
no sign of wings of light effect parts yet?
ReplyDeleteIf following previous RG's tradition, Wings of Light is not possible for RG line. Zeta didn't even get the Hyper Mega Launcher because it's too huge to be "real".
DeleteRG Destiny without Wings of lights is automaticly a easy pass, its as simple as that, and its not because they´re to big, thats like saying WZC wings are not going to be included because they´re to big and well unrealistic as fuck.
DeleteWZC is a different matter because the wings are part of the body design. RG lineup will skip extra attachment that won't have too much impact on the main design itself.
DeleteToo huge to be real? That's plain bulls***. They're f***ing exhuast fumes. More to the point the Destiny was blatantly designed to have those wings as a prominent feature, hell its furst showing was in the second opening with those very wings being shot out of its back charging towards the Freedom. And the freaking HIGH GRADE has the wings, for the real grade to skimp on them and make them some stupid online exclusive is just bulls***.
DeleteBandai can go f*** themselves if those wings don't show up soon. I'm not paying for a halfarsed suit that lacks a basic feature so they can scam a few more dollars from people. Next they'll make freaking Funnels for something like the Nu an Online Exclusive.
Delete<,< the Nu's funnels are Exclusive alright.
one more thing, calm the fuck down you destiny fag
Destiny fag? What are you, a petulant twelve year old? Because I haven't had a moronic insult like that since I was at high school.
DeleteActually, no, they actually did better insults. Fag is a derogatory term for gay people, which gven my large stash of erotic material of the opposite gender is untrue. As is the Destiny part given I consider every AU besides Turn A, After War X, and Seed to be absloute s***. However I don't go around calling people who like Wing, 00, and Age (the three worst series of Gundam in my opinion) to be fags, because I like the franchise as a whole and consider people who insult others over their prefered series to be utterly unworthy of so much as having anything to do with Gundam.
Its a bunch of toys, and I am fully in my right to get angry over Bandai cutting out motre and more from thier kits. It bodes badly for ALL kits, not just Destiny, and even if I consider Destiny only one step above Age it had some damn good mecha designs that, yes, I would like to include on my shelf. Much like despite my stated views on 00 and Wing I have a couple of Wing and 00 Master Grades on my shelf. If you can't put your views of something aside to enjoy a model kit...I feel so very sorry for you.
whoa, someone's taking things too seriously and, literally. Not siding on anyone here, jst gonna have to get my popcorn.
DeleteSomebody really gets too work up just for the Wings of Light. =o=;;
ReplyDeletebut just because everybody else is talking about that... i hope there will be a RG ZZ gundam, RG Hi-Zack , RG Strike freedom, RG Infinite Justice, RG Force Impulse and yah
I hope bandai skips on ZZ and makes RG hyaku shiki, then on proceeding in the 8th MS team then probably some MS in Gundam Sentinel and then Gp01-Gp03.
DeleteOn the seed line, I'm expecting Savior to have either RG or MG treatment, either way, it will be nice (probably an exclusive re color w/ vent savior).
Real Grade Hyaku Shiki would be really nice. And I wouldn't be able to resist RG GP01-GP03.
Deleteaaaaandd there u hve it, RG GP01!! \(*o*)/
Deletejust meh, imma probably wait for the next UC RG, hoping for either Ground type, Gouf or GP03.
ReplyDeletefingers crossed
I'm so happy to see that there other people like the GP03. I want a RG or MG 2.0 of GP01 Full Burner and GP03 Stamen, and I want the GP03 the most.
DeleteI'd be happy of Bandai goes ahead and makes Ground Gundam or the Gouf too
Well, it will take a pretty long time for Bandai to release MG 2.0 of GP01/FB or GP03. But i think there will be RG GP03 or GP01
DeleteYeah I know, chances are it will be awhile before we see new master grades of GP01fb and GP03s. I'm still hoping for them sooner rather than later though
DeleteBut if we get real grades of those gundams first, I'd be more than satisfied.
Also, this real grade Destiny is looking really nice. But I like the line art more than the prototype. I hope the final product looks more like that
I'd do a backflip if badai announced a 2.0 or RG of GP01 and specially, the GP03s!!!!!
Delete*Cries* My Fellow GP03s lovers, we must Unite!
DeleteReally, I am happy to see other people like the GP gundams and want them to get RGs or new MGs.
Sadly, we'd probably all die from heart attacks when they are announced, out of happiness and disbelief
well, the stardust memo's units are quite good and does have the mix of old design and new technology and sexy. i was angry when RG Des doesnt have WOL (not yet, i hope) but was happy to see GP01 make its appearance. DO HOPE for unit 2 and 3
Deleteyou have so many post about new items and " order here" have you yet shipped out any of the pre-order items? had anyone received their els quan[t] or even email notification about it being shipped out yet?
ReplyDeleteI got my Strike Rouge RG a few days back? They ship fast, as soon as they get em.
DeleteRG 0083 GP series please!
ReplyDelete^ Listen to anon 3:30am, they know what they're talking about
DeleteYou can take our money for RG GP01/fb, GP02A, GP03S, and GP04/Gerbera Tetra as well
Do not forget GP00 blossom! bet bandai will probably choos 1 or two out of the GP series,
Deletemore like GP01 and GP03
Man, I always forget about that Blossom Gundam. I love the colors on that bad boy. Too bad it didn't appear in the series otherwise it would get more love in the gunpla world.
DeleteYeah, I think if actually do get real grades of any of the GP gundams, it'll be GP01 and GP03.
That being said, I think the GP03s will come very soon in the RG line or if not, MG 2.0?
Deleteafter some RG from the 8th ms team, most probably ms0083 will come next
You were right man, impressive.
DeleteLooking forward to the GP01fb and GP03
No Wing of Light? I pass this one. MG is better way.
ReplyDeleteI guess Wing of Light ver. will be seen in Damashii online shop exclusive later. Don't forget Bandai love to milking our money...
DeleteLooks good but whats with its feet?
ReplyDeleteWould it be ridiculous to think that someday in the RG line.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................AN RG EX-S would be embodied!?
ReplyDeleteFuck WackyModder84
ReplyDeleteI always and will love this suit
Yeah that guy gets waaay too worked up over a fictional robot.
DeleteAnother RG Zaku. Imagine that. lol
ReplyDeleteI will be seriously bummed if there are no wings of light i mean come on.
ReplyDeleteWell, looks like my prediction was right after all...... And I think Bandai should focus on creating an RG that uses the "core block system" like ZZ Gundam, Force Impulse Gundam, Sword Impulse Gundam, Blast Impulse Gundam, S Gundam, Ex-S Gundam etc,. If anyone would ask me what RG should be next, it would be the one that I mention above and the Gundam Wing series.
ReplyDeleteDayumm, if Bandai starts on them massive, blocky UC suits in the RG series, ZZ, S / Ex-S, damn i would love that.
Delete@6:00 Anon; Destiny is my all-time favorite Gundam. I really hope this one comes with Wings of Light. On that note, I suspect the reason why they haven't shown any pics of the beam wings is 'cuz the whole model is still in prototype stage, and semi-opaque-white flat wings wouldn't look very good with the rest of it. I bet once they get a display kit done, we'll see Beam Wings.
ReplyDeleteThey have already shown the sheild though, surely they would have shown them with the other accessories. We probably will see Wings though, they just won't be included :p
DeleteThat is true... welp... I hope they make it backward-compatible with the HG Destiny's beam wings if they don't include new wings.
DeleteNo wings of light =,(
ReplyDeleteNot a big fan of the Destiny. Hope they make some 00 soon. More UCs are also welcome. :)
ReplyDeleteaw cmon... rg 00 7 sword or exia plssss =___________=
ReplyDeleteis it just me or the proportions look nothing like the lineart =_=
ReplyDeleteand why dont they show the fucking wings effect ....
ReplyDeleteYeah, I', doubting this will come with the wings effect :S
ReplyDeleteSorry bandai, no buy for me if so
They should have launched RG Strike Freedom first. Wing effect for RG might be a web exclusive.
ReplyDeleteThey would, eventually. Just consider this as an "auto-guarantee" from bandai that they gonna release RG SF. How can u reanimate the "showdown" pose when u only have Destiny anyway? lol
Deleteno wing of light.. :( but still interesting.. can't wait to see final product..
ReplyDeletewhy so many stupid comments here.. cmon guys, try to think simple.. if u dont like it, dont buy it.. if u like it, buy it..
Why is destiny whiter then before 0_0
ReplyDeleteIs that wing of lights effect really that important? I think not.
ReplyDeleteYes, they are. When you design an entire suit around a feature, and then omit said feature, you render the point of having the suit utterly invalid. The Destiny without Wings is like the Nu without funnels, like the 00 without the Raiser, like the Age FX without C Funnels, ect. And given what they include in a basic HG kit now it is simply unaceptable for them to omit the wings.
DeleteWhat is the main difference between this and the Perfect Strike? The wings. Every other weapon besides the hands can be found on the Strike.
By God and Jesus, you mean Setsuna F Seiei and Kira Yamato?
Deleteps. I don't dislike Setsuna and Kira
to anon 7:56
DeleteWHAT THE FUCK!? what the fuck does that have to do with anything
Spambot, just move along
DeleteDo you accept Kira Yamato as your lord and saviour?
DeleteNo I believe in Optimus Prime
ReplyDeletescrew this rg, the rg gpo1 came true yay!
ReplyDeleteThe colors really pop on this RG. If I had to pick my top RG kits it would be this, the GP01, and the Mk. II A.E.U.G. colors.
ReplyDeleteSays in Japanese at the bottom Wings of Light Premium Bandai
ReplyDeleteBandai can f*** themsevles then. When the HG and MG have them then this just shows they are utterly pathetic and deserve this to flop. Obviously it will sell though, because consumers are pathetic sheep that swallow anything a company does to them.
Deleteyou are pathetic enough to like destiny itself
DeleteJust wait for the announcement, if it's the same effect parts for HG 1/144 counterpart, you can buy HG Destiny for wings effect instead
Delete@anon at 2:52 , Sounds like you're mad because you're a pathetic sheep that can't get what he wants.
DeleteBuy Bandai's RG Destiny.
DeleteThen buy HongLi's HG Destiny just for the Wings of Light.
Add a little creativity...
Maximum trolling!
Dude, get your facts straight, the official release of the hg has the wings, and only poor people buy pirate kits.
DeleteWing of light stand alone parts in premium exclusive? Bandai really know how to suck money from fans!
ReplyDeleteMore like get the few people still interested in getting a Destiny to buy the Master Grade instead.
DeleteHonestly, even though I hated Seed Destiny (mostly the story), Destiny's one of the designs I absolutely love. The RG looks like it's shaping up to be a nice kit. But no Wings of Light? Bandai, you can release 2 RGs at the same time (even if they're just recolors), but you can't include the main feature of an MS in it's own RG kit? It's like the Exia with only one sword, or the GP02 without it's shield. I'm still getting this, but I wouldn't prioritize it. Bandai, you could've made so much more money if you just included the wings...
ReplyDeletemy oh my! what huge feet you have!
ReplyDeleteRG destiny sure as hell looks like fuck
ReplyDeleteScrew the watermark. gginfinite will fold up!
ReplyDeleteis it just me or no usual color separation on this rg? if so then it sucks
ReplyDeleteseedfag too excited on this RG Destiny and no one even complaint about color separation. Then, this RG is suck. yes, i noticed too.
Deletethere is color separation, look at the skirt armor. there are 2 colors, and im sure that BanDai wont give us 2 stickers or a runner with only 2 parts
Deletewow yeah now i see it. it's too damn subtle and the blue looks really crappy too. and @anon you need to grow up dude. i mean yeah i dont like destiny and objectively speaking this rg looks not so good but what's with the hate on seed fans?
DeleteI don't like the way the knee bends on it. I also don't see too much armor separation in the joints
ReplyDeleteYeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh my wish for hg destiny 2.0 has finally come true
ReplyDeleteRG ARF or ABF will be great i think...
ReplyDeleteWorst looking RG so far
ReplyDeletethis looks like a HG.....
ReplyDeleteTop image looks like HG because the kit has no panel lining and the photo itself is overexposed, which hides most of the subtle detail.
ReplyDeleteI really these particular images are just crappy photos, theres no panel lines, decals and you can barely see the separation between the light grey and the white. I'm still going to reserve judgement until we see some better photos. It's got to look better than that...
ReplyDeleteStill say the feet are too big. The weird thing is that I always felt as though the Destiny has narrow feet, maybe its just the slim design of the suit.
DeleteThis kit has been looking really bad for a while, and these photos don't bolster hope. If anything they lose hope, the colours aren't right. That combined with the lack of what are basically a basic feature (another person disgruntled with the lack of wings here) means unless some better photos show this as gods gift to Gunpla I'll be sticking with my Extreme Blast Mode kit. That comes with a nice amount of detail, and literally every accessory and gimmick you can dream of, and doesn't screw over international buyers in the process like Bandai seems to prefer doing nowadays.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, would it kill Bandai to put these nice things in their actual releases again? In an era where high grades get increasingly better treatment leaving out the wings for the Destiny and the Nu Funnel effect parts when they were in Hi-Nu just seems really wrong and more happy screwing over the consumer than putting out a truly special product. Though in Nus favour it at least is still a truly complete and amazing kit without those effects, it just would have been a nice touch given what they used to do with this grade and the fact the kit was supposed to be a truly special one.
I am a big fan of Seed, never liked Destiny. Sunrise has done the old casts injustice by destroying their characters and development in Destiny, the new casts were okay but then they switch the focus back to the old casts midway...
ReplyDeleteAlthough not liking the 2nd season, the Destiny's design itself is decent. But this RG's leg cabs and foot are too enormous. It's quite disappointing that the final product would differ that drastically from the CAT design which has pretty much perfect body proportion. This may be the most disproportionate Destiny yet or even worst the most disproportionate RG Bandai has made yet. The lower body is just too weird...Will they fix the proportion? or will they just reserve that design for the "HD ver" for the MG or a PG? only time can tell
Now this is a prime example of making a choice between Good look/proportion or solid inner frame with a comprise of humongous knee armor, very fat foot guards (which is obviously much bigger than the computer drawn design), slim leg and a oddly huge feet. The head is a little bit big, the body is a little bit fat and "squeezed" vertically.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Bandai is having trouble squeezing down their RG frames for smaller suits like Destiny. And Destiny is not that small, lol. Looks like 0089, crossbone, Victory, G and W will have to wait much longer for RGs considering how bad this Destiny as a trial product is going, lol.
I feel that way about all Real Grade proportions.
DeleteDont know much about what Bandai think and as a normal Gundam lover-Kit builder, i would say that the foot armor is probably there to prevent the kit itself from falling back and may accidentally damage its wings since there was tooooo much happened on its back. The knee armor bend in a new way, not really fond of, I still prefer the MG's knee armor. Color separation are there but kinda hard to notice, aside from the skirt armor, i can't really spot much at all. I can somewhat see that the calf may have a difference to the rest of the leg. No split-and-slide thigh armor, a bit minus because this one is from Seed Des. The weapons are nice enough. The pic is quite bright (or 7my eyes are dead) so i cant say much more. I will give this about 7/10 for the time being.
ReplyDeleteAll these shit are just my opinion, if it is too long, just skip :P
when the box says Real Grade... I will go for it....
ReplyDeleteJust like me~simple thinking is the easiest way here :P
DeleteWhy is part of the Beam Rifle white? The Destiny's Beam Rifle is supposed to be mostly grey.
ReplyDeleteSo was RG Strike's beam rifle and they changed that too.
DeleteThe proportion looks off especially the legs and feet. Still likes the overall silhouette of the MG one better, plus it has the wing of light. Only thing going for the RG Destiny is the amount of panel lines
ReplyDeleteHuh... I was half expecting them to reuse the Advanced MS Joint 4. Suspicions confirmed. But... Decals/Stickers for the Beam Shield...?
ReplyDeleteNo surprise there they reuse the same MS joints for destiny. Don't know if it is sticker for the beam shield but I don't really care, I don't plan on using that anyway.
Deleteoh ... dat box !!!!
ReplyDeleteI just had an orgasm
destiny look chubby