"Tokyo Gundam Project 2012" is an event to promote "Green" in Tokyo's waterfront areas by the image of "Flower Gundam", RX-78-2 Gundam covered with flowers and green. The event started today at Diver City Tokyo where the 1/1 RG RX-78-2 Gundam & Gundam Front Tokyo is located in Odaiba, as part of the National Urban Greenery Fair Tokyo.
Here are some images at the location via blogger: meikyousisui_22
things i found interesting:
ReplyDeleteStyle of architecture, contents on display, shirt designs. And the fact that a serving of popcorn is 400 yen and beer is only 500 yen... wish i was there
how much are shirts?
ReplyDeleteAre you telling me that Bandai can't afford to hire some hot show car models to sell popcorn????