Monday, May 30, 2011


Earlier this month, I had hosted a lucky draw contest on this blog for 2 RG Aile Strike Gundam model kits.  I had a great time doing it, and I am sure the 2 winners are happy with their prizes. =)  But not many knew about it, since we only posted a simple message on my facebook, and also in the chatbox.  And some of you also emailed me saying the contest was way too short, and some didn't know about it.
And so....we are going to do it again, perhaps every month (maybe).  For June's Lucky Draw, we are asking you "Gundam fans" to leave a comment in this post, sharing with us which Gundam series is your favorite & why.  You may post more than one message as it is also a great opportunity for some great discussions.  But please note that your name will only be counted once for the lucky draw contest.
On June 15th we will announce the winners on this blog. We are going to randomly draw 2 winners to receive the HGUC 1/144 Dreissen [Unicorn Ver.] model kit.  You may leave comments starting today.   And since I update this blog pretty often, I'd added a image link on the side bar, just so you can access this post easier. =)
Note: No profanity / name calling is allowed in your comments or your post will be deleted.  And further alteration to the rule is subject to change if deemed necessary.
No Anonymous allowed


  1. UC and the 00 series, as they're roughly the same size.

  2. your blog is important to me since it provides me info and images about gunpla. Because i only understand english, not chinese and japanese. Hoping to see some great news from tokyo toy show 2011 in your blog. Rumour said that rx 178 gundam mk2 will be the next RG, cant wait!!

  3. Hey alls :) im not particularly a die hard fan of any series but hey go UC cant beat the classics eh? ;) hehe i love the mechanical designs in UC alot so hey props to Kunio and Hajime for them :)

  4. Stardust Memory, the realism can be felt while watching it. Full of suspense.

  5. Hmm... I liked o8th ms team alot just because of how... real? detailed? it was. UC also had the same feel in terms of detail. I just like flying debris that do not disappear into the abyss, like how in seed it was raining ms...

  6. hey :D 1st i want to say, this blog is awesome :D i get all the information about gunpla here :D

    my favourite series will be Gundam 08th ms team :D because its more realistic and less overpowered ms XD (except the MA :P)

  7. My favorite Gundam series? Gundam 00. I like it because of the realistic approach it made. Most Gundam series shows war but 00 really showed me what war is. The horror and dread it contains and how the innocent is affected. I became a Graham fan when he became the captain of the Flag pilots, his men really did respect and honored him. I also like the fact that it wasn't too dramatic. And the Gundam units? They were so cool yet simple. I really likes Exia's design cause it really gives ou the Gundam feel. Lockon's death really made me sad because the series showed me what kind of person he was and how did he became such a loss. Well 00 is the latest series and Sunrise really did a good job with it. Realistic plot and epic war approach. Very good character development. Simple yet cool MS and Gundam units. Great series.

    OT: I would like to thanks GG for this opprtunity. GG, thank you for all the effort you give just to update us gundam enthusiast outside of Japan. More power GundamGuy!

  8. My favourite Gundam series would Gundam Zeta and Gundam 00. Zeta in terms of the storyline, and 00 in terms of the storyline as well as the updated graphics LOL.
    But in terms of storyline.... I would have to say Zeta. :D

  9. Hmmm.... I would say 00 gundam. Good graphics, character development and interestingly unique story line. Besides its the first gundam series I watched, many ppl's fav is their first right?

  10. oh yeah my fav is gundam uc, since the coolest ms line up are in uc. And the story is deep. The g gundam was the worst series.

  11. Ya! 8th MS Team. Love how they reflect the mobile suits as realistic mechanical machines, and not flashy "big-bang attack" all over the screen. Oh, where's MG Gouf Custom Ver 2.0?

  12. Although it's currently being beat out by Gundam UC at the moment, The 08th MS Team always stood out as what Gundam had been aiming for:
    A down to earth (literally) gritty ground combat series based in a believable combat zone of southeast Asia (By, which I think is either Vietnam or the Philippines)! And the love story between Shiroh and Aina had always stood out as a true one, and not something tacked on for character development. And the MS fights were probably the most realistic, providing slow towering behemoths laying waste to each other with whatever means they had.
    Also, Ginias was a nut-bar with 2 awesome mobile armors.

    But given the rate that UC's going, it'll soon replace this title in my favorites...

  13. I really like the Gundam and Mobile Suit design of SEED, but not so much for the anime. hehe. ^_^

  14. I would say my favorite MS series would have to Turn A Gundam. The MS in that show are probably the most unique (The Mustache FTW) and who is to argue the Turn A's Moonlight Butterfly (I believe thats what is called) is epicly awesome and it is crazy powerful and all the characters in that show really are unique and some what memorable than most series I watched and have an outstanding development throughout the series. At the same time other MS from other eras make an appearance. Great series and especially those intro songs (Turn A Turn and Century Color) it's a shame that most people don't or haven't watch Turn A since there really missing out and I'm hoping for a Turn X gundam release anytime soon.

  15. My favorite series is the 8th MS Team series. It featured a story that is realistic and is a probability in any war. Action isn't lacking too. Battle scenes on this series could surely be described as "Ownage." It didn't feature any special hero or heavily modified beings rather it showed true soldiers in the front lines of the One Year War. I have much more to say but if you haven't watched 8th MS Team then I invite you to give it a shot so you would experience yourself what is it like watching a war documentary set on year 0080.:)

  16. For me it has to be gundam 00,the way the suits of setsuna and his other gundam meister comrades changes.They all link to each other,example,setsuna's latest suit 00 Quanta,has the combination of Exia and 00,which really makes it a very fun series to watch.
    Also,the way the storyline goes really suit the series well.

    In conclusion,gundam 00 is a series full of cool MS and strong pilots :D

  17. I love the first ever Gundam series, moblie suit Gundam as I like the EPIC fight between amuro and char and it is the original.XD

  18. the seed/destiny series!!! the story was cool. KIRA YAMATO the ultimate coordinator!!! :D

  19. Well, I can´t make up my mind between Zeta, 00 and 08th... I think I´ll choose 00, it realy has an epic feel to it, and the action is great without overshadowing the story. Also, a special mention to turn A ^^

    Thanx for this opportunity, GG^^

  20. The Zeta series. It had one of the best character development plots as I recal. It showed us how Kamille transformed from the everyday angsty teen into a Man who readily fought to protect, and one who knew how to handle responsibility. It also shows alot on how we are affected when a comrade dies in war. So yeah. That and Zeta Gundam is one of my Fave MS :D

  21. For my overall favorite, it'll be the whole Wing series in general. It's what got my started in Gundam, although it wasn't my very first Gundam series to begin with (I started with the original MSG but was too young to understand the anime)

    As of why, I'd love to say that I really enjoyed how 5 of those pilots put their differences aside time and again so as to stand up against a common threat and how Heero evolved as a whole~ In my book, Heero and Amuro will always take the lead no matter what, followed by Setsuna that is haha xD

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. G Gundam Is my favorite Gundam series since I find the concept of Hand to hand combat in Mecha especially in a Gundam Series unique.

  24. A year ago, I'd have agreed regarding 08th MS Team being the best Gundam series - it's still awesome, but I made the mistake to watch Turn A, which is the best Gundam series out there (IMO). But 08th MS Team will stay the best Gundam OVA, so far.

    one thing about Turn A I liked - there was about one exploding MS reactor (if i remember correctly), which was devastating as hell.
    In contrast V Gundam: every 2nd episode, a MS reactor exploded - it just felt so normal

    And not to forget: Turn A featured several UC suits, Like Zaku I and II, Zssa, Kapool - and even mechanics like the Gallop.

  25. Gundam UC. The characters are wonderful and the MS design and animations are beautiful. The story itself harkens back to the original Gundam yet shows aspects of the series in between. Love it.

  26. I really like the Gundam Wing series. It was the first gundam series I saw and it also got me started into anime! The designs are brilliant especially the Deathsycthe gundams!

  27. Which is my favorite? Gundam 00 was pretty good, loved the design of the suits and the overall plot surrounding the 00-verse and hey, can't beat a lead gundam which has tons of swords xD.
    But the most interesting series at the moment is UC, specifically the time surrounding the events of Laplace's Box. There were tons of great moments from the OVAs and of course there was Sinanju, one of the most beautiful designs to come out of UC (imo).

    Thanks for hosting such an event again GG, glad to be a part of it this time :D.

    (I was darkshard, pls omit my previous comment >_>)

  28. ive been watching gundam for a while, my fav series probably be Z gundam, because of its cool looking mech design (Z, the o, etc..) and also straight forward plot

  29. Gundam Wing would be my favourite series. Why? Well it was the first one I ever watched and that was what exposed me to the Gundam Universe. Also the suit designs in Gundam Wing were remarkable and amazing since they were simplistic, sleek, and elegant. The way Katoki designed the 5 main suits in a way, where all of them shared a lot of similarities, but each had their specific and unique parts/areas, just enough to make them different from one another. Also the designs of the suits were not over the top at all.


  30. my first exposure to Gundam is a FG RX-78 kit that i saw when i was 8, in year 2000 that is. and i actually watched my first gundam series, SEED in 2005. starting from that, i start my exposure in Gundam more, and i find that i am more towards modelling. as for that, among all series, i like UC timeline, for reasons on
    1- unique and practical designs
    2- THRUSTERS! i like bell thrusters, and i like them shiny. and most UC MSs got these ^^
    3- Ka. Katoki. UC designs are made fabulous thanks to Hajime Katoki. nothing beats him in term of designs of MSs which looks very good only by standing ^^

  31. I guess I like Unicorn the best right now as far as story line and animation goes. I like the suits from the Zeta and ZZ the best with the suits from 00 being a close second.

  32. GundamSEED and GundamSEED Destiny why? because of Kira and how he pilot his gundams.

  33. My first series probably is Wing and I love the Mecha design but I think at this time my favorite has got to my Double 0, love those desings as well. the story is pretty cool and the characters are pretty cool to watch develop through out the story. I'm really enjoying Unicorn right now as well. Love the Shinanju

  34. For me its Mobile Suit Gundam =)

  35. Gundam UC and 00, my favorite all time!! like the story line and soundtrack of the series :)))

  36. my fave series would be the gundam wing series, probably because this was the first gundam series I've watched when i was growing up loved the ms design and the story as well

  37. 08TH MS and 0080 because they show the realities of war more clearly without the "invincible" gundam in the middle

  38. My favourite Gundam series was 0080. In 0080, we got to see what effect warcould have in children, and to see Al's reaction to Bernie's death also showed me how it feels to lose someone very important in life. This series also has some of the best mechanical designs, one of these designs was the RX-78 NT-1 Alex Gundam. This was one of the best gundam designs due to it's weapons and versatility. These reasons lead me to conclude that 0080: War in the Pocket is my favourite series!

  39. That's a tough question, I can't say that I have a favorite series since I love them all. But recently I started to take quite a liking to Unicorn mostly because it went back to Tomino's original idea to have a pure white mobile suit.

  40. Gundam Wing series is my old time favourite! then comes 00 and Unicorn. I hate to say this but I do like the BAD guys on all the above series. No offence.

  41. I've got to say hands down my favourite series is Z Gundam. The pace of the series is spot on and the fight scenes are great! The mobile suits design are the best in Universal Century and the characterizations are the most balanced in the entire gundam universe. The only downside I think is that they haven't re-released it in Unicorn/00 type graphics!

  42. Unicorn is my favourite, it has amazing, miniscule detail, from a pilot listening to a radio station, to heat eminating from a deactivated beam saber. Not only is the animation amazing, but so is the pacing, audio, music and editing which makes the episodes intense. It has a real Gundam vibe and I'm sure it's not going to be topped any time soon.

  43. Gundam OO, just love the way Exia was designed

  44. My favorite series would have to be has
    some of the most unique designs of any series.
    Also it was the most dramatic of all the series.

    P.S. seeing Amuro and Char fighting on the same side was awesome.

    P.S.S. it set the base for ZZ Gundam which is my
    3rd or 4th favorite

  45. my favorite right now is the OO series.
    it has great mecha design, a great cast of characters and the meaning of the story that we should just try to understand one another is amazing.

  46. I'll go with Zeta Gundam, great history, great characters (Enma <3) and nice strategic battles. Also, I love Zeta Gundam design, specially it's unique head and it's sexy legs :D

  47. (please lemme win.. lol) I agree with Appasionata. Zeta Gundam is also my favorite, both the movies and the series. And also the mech designs, I mean, just look at the Zeta, Hyaku Shiki, Gundam Mark II and the Qubeley. Those mechs are amazing. Once Unicorn is finished, it would probably be my new favorite. :)

  48. I'd have to say that 00 is my favourite due to the sleek, angular design of the mobile suits and the rather epic battles. Aside from that I also quite like unicorn.

  49. I guess everyone's having a hard time relaying out which series is their overall fav, I've seen people stating realism and deep storyline, that I have to agree with some parts...

    But can we maintain fanboy-ism and fangirl-ism of Kira Yamato and Athrun Zala to the minimal? ^^;

    I kinda forgot to mention CCA, it'll always be my fav theatrical Gundam movie and I could never forget what Amuro said to Char in their final moments.

    "Is this... Is the Psychoframe overloading? I don't feel fear or horror... but warmth and content. Amuro, can't you see? Humanity will only continue path destruction of the world as we see it, why can't you see it?" - Char

    "I understand Char, that's why we must definitely show everyone this Shimmering Light that glows within them no matter what!" - Amuro

    taken from the CCA Manga drawn by Chiba Tomohiro, I've bought and kept the manga with me since it first came out in 1999. I liked it more than the movie strangely, but it really brings out Amuro and Char's greatness imo :)

  50. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny.. the first series i had and still be my favorite until now in terms of the story, character, MS design, technology background and other background..

  51. I would probably hand it to the gundam wing series i just love the ms design especially those grunt suit from the original series and the EW lol... those thing blowing up are awesome xD

  52. I would have to say that the o8th ms team is my favorite series. i just love the realism and the intense ground combat.

  53. Probably V Gundam. The final fight was a little lacking, but overall, the scale of the war, the character development, and the fact that your favourite character can be dead at any time makes this my favourite.

  54. well because i havent watch all of the UC Series, so my fav gundam series will be Gundam 00. i like it because it gave something more than just a war, which is the connection between human being, the need to understand each other people, and the need of unity (something i believe that we needed in this real world). As for the mobile suit, there are no overpowered unit i guess, since even exia can be beaten by A-Head or GN-X, and 00 almost beaten by masurao (except for Quanta, unit designed to fight alien xp)

  55. My favorite would probably be Zeta. Loved the mecha designs plus the story was very interesting xD

  56. Gundam SEED since it focus on conflict especially friends on a separate faction. and also the 1st gundam series Ive watched that was heavily influence by romance :)

  57. I just have a soft spot for G gundam, making it my favorite

  58. Gundam 00 is my most favorite thus far, mainly because it got me into the Gundam universe again after years of being uninterested in what's happening in Gundam.

  59. I'd have to say my favorite is the wing series because it is what turned me on to gundam in the first place. Unicorn is running a close second tho because the suit designs are ridiculous. I mean with mechs like Kshatriya, unicorn, and sinanju mixed in with the geara Zulu and Delta plus how can you go wrong?

  60. Definitely 00. Great mecha designs, well-developed characters (especially Tieria), and a good story. The different side stories also expanded on the background info a lot. That and the "anti-war" theme of the series (albeit a bit hypocritical since CB fights fire with fire) kinda touched me.

  61. I'm torn between 00 and 08th MS Team. I think between the two, they had the best characters and action of all Gundam shows.

  62. for me, it is Gundam Wing that brought me in the world of Gunpla, its just that I felt the emotions and story itself, plus the mobile suit designs are just so goood! Wing Zero and Epyon are simply the best for me, Hope to see MG Wing Zero TV version soon!

  63. In my opinion, there are a lot of great Gundam series, but I should say that the ones that most impressioned me are 00(season 1 and 2), Unicorn and 0079! 00 was great in everything(scenes, characters, story development). Unicorn is really beautyful, but I want to see it all before thinking about it as the coolest gundam series ever! 0079 was great and it was the one that started it all, and I think that at that time, it should have been really revolutionary(as an anime)

  64. It would be Gundam seed and destiny for me. It was the very first gundam series i watched and to see that many beam spamming and imba pawning from strike freedom and freedom respectively..priceless ^.^ and not to mention other heavily armed gundams like calamity,abyss and legend!

  65. Gundam 00 series. Time take place in AD which more logical in my opinion. And we can compare our current world situations with the series too. The movie ending quote:
    'Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding' gave a very huge meaning for me and the world around us.

  66. My favorite would be Zeta Gundam.
    Cause the story is awesome and the emotion it has.

  67. My fav series is Gundam Endless Walts, since it is the series that bring me into Gundam world XD

  68. Sidestory 0080: War in the Pocket remains my favorite because its OVA format allowed it to ignore many of the following Gundam cliches:

    1- The protagonists will lose the war and they know it. There's a sense of inevitability to the way the soldiers carry themselves and the camraderie/rivalry they feel is something largely missing from the main Gundam shows.

    2- David beats Goliath. A Zaku uses strategy and tactics to defeat the vastly superior Gundam. The Zaku doesn't survive but it achieves something that has only happened one other time, in a Seed OVA no less.

    3- The child protagonist doesn't pilot a Gundam! The kid sits in a Zaku cockpit and helps repair it but he doesn't develop sudden super piloting skills.

    - - - - - -

    Other great things about 0080:

    1- The writing is poetic. Dialogue that can be construed one way takes on a different meaning after certain events in the OVA. The final schoolyard dialogue is some bitter foreshadowing of later UC events.

    2- Kämpfer.

    3- The other MS designs. 0080 gave us the popular RGM Sniper II. 0083's RGM Custom traces its history to the NT-1 while the Rick Dom II makes a reappearance in the Delaz Fleet. The RGM Command features as the starting machine in the game "0081 Battlefield Record".

  69. My favorite is Gundam G maybe because it's the first Gundam series I watched.

  70. I like stardust memory, 8th ms team, and char's counterattack because of the storyline, action, and the mobile suits. I really like the gouf custom especially in that one scene with the guntanks

  71. Well my favorite gundam series would probaly be Unicorn gundam, simply because the designs are awesome, and animations is great. although gundam in general is all good to me (model kit wise) so yeah.

  72. My favorite Gundam series is easily 0083: Stardust Memories. The animation was just so amazingly well done especially since it was completely HAND DRAWN!!! The way the mobilesuits fought were also amazing in that on land battles, they didn't fly around at high speeds, but could only boost and jump for temporary amounts of time.

  73. My favorite series is the early UC (MSG to Unicorn) because behind all the battles and deaths, there lies a significant meaning and history (based on papers I wrote about them). The Universal Century separates itself from the other series in that it is the most grim of all series and Unicorn does a good job in keeping that grim element of the UC era.

  74. My favorite series is the 8th Ms team, because it's most centered towards the ms's I prefer, the ground ones

  75. My favourite gundam series would have to be Gundam 00! The graphics in the show are great and there was hardly an scenes that i know of are reused over and over(no offense)... Also, the design of the mobile suits in the show are also quite unique and cool ^^ Furthermore, the show is quite realistic..... The Gundams were't always so powerful.....

  76. Seed, as it was the series that REALLY got me into Gundam. Two of my favorite scenes of all time, mostly due to the music, are when Freedom first appears, and then when the Akatsuki first is revealed to Cagalli (I actually did cry then). However, if Unicorn keeps up the way it has (ie, getting better with every episode) it will definitely take the place in my heart of Favorite Gundam series.

  77. i cant believe im going to say this but i think its 00. i really liked the message and the mecha variations were awesome!

  78. 00 Gundam
    its awesome with the design and everything

  79. I'm well aware that Gundam Wing is NOT the best Gundam series out there, but it'll always have a special place to me simply because of the nostalgic memories I have attached to it. Watching GW on Toonami back in the early 2000s and getting into Gunpla at the same time was the best thing ever. It ended up spurring one of the longest-lasting hobbies I've ever taken up.

  80. For me it's F91, I know it's a movie but it was a series at one point in production. People complain about how it's too much crammed into a movie but for me it had everything I wanted. A likable newtype pilot, a mask wearing evil villain, a tsundere love interest, a great soundtrack, in the UC universe but not bogged down by past lore, and a really beautiful main Gundam.

  81. Gotta go with Gundam Wing... Like many others here, it's what got me in to the Gundam franchise and watching the series now just brings back feelings of nostalgia. Duo rules!

    Email: thealphafirm(at)yahoo(dot)com

  82. It's not easy to pick a favorite Gundam series... But I guess that goes without saying... For me, it all comes down to Zeta or 00...

    I'm a straight-up Universal Century fan so I'm already a bit biased toward series under that category. Add to that the fact that Zeta is really what got me into Gundam (I grew up with Wing and Seed, big whup, they were great, but nothing to really draw me in). It was back when I played Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam; I thought I would look it up... From then on it was a slippery slope into fan-dom...

    After re-watching Seed and watchign Destiny for the first time, I was hooked on Gundam and I found out a new series was being released. That series was 00. The plot, the political intrigue and just the overall quality were all key ingredients in the formula that ended up pushing me from fan-dom to near-obsession...

    If I were to choose one of the two, it'd either have to be out of sheer love for Zeta or just appreciation of the quality of 00 that Gundam (admittedly) lacks a bit of. In the end, I'm going with my love of the Universal Century and Zeta Gundam as my favorite Gundam series...

    Now if movies and OVAs were involved (Char's Counterattack and Unicorn)... Well that's just a different story altogether...

  83. i like mostly all of the gundam series, but if i had to choose, id say Seed cuz it got me into the franchise.

  84. My favorite would be gundam wing. Not for the story but for how awesome deathscythe hell and epyon were. As for the story, I would have to say that gundam unicorn would be my favorite since to story is well developed and the art is crisp and amazing.

  85. Double Zeta, I know it's not as popular but after watching the whole cast of Zeta be blown to smithereens something light hearted was appreciated. It also has some of the best suit designs like the Doven Wolf and the Gallus J. I'm also a massive fan of the hand drawn old school animation so for me it definitely blows stuff like seed and 00 out of the water.

  86. I’m a huge Zeon fan, and the One-Year War era is one of my absolute favourites, next to Zeta and Unicorn. I also happen to have a huge soft for experimental military technologies (particularly Axis projects from World War II) and one-last-shot anecdotes. If you know how MS IGLOO: The Hidden One-Year War goes, you can clearly see that it appeals to me on just about every single level: it’s a collection of short stories about experimental Zeon weapons being fielded in a desperate bid for victory against and freedom from the oppressive Earth Federation juggernaut. Can you say perfect fit?

    I could stop here, but there’s more to my attachment to IGLOO than just some appeals to my interests. The first thing, which is, arguably, one of the most important things to anything mecha series, that I want to talk about are the mechanical designs. I’m not quite sure why, but I just love everything showcased in IGLOO. The Zudah is one of my absolute favourite mobile suit designs of all time and the Hildolfr comes pretty close, too, except it isn’t really a mobile suit, strictly speaking. Others might jump to disagree with my tastes, but that’s all right, because I like strange things.

    However, beyond being just shiny new guns, the Zudah and Hildolfr, I think, represent something so much more: (this is going to sound really Unicorn-y) possibility and potential. The films expose terrible flaws with each machine, but, in the hands of their capable pilots, you see how amazingly agile and powerful they can really be. And this makes a good transition into the next thing I want to discuss: characters.

    IGLOO is split into three parts, each introducing a new weapon and its operator. Aside from the Jotunheim crew, you don’t really stick with each new character for very long. Despite that, however, each story manages to capture my attention and engross me in the personalities and histories of the machines and characters. IGLOO doesn’t bother with long expositions, just a few hints there and a couple of flashbacks there, but, even with so few pieces, it somehow builds very deep and likeable personae. I really felt the terrors and frustrations and hopes of all the characters as they experienced them.

    Above all, however, what I enjoy the most about IGLOO is the story it tells. It presents a complete reversal of the roles that the Zeon and the Federation typically play that, I think, really exhibits the depth and complexity of Universal Century as a whole. The original Gundam series from 1979, for the large part, chronicles the White Base crew and its struggles against overwhelming Zeon forces. It painted a pretty clear line between the righteous Federation, trying to defend order, and the villainous Zeon, trying to break it down. I’m pretty sure that series have long broken this precedent, introducing much more grey-and-grey morality, but IGLOO really gets to the Zeon side of the struggle. Suddenly, the Federation becomes the violent oppressors (especially the Zaku-jacking squad), and the Zeon become the helpless victims. I shed tears when the GM’s started picking off the defenceless escape pods from Odessa; there were just so many of them, completely weak and vulnerable. I couldn’t help but sympathise.

    IGLOO really brought me into the heads of those fighting against the Federation, showing me why they so desperately fought against an enemy so much bigger and powerful than they were. It doesn’t, of course, defend Zeon’s atrocities, like Operation British, but it at least made them more understandable. I really felt like every person had an ideal he was fighting to defend, and that really contrasted with most of the Gundam pilots, who ended up fighting in battles they never wanted to be involved in. In comparison, regardless of all of their moral mantra, the “good guys” just didn’t feel as passionate, as involved, as concerned. I don’t remember who said this, but I’m pretty a Zeon soldier, at some point in some series, asked a Feddie, “what do you have to fight for?”

  87. Well lets see to me the UC times in general especially the 1st Gundam series is my favorite. The reason for it is cause it started the whole thing, also UC mechanics closer to earth if I may say.

  88. My favorite series will always be the original Mobile Suit Gundam.

    Regardless of how people these days want cutting edge animation, to me MSG is the alpha and omega of gundam. Every other series owes its existance to the original.

    Other series like Zeta, 0083 and the CCA are close behind due to the common link they all share. "U.C" is a very special place for gundam and Unicorn will hopefully bring it to the attention of the next generation.

  89. My favorite gundam is definitely the Epyon from Gundam Wing. It was the first gundam I laid eyes on when I was a kid, and ever since it's been my absolute favorite. Zechs was cool, the giant whip and saber was cool, and I was in love with the color scheme. Wing 4ever!!!!!

  90. For me, it will always be Gundam Wing as it introduced me to Gundam and got me into gunpla. The second will be 00. Seed and Seed Destiny are okay though.

  91. I'm going to say Gundam Unicorn OVA series or Gundam X, but it seems the best favorites still "Turn A Gundam". Not many people saw it, but it was worth watching, :P

  92. Gundam 0080 would have to be my favorite. At its heart, the majority of Gundam series (save for G, Sangokuden, and SD) are about war and its effect on people. At the same time, Gundam is also making war and combat marketable and essentially cool to us viewers.

    What 0080 does is address both of these issues. In it, we see Al go from thinking war is cool and fun to really seeing how painful war can be. We also see how war can effect both sides. In 0080, while we have the Feddies and Zeon (Cyclops Team) facing off, there really is no side that is good or evil. Both involve soldiers just doing their job.

    As a story, 0080 just succeeds in telling a short tale of a boy seeing war firsthand and understanding that it isn't a fun game.

    And even if we were to look at 0080 from an aesthetic MS standpoint, it did give us several fan favorite suits such as the Kampfer and the GM Sniper II Custom (in which the latter really needs a HG)

    All in all, I would say 0080 is my favorite series as it speaks to what Gundam is about, war and how it affects the characters in the story.

  93. Its hard to say really, the first i watched only a few years ago was seed so it has some sentimental memories, while i watched others in UC after, overall i would sau UC is my favourite Century but After war gundam X is my favourite stand alone show.

  94. Between revitalizing the UC franchise, presenting the most awesomely animated installment of Gundam ever, and managing to make a unicorn-horned protagonist robot not look ridiculous, it's hard not to pick Gundam Unicorn as a favorite.

  95. well i hate picking gundam series because for the most part i like all of them. so for this choice ill go with art style. I really like new anime art styles ad the direction anime art is going in, so i pick Gundam 00. The only other series with "new" art is Gundam Seed, and i think Gundam Seed sucks

  96. First off thanks GG for holding this lucky draw! My fave series will definitely have to be gundam 00... it got me back into the whole gunpla hobby again in a big way! Plus I love Exia's design...can't say know to huge swords!!

  97. My favorite series would have to be Gundam Wing, the story line was great and it was my first introduction into the Gundam universe.

  98. Gundam Wing!!! The first and the best gundam that I have ever watched!!!

  99. My vote goes to UC, everything in it has stolen my heart, from intricate details to mobile suit design. Not a single MS has failed to incite glee in me. It's like mecha porn, really. Though Kshatriya takes the cake for me. An MG would be a dream come true.

  100. Back then I loved Gundam Wing, but after so many years and accidentally found Gundam 00 I fell in love with Gundam all over. Because of Gundam 00 is why I am into Gunpla right now and own over 100+ Gundam Models. I still find 00 my top favorite because of its most recent production with modern graphics as well as the storyline. The whole idea of GN Drives, VEDA, and Celestial being truly blew my mind away. Every small element they put in there played their role really well.

  101. I love Gundam 00 the best next to Gundam UC: Unicorn. Honestly the music is my ultimate need for a good Anime. So I say 00, and Unicorn has the best, next to Seed in 3rd

  102. In terms of good old memories I would have to say... Gundam Wing, but otherwise Gundam 00 as well. I would''ve probably loved Gundam Seed/Destiny more if they didnt recycle so many animations. BUT still LOVE IT♥

  103. That is a very challenging question, since I enjoy most of the Gundam series I have seen, but my favorite would have to be either Gundam Seed or Gundam Wing, with 08th MS Team in a close second.

  104. My favorite gundam series is uc: unicorn and universal century in gerneral. The designs of the mobile suit in the series is one my favorite. All gundam series were good

  105. Gundam Seed, since it's what got me into Gundam.

  106. My favorite Gundam Series is Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. It was the gundam series that brought me back into gundam and holds a lot of nostalgia for me. I understand many people hate it because it repeats the same plot of Gundam SEED and because the main "Pro/Antagonist" Shinn Asuka was a whiny, annoying crybaby but I still enjoyed it and Shinn came out being my favorite character. I love this series to death and nothing will change that.

  107. Gundam ZZ is my fav. Yes, there are some not so impressive episodes but the 2nd half of the series has some of the best stuff of Gundam. If you haven't seen it, you're missing some great stuff!!

  108. My favorite is Gundam00, because the storyline was very deep and involved real-world problems. I also loved the plot devices/plot twists too :D!

  109. Well, I really liked G Gundam, cause it's just that awesome.
    But a favorite? Err.. Either G or Zeta. Zeta mostly for the darker plot-line and the MSs.

  110. I generally liked the whole UC timeline (although I can't say that I don't hate any series from UC timeline). My favorite would be the 08th MS Team and CCA.
    I loved 08th MS Team due to it's highly realistical theme (compared to others). The MS are real machines of war, mass-produced, and will break down if not handled with care, even outside of battles. The pilots are also normal talented humans, not a superhuman.
    For CCA, it was the climax between two of the biggest figures in gundam history, Amuro and Char. For that time, the animation were stunning. And I loved the attention to details like parts on MS's feet so they can stand on asteroids, how people moves in zero gravity, and airbags XD.
    The designs were also great. Nu, Sazabi, Jegan, Geara Dogga. They really does felt like a "grander form" of the MS from the First Gundam.

    I also liked Turn A. I liked on the unique depiction of war it gives, how the characters developed, and that Harry Ord is one of Tetsu Inada's best performance :).

  111. I'd say my favourite would be ∀ Gundam for it had a unique setting and premise for a Gundam series. I also feel that it was a brave attempt to break away from the norm by featuring unconventional mecha designs and putting a lot of focus on character development. It's animation quality is not quite on the same level as Wing, but at least it's one of the few Gundams series that doesn't use recycled animation.

    Oh yeah... and Kapools are awesome.

  112. Zeta Gundam.

    Because of the dark storyline involving a three way conflict.

    Because of the awesome MS designs like the Zeta Gundam, Hyaku Shiki, Quebeley and i could keep going on..

    Because the main protagonist and antagonist (the two most awesome characters of the UC timeline in my opinion) fought on the same side. Amuro and Char in case you were wondering. (special mention to Bright too cuz he's pretty damn awesome)

    Because it introducted the hottest villainess EVER (imho). Haman Kharn.

    and because Kamille is a man's name. seriously.

  113. My favorite series is Turn-A. It's been quite a while since I last watched it and I probably should do it again sometime.

    My only regret is that I wish I wouldn't have been spoiled to death about the Black History beforehand. Must've been awesome for people who watched it during broadcast in Japan.

  114. My favorite series is Unicorn, because it's the first Gundam series I've actively followed. Prior to that, I was into gunpla simply because I thought the suits looked really cool, haha! But yeah, the animation in Unicorn is top-notch and the storyline is pretty compelling, so I've been sucked in! And now Sinanju is my favorite MG kit of all time!

  115. Favourite series, I like the first season of Gundam 00. The Gundam's felt unique and different. Really like the variety of characters from different backgrounds too. The world was based on this one in the future. :D

    I also liked SEED, if only it was 24 eps for the season and money well spent. Strike Gundam kept me on SEED.

  116. I'm a long time Gundam fan, and the question of which series is my favorite always makes me think... If I had to choose, it would have to be Gundam 00 and Wing. Seed/Destiny was good, but it lacked the action fix I need. 00 had the action, and though the story was a bit lacking in terms of cliche and definitely when trailblazer came out (aliens !!!) , I still love the designs.
    It's too early to judge Unicorn.

  117. My favorite Gundam series is Gundam Wing, not necessarily because it was the best series, but it was the series that introduced me to and got me hooked on Gundam. :)

    -Brian Gilman

  118. You had to go and pick a topic as hard as your favorite gundam series didn't you. Well, If I had to pick my overall favorite, it would be Turn A for sure. It had such a great plot with political intrigue, and I actually like Loran. Many people dislike him because of his pacifist ways, but I liked the fact that he honestly upheld them thought the series. He wasn't a brat that had to have some common sense knocked into him like so many gundam protagonists.

    If your want to go by my favorite MS designs, I'd have to go with 00. While I thought the technological progression in the series was to fast, I liked how there was a clear development of that technology from one gundam generation to the next.

  119. Zeta Gundam all the way. It paved the way for transformable mechs, and it also had a very intricate and complicated storyline with tense relationships between friends and lovers. what made this series stand out the most was the turnaround from villian to goodguy (char -> quattro) and the tension and ripples it caused between returning factions (amuro, bright, hyato, and kai to name a few).

  120. I gotta say that the original gundam was my favorite because Char brought it hard, I mean like how can you not be rooting for the antagonist during parts (or the majority) of the show :)

  121. I gotta say that G Gundam is my all time favourite. It sets itself away from all other series in its styling. It was a super robot show housed in a real robot realm. I loved all the whacky Gundam designs in there too. Examples include Monejer Gundam, Zebra Gundam, Dutch Gundam. Best of all, it was epic because it was a show about hormonic screaming and love and passion. This is the type of show that inspires people to go out there and do something :D

  122. Wing Gundam is my favorite in the series due to the fact that this is the first Gundam aired in the Philippines and Because of Heavyarms' firepower.

  123. My favorite gundam series is Gundam Wing because it was the first gundam series I saw and I really liked the struggle the pilots went through and how the gundam suits looked and how they fought and how they storyline played out.

  124. I'd have to say Gundam Wing for the characters, voice acting, story, model design and of course Nostalgia.

  125. My fav gundam series is gundam 00 because being a teen i generally like newer cleaner animes. it's characters are have pretty interesting past and conflicts. The suits aren't all giant immovable tanks like gundam seed. the "char" character isn't just a copy of him and actually has a bit of a different type of personality. but more about the suits.
    i personally like thin suits more than bulky suits they just have a sleek feel to them. (note i dislike the virtue and all suceeding suits) i mean you just don't see as much action with tank suits... they just stand there and then shoot everything....

  126. I know for a lot of us fans in the US Gundam Wing is probably the first gundam show we had ever seen, but for me my favorite series has to be 8th MS Team hands down. I can remember staying up late on Saturday nights to watch it on Cartoon Network's Toonami (I miss that show). Sure there were only a few episodes, but it really showed a darker side to the war. I mean how many times have you seen a Gouf Custom take out a Guntank by putting its sword through the cockpit as you hear the crew scream? And all of the oil that covered the Gouf's face was a nice touch. That and any mobile suit that took damage really showed it, none of that get shot in the face and not have a scratch stuff.

  127. I typed a great post about my favorite series and hit post, but it doesn't look like it ever submitted... I don't feel like typing it all out again but my answer was First Gundam.

  128. 8th MS team and 0083 Stardust memory, since it showed the more gritty version of war, and less of a mecha series. The main driving point was the character development which drove the people to lover and hate people at the same time for the things they did. Plus it filled in segments of the UC universe.

  129. My favorite series is Gundam Seed as it has re-introduced me to the franchise again after being detached from it for so long. A close favorite is the Seed Astray series as I really like the designs they've done for mechas (particularly the Red Frame Astray). - Carl Yu

  130. My favorite series is The Counter Attack of Char. I generally like all the UC sereies but I picked this one as my favorite because Amuro and Char are my favorite characters throughout the whole sereies.

  131. I would have to say my favorite series would be Gundam Wing since it was the first series I saw as a kid. It was also the series that inspired by gundam obsession. Great plot and even greater characters, I never get tire of watching it.

  132. My favorite by far is Turn A Gundam. Everything about it is more well done and thought out than any other series. The characters have depth to them, unlike the series that followed it. The setting and pacing match each other as well. As for the story, it plays out great, and still leaves little bits of mystery for the viewer. I believe more Gundams need mustaches.

  133. If I had to pick my favorite series from a anime perspective, it would have to be 08th MS Team, with its gritty story line, well defined characters and interesting battles. From a Gunpla perspective, Gundam UC would take it because of the superior mecha design. Who knows, by the end of UC, the anime may overtake 08th MS team in terms of story telling.

  134. Obviously UC only because the char-amuro trilogy,because there are sme good series buuut...V Gundam shouldn´t exist(sorry V Gundam´s fans,don´t kill me xD)

    PS: Do you ship the prizes to Spain?

  135. Hmm... this is a rather tough question... I actually liked OO but the movie ruined it for me. As for my favorite, I would have to say SEED Stargazer. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with three episodes?

  136. I would go for Gundam Unicorn as my favorite for mecha design and 8th ms team for story.

  137. my fav has to be my first - gundam wing . this was the first of the anime show from the 90s that got aired in Europe and i was instantly hooked. i had a tear in my eye when i saw deathscythe being destroyed. good memories

  138. Gundam Wing is probably my favorite, one because that was the first gundam series i ever watched as a kid, and two i just love the designs of it. regardless of what people may say about "convenience" in battle. like for example the angel wings of zero which doenst look like it'll do much, but overall it makes him stand out from the other 4 gundam suits.

  139. 8th Mobile Suit Team - Realism, showing actual maintenance, battle tactics and awesome suits.

  140. Mine would have to be Gundam 0083 Stardust Memories. I was in 7th grade around 2000 and I happened upon the Vol1 and 2 dvds at Best Buy while shopping around with my friend. I caught a glimpse of it on toonami's midnight run and that is what started my gundam / Master Grade craze

  141. 00 is my favorite series, since it was the one that got me back into the Gundam series, since the only other series I had watched was Wing. The mobile suit designs were pretty cool, and in the end, it got me to explore all the other series that I had missed out on in my lifetime.

  142. My favorite series is SEED/SEED DESTINY because SEED was the first Gundam series I was able to follow and understand. I also liked how SEED and SEED DESTINY were attempts at modernizing First Gundam and Zeta Gundam. Jesus Yamato, Beam Spamming, Teenage Angst and Drama were also nice contributions to both stories.The Mobile Suits of both series were also awesome. My second favorite series would be 8th MS Team followed by 0080. My favorite MS though is the Gundam F91.

  143. Gundam Wing. First Gundam I ever saw, and I wasn't a fan of the "Lead" suit, Deathscythe was my machine of choice. I know it't not the best story wise or design, but it made me the Gundam fan and modeler that I am not.

  144. My favorite has to be Zeta. It was such a good follow up to the original series. 00 and Seed were pretty good, thought 00 movie was lame.

  145. G-Gundam was the first gundam shown here as far as i can remember. But it was gundam wing and seed/seed destiny that brought me to modeling and to watching the rest of the gundam series. wing and seed/seed destiny's story and that time for me, the cool animation,and fight scenes.

  146. Zeta is tops followed by the original, and 00. Def props to 08th, and Stardust Memory

  147. my favorite 2 gundam series are gundam oo season2 and zeta gundam cause those are the series with the best bad guy mecha designs like the psycho gundam mk2,the-o and the reborns gundam , arche gundam and the main caracters have alleluya`s double personality super soldier form and jerid who keeps on loosing but survives to kill more of kamille friends.props to the bad guys.

  148. Zeta's my favorite definitely. It brought more emotion and darker stories into the original series, not to mention the cooler designs like the Marasai, Hyaku Shiki, etc.

  149. zeta and oo gundam are my favorites but gundam wing and g gundam have the best sound track .thats probably why i can still watch those series after seeing them a hundred times lol.

  150. 08th MS Team for me. I love how it portrayed Gundams and their pilots as ordinary soldiers - not yet aces - and that Zeon's the one with the ace pilot, and the designs of the tech/mechas used.

    The MS Igloo series is also one of my favorites since it also shows the challenges faced by ordinary soldiers/officers during the OYW.

  151. I like Stardust Memories. Really dunno why, maybe the feeling, the animation, or the set of the work, really like it.

  152. king of hearts said...
    my favorite 2 gundam series are gundam oo season2 and zeta gundam cause those are the series with the best bad guy mecha designs like the psycho gundam mk2,the-o and the reborns gundam , arche gundam and the main caracters have alleluya`s double personality super soldier form and jerid who keeps on loosing but survives to kill more of kamille friends.props to the bad guys.

  153. Turn a gundam its design, mystery and overall beautiful artistic design made me love the turn as a modeler and a gundam fan altogether.

  154. 0083 and 0080 are my favorites. 0083 was the first series that I saw and was hooked ever since. Mecha designs for both series were the best in my opinion.

  155. my favorite 2 gundam series are gundam oo season2 and zeta gundam cause those are the series with the best bad guy mecha designs like the psycho gundam mk2,the-o and the reborns gundam , arche gundam and the main caracters have alleluya`s double personality super soldier form and jerid who keeps on loosing but survives to kill more of kamille friends.props to the bad guys. sorry i just made an account.

  156. zeta and oo gundam are my favorites but gundam wing and g gundam have the best sound track .thats probably why i can still watch those series after seeing them a hundred times lol.just reposting with account name

  157. 8th MS team because it focuses the on the life as being a soldier and how they respond as an army

  158. Unicorn Gundam... love the designs!

  159. I'm gonna have to say Gundam UC/Unicorn. The fluidity of the animation, battle choreography, and general story are really quite captivating. But I think it's mainly the battles, 'cause they are bloody gorgeous and entertaining. While it's a shame we only get two episodes a year, if that's the best result, the time it takes really doesn't bother me.
    Well, all that and the Sinanju is a sexy beast.

  160. Big fan of Zeta and G Gundam, for completely different reasons. Loved Zeta for how much it pulled me into the story. Loved G for how absurd it was, like how there was a robot riding a robot horse. Good stuff.

  161. Gundam 00 and Wing Gundam are my favorite gundam series, 'cause those were like the first interaction that i ever had with gundam..

  162. For me, SEED and it's MSV(although never really animated other than the 5 minute shorts), Astray will be my favorite series overall. It was my first Gundam series that I was really into, Wing technically being the first one I watched but for some reason it didn't grip me as much (I remember sleeping through a couple of episodes somewhere). It was also the first series I started building gunpla for, so that might weigh in a little.

    I say overall because there are only a couple of Gundam Series you can really compare side by side. Sometimes one thing wins you over in one department, and it loses to another series in another department. Note that I've only watched G Gundam, Wing (and Endless Waltz), SEED, Destiny, 00 (seasons and movie), and whatever's out of Gundam UC at the moment and therefore I can only comment on those.

    I gave my overall as SEED+Astray(I didn't really care for Destiny as much since they threw character development from Shin out the window and made Kira the main character halfway... It was just poorly executed, even if I did like the 2nd gen Freedom and Justice suits. Anyway... I'll post a couple more and it's reasons for it's victory in that department.

    I was going to list categories and reasons, but decided against it since it was going to make a long post even longer.

  163. my favorite series is probably seed :P big surprise i know..... i like the characters mobile suit designs for the strike and freedom etc. also the story line is pretty good to... good luck everyone!

  164. If Unicorn never came out as an anime series, I would say 8th MS Team. BUT since it did, Unicorn is my favorite series. Why? It combines the rich storyline of the Universal Century and the UC's design of mobile suits with the beautiful animations and bgms of the newer Gundam series.

  165. I believe my favorite would be 00. I love the approach it made, and even tough it turns a little bit hax, the idea of "understanding each other" struck me pretty hard. And I thought about it pretty much my paradigm has changed, to enrich the quality one should have. So that's it, and I love the mecha design! Exia's my favorite MS of all time <3

  166. my favourite series would be 0080 war in the pocket. its the 1st gundam series that i've watched when i was a kid. i didnt understand much of the plot due to my age, but i still remember the scene when the zaku II flew over the school's roof and the kids are just so happy to look at a ms so upclose. then there is the scene when the hero climb inside the zaku cockpit and pretend like he is flying it. i guess i was envy of him.

    now that i am much older, i re-watched the series and with the understanding of the plot. i like it even more. sure it doesnt have newtypes and beam spamming, the gundam has so few scene you would forget that its actually a gundam anime (lol). a great series that use oh-so-simple story to tell us how uncool, war is. a message that newer gundam series would need more than 6eps.

  167. Zeta gundam would be my favorite! One is because of Zeta gundam itself. I just have this strong attachment to it. The story line was good and mobile suits design were great and BIG! Two is because of Kamille Bidan, I just love that name! :)

  168. I have 3 Gundam series considered as favorites to date: Gundam 00 (Both Seasons), Gundam UC and 08th MS Team. If I were to pick one of the 3, I would pick the 08th MS Team. Why, you ask? It is because it plainly shows how a human would react and try to survive in a war-torn world. Shiro Amada and his teammates are not newtypes, thus they only have their military training & instinct to rely on in order to survive. Considering their mechs, they are just plain mobile suits unlike those in Gundam Seed that have mega beam spam powers. The Ez-8, Shiro's mech, for example, can be easily destroyed since it doesn't have any advanced defense mechanisms such as an i-field. You can clearly see how they would react when an enemy, especially Norris and his Gouf Custom, would show up and take them on. The team knows their limits and their capabilities and try to survive as one. In a nutshell, this series shows the fragility, strength and determination of a human being in the context of war.

  169. Gundam 00 is my favourite at the moment as it blends in all the current issues we face today and projects them into the future making for a very believable storyline.

  170. Neat idea GG! My favorite Gundam series is probably 0083, I loved the characters,Kou Uraki really handled being thrust into the Gundam well. I also really enjoyed the whole plot line, and it was all neatly wrapped up in 13 or so eps! It also helps that I totally love all the designs of the MS's from the series, my top favorites being the GP-01 and the GP-04, which wasn't present for the show.

  171. 00 series due to its realism and connection to present day conflicts. The characters are well-developed and the themes are consistently portrayed with fine cinematic effects and plot twists.

  172. Gundam ZZ hands-down. The characters (Roux, Haman, and Judau in particular) are what make it amazing, though good humor, good drama and some of the most unique designs in UC really add to it.

  173. 0083 stardust memory, the best of all, charismatic characters, epic action, bravey..and of course, my favorite MS desing, the gerbera tetra..i almost cried when it got destroyed with Cima-sama piloting it T_T

    all in all, a master piece.

  174. Zeta Gundam had the best blend of animation, music and plot. The characters also were well developed and acted rationally without relying on angsty emotional drama to contribute to the plot line. The series also had amazingly written dialog, epic battles and crazy newtypes.

    Oh, and it had Char in it.

  175. 00 Gundam has got to be my fav, it was an interesting series to how fighting and peace are the best things to mix in an anime, i also like ow the characters and gundams were drawn compared to previous series. make you really think about what could possibly be the future in a more real aspect in some case.

  176. 0083 stardust memory and 08th ms team because the ms's aren't over powered and rigged...also its not just about gundams vs gundams! gouf custom battle scenes<3!

  177. its a good blog that promotes gundam-related news and such. i loved the victory series since it was the one i grew up with and the concept of "boy versus war" kind of plot.

  178. A hard choice, but I would say Gundam X. Solid mecha designs but having someone as energetic, enthusiastic as Garrod is a breath of fresh air for a gundam protagonist. It also helps that his gundam is overpowered in a strategic way as opposed to a Hax way like some other lead mobile suits.

  179. My favorite series so far is Unicorn gundam, even though its one of the newest gundam series, its quality is a amazing and i really am enjoying the story.

  180. It'll be the Wing series. It's the first series that I've watched and get me hooked into Gundam kits. Most of my favorite suits are in this series too.

  181. Most favorite series: Gundam Wing


    I basically grew up with it when it was being showed on normal cartoon, and also was introduced to Gunpla by it by my uncle who constantly bought the 1/144 No Grade and 1/100 High Grade of the Gundam Wings kits.

  182. I liked G gundam, It was a healthy combination of robots and hand-to-hand combat, which is perfect

  183. I don't know if you can call it a Gundam Series, but I like Unicorn Gundam the best. I think it has the best music, art, action scenes, and a different main character.
    I don't think I really need to explain music. It's just amazing.
    The art style is really nice. The art is done by current technology and I really like the contemporary anime style. Everything looks nice without looking overly dramatic.
    Next the battle scenes, or just scenes in general. They are just epic. The battle scenes are long and in a peculiar way, realistic.
    Lastly, the main cast is unique. Ballanger (or however you spell his name) is not like the normal Gundam main character. He's not a hero, and he doesn't plan on being one. Also his Gundam is unique. When have you every seen a pure white Gundam?
    Other Gundam series (like Seed, or 00) are popular, but I think Unicorn has the best quality.

  184. 08th ms squad because i like land battles more than the space battles and because i think that series was well drawn and that it was one of the most realistic gundam animations ive seen

  185. Gundam 00 series!! the Characters are fantastic! Lockon Stratos by far the best gundam character~

  186. My favorite series would have to be the 8th ms team because of the realitity and military setting in stead of bright colorfull super mechas
    and the es-8 the realitiy of it is amazing and just sells it for me,so in conclusion the reason i love the 8th ms team is because its realistic

  187. daaang i wish the new unicorn OVA comes out soon :(

  188. hmm for me nothing in particular
    but the series that opened my eyes to gundam was gundam wing
    even though the dubbing in my native language was horrible i manage through it until endless waltz

    and then after many lights years, thank goodness for cable tv and cartoon network there was gundam seed dubbing was perfect and ZGMF-X10A rocks

  189. Id say 00 Gundam, because of its story more in line with issues that plague the world today. Not to mention the sweet mech designs!

    I also cant get enough of all the sniper MS variants ( Lockon and his brothers MS):D

    Oh and Gundam X comes a close second!

  190. My favorite series would be the 08th MS Team. As much as I love 00 and UC, I love 08th for recognizing gundams like any other mobile suit on the battlefield rather than being the suits that turn the tide of battle. 08th also hosted my all-time-favorite Gouf Custom.

    There's just something about a giant minigun that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

  191. my favorite so far has been Gundam Unicorn but i really liked the others like Gundam seed destiny becuase Strike freedom was awesome and Lacus is cute my other fav is Gundam wing it was more of i don't know slow paced adult political type show it was more soap opera then anything else and the Hundams they used was freaking awesome

  192. Gundam Wing will be the series in my heart! This was the series that introduced me to the world og gunpla....

  193. My favourite series is Gundam 00! I love the mechanical designs, especially the development from Astraea all the way to 00 Qan[t]. My favourite Gundam is the Astray Red Frame though!!

  194. Love the designs for unicorn. But I'm a Zaku guy... 00 had a nice movie it was unexpected and nontraditional though. Wing had nice designs but the story was too much fantasy/DBZ and the Gunplas were awful, thank you bandai for doing a MG for all of them, would like to own the set one day

  195. Well I would like to say F91 but I don't know if that counts since it was only a movie. So my favorite series would have to be Gundam 00. Im a sucker for awesome animation and 00 has some crazy action scenes that I just love to watch.

  196. My overall favorite? Possibly Gundam SEED. For the way it sort of retold the White Base's One-Year War storyline through a different universe and had a very colorful cast of characters you could really get to know well, if not identify with. The mecha designs were also well done, if not too terribly original. But what also blows me away is the music selection - some of my favorite JPOP songs come from the SEED and SEED Destiny series, as well as a lot of iconic scores that never fail to get nostalgia flowing whenever I play them.

  197. Where I do not have a favorite series exactly I have a few favorite things from different series. For example, my favorite character was Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy) from 00 and I actually cosplayed as him at ACen 2011.
    My favorite Gundam would have to be either Deathsycthe or Heavyarms, doesn't matter which one exactly.
    My favorite Mobile Suit would have to be Tallgeese 1 hands down. So disappointed when they picked MG Epyon over any of the Tallgeese for that matter.
    My favorite transport ship would have to be White Base, I mean, it was the original and is just absolutely amazing.

  198. Simply put Zeta Gundam is my favorite series due to its dark plot and character development of Char and Amuro as mentors of Kamille Bidan [who is also my favorite pilot in the UC series].

    The mobile suit designs are also amongst my favorite in the timeline, where in they introduced transforming mobile suits into the series

  199. Favorite series would definitely be Gundam 00. I don't wanna put anyone down or something, but the series was fun to watch and most of their designs and suits in the shows made it into high grade kits. So variety wise, I like the Gundam 00 the best.


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