One of the kit that I was eager to get my hands on was the Dengeki Hobby (Jan. Issue) that came with the 1/48 Unicorn Gundam Head Display Base. On many japan hobbist sites, I found a lot of different variation as to how they paint / mod them.
I will be a bit more agressive with this one, I plan to make the entire upper torso & shoulder (without the arms), and to expose inner components. Well... this is easy to say on paper, but will be a challange to execute. We will see how it goes.
Other kits I picked up was the HG 1/44 Masurao. Eventhough I was pretty harsh bashing on Mr. Bushido and his MSs. But after seeing Lupes (Seen Here) built his, I was captivated. I found the color combination of the kit very nice, and the different ways to pose the kit is just awesome. It would definitely look well standing next to my 00 Raiser, if and when I get the time to build them.
Other kits I got was the HG 1/144 Jegan & the HG 1/144 Gundam TR-1 (Advanced Hazel). The Hazel was a kit that was very hard to find locally, but finally found it at a great price at a local vendor (Thanks to Robot4Less).
So just like everyone else who has been posting about their upcoming projects, well here is mine in order:
(1) HG 0 Gundam (85% Completed)
(2) HG Unicorn Gundam (Unicorn Mode) vs. HG Kshatriya Diorama (10% Completed)
(3) Dengeki Hobby 1/148 Unicorn Gundam Head Display Base w/ Upper Torso Mods
(4) HG Geara Zulu
(5) HG Jegan
Afterwards.... I will try to complete the rest of my WIPs... namely the 1/100 Astrea FA Kai (which is currently stuck in limbo, due to all the great Gundam UC kits that I want to build right now).