Monday, January 20, 2014

Dragon Momoko 1/100 OZ-00MS Tallgeese III - Painted Build

Dragon Momoko 1/100 OZ-00MS Tallgeese III - Painted Build

Box Art & Manual Images: HERE

Image via Jon_K


  1. looks like it had bad articulation, can it do the famous pose?

    1. innerframe 100% same with tallgeese I made in bandai. the difference its just shoulder armor, shiled, head ang beam riffle. if tallgeese I can do "famous pose" this bootleg kit can do that too

    2. That's not actual true. Just because it copied the Tg I doesn't mean it is as good as the original. Tge bootleg Tg I has issues with part fitment and the rear skirt closing over the thrusters. You have to remember the reason bootlegs are so cheap is because they quality is as good as the original. Besides part fitment they also tend to have missing details/panel lines or tge details are as sharp and clean.

    3. Have you ever bought a "bootleg" model before? Also, I can hardly tell what you're even trying to tell us. The DM Deathscythe EW had very very small difference, as in the backpack was a different color. Other than that it was exactly the same, and the "fitment" of parts wasn't loose at all either. Hell, at least these other brands make suits we want. In like half a year the only good model Bandai has made is Sazabi Ver Ka., and they needed help from someone who makes models for everyone to do that.

    4. @4:29

      I'm so glad we have you to speak for the rest of our wants and opinions.

  2. isn't that bootleg gunpla?

  3. whoa, this looks superb

  4. Love Tallgeese III. Please bring it to us Bandai!

  5. Is this Licensed by Bandai for Dragon Momoko? Seems not legit!

    1. Only Bandai brand gunpla has a license since Bandai owns all gundam properties.
      Everything else is imitation.

  6. Bandai doesn't create gundams, they're created by sunrise

  7. I wonder how bandai's tg3 is going to counter this one? If bandai makes its own tg3, wont it seem like its copying dm? Lol.

    1. what is Bandai going to do? Offer an Online Exclusive like the T2 and literally charge 2-3x the price of Dragon Momoko's--Heck the T2 right now can go for 3x+ the price of the T1 ($35 --> $100 USD)!

      I imagine if we ever get a Tallgeese III from Bandai it will be crazy expensive

  8. Why go all the way to defend these bootlegs? They're illegal and that's it, no matter how good looking they are.

    1. because you think they're illegal and bootlegs; a Tallgeese 3 like this does not exist anywhere else. 'Bootleg' is synonymous with 'counterfeit'--suggesting that this item is an inferior copy of a pre-existing item.

      Even if Bandai had a MG Tallgeese 3 readily available now it would likely be an Online Hobby Shop exclusive like the Tallgeese 2. Would you rather pay upwards of $100 for the 'Official' T3 or less than half for Dragon Momoko's?

      The real reason I support these companies like Dragon Momoko and GoGo Hongli is because they are delivering not only what fans want but their kits occasionally add to what you can't get from Bandai.

      So in the case of this Tallgeese 3 -- it is 1) Unique, 2) Inexpensive 3) No competitors

    2. so you want to pay an extra 50 dollars for the official versions of something readily available and just as good. Illegal or not the companies like daban/ dragon momoko have been providing us with cheaper alternatives or even original concepts that bandai has failed to deliver. hell some of the KO stuff is better than the original, look at the gundoom, it's big, it's detailed, it comes with lots of effects and accessories and to boot it's cheap. Bandai's monopoly is a limiting agent and it's nice to see people working to provide us with suits and variants we want.

  9. Already preordered this, but will swap the parts with Bandai's Tallgeese I

  10. do you people not REALIZE that the definition of a bootleg is an imitation, or a copy.
    fact : Bandai never released a Tallgeese III so how can you bootleg something that does not exist?
    as far as i'm concerned, the Tallgeese III kit is an original by DM, unless you talk about runners, then yes, they do copy the base model

    1. This TGIII uses Bandai's TGI. The Beam Rod is a complete copy of Bandai's Epyon EW. Heavily modified Mega Beam Cannon and Shield (to get the proportions to match the MG) came from Bandai's HG 1/100 TGIII. Well as the Head and Star fin is completely knew.

      With all said, i don't know if you still consider it an original release.

    2. that logic makes conversion kits illegal too

  11. How about 1/100 Kshatriya from ELYN maker? is it consider as bootleg?
    Because you will never get in from BANDAI anyway.

  12. How about 1/100 Kshatriya from maker ELYN? Is it consider as bootleg?
    You will never get it from Bandai anyway.

  13. Fake is fake nothing changes.
    I think its a mix between mg tg1 and hg1/100 tg3.

    Addiotionally i did had some bootleg kits like astrea type f and mg shenlong ew. But i can nver imgine to buy another one.
    The stickers sucked.
    There was flesh all over the place.
    The holes were to small.
    The plastic quality was horrible.

    Sorry but quit KO.
    Buy the OG.
    KO can nvr be the real gundam it will always stay a xyz gundam look alike

  14. The fact that this was copied from the existing Tallgeese I mG from bandai means that this is a bootleg. You guys never get it do you. This is a bootleg. This is illegal. Stop defending it.

  15. why dont you all just shut the f**k up and just appreciate the works of a good modeler? pota!

    1. Pota nga! Haters for this tallgeese 3 cant accept that they cant get it in bandai. So they are sticking to the tallgeese 3 HG on which cant hold itself for long because HG grade sucks. I have a lot of bandai hg kits since 2001 and they are all scraps by now.

    2. Why would I shut up? you support pirated goods and that means you suck

    3. TOTALLY AGREE!!! As I said in another response this is helping move gunpla along regardless of who likes it or not

  16. Funny how these bootleg worshippers and cheap-skates easily claim that this bootleg is "close" to this bandai kit and that..


    On what grounds made you feel that this bootleg or that is close to the LEGIT? Do you know the exact measurements/dimensions of each peg and part?

    Do you know the exact ratios of plastic chemicals used on your cheap-ass kit?

    Do you know the exact number of panel lines and details found on each and every part?

    Wake up cheapos, FAKE WILL ALWAYS BE FAKE.

    1. So you mean modelers that want to customize their gunpla by adding plaplates, panel lines, or making items from scratch are fake too.

    2. Obviously, just by looking at the review, the quality of the plastic and overall molding is satisfactory enough to work with. It's not in shambles on the floor, the paint isn't eating the plastic, and it's sturdy enough to stand and pose.. Which is all most reasonable people ask for. Fact is: Bandai doesn't make a MG Tallgeese III. For whatever reason, they decided it wasn't a worthwhile venture to invest time into designing and producing the kit at this moment in time, so another company jumped on the opportunity and reaped the benefits. It's that simple.

    3. ure kinda ignorant for even saying this. B4 u even say anything majority of my kits r bandai models which I've a room full of them.LITERALLY. u can c 4 yaself on my youtube channel(most expensive model I ever bought was my G-System 1/72 NZ-666 Kshatriya 769 USD bet ure still waiting on ur bandai mg of that huh) & I'm sure ppl on here defending this kit have plenty as well but what they're stressing and pointing out is that bandai over prices many of the most wanted kits which holds true the rule of supply n demand but lack just that many of the most wanted kits which isn't fair n these KO kits other companies r making are helping move gunpla along

    4. u probably own a resin kit or two urself but i highly doubt u bashed that b4 ur purchase of it

  17. I think this piece is nicely done. Although the Bandai kits ARE superior in any way (plastic quality and the engineering - wise) the bootlegs had to step up their game as well to somehow get the competitive edge like adding extra parts that is not available with the Bandai counterparts like the MG Shenlong's Liaoya sword that came along as an extra in a Hongli kit (some special edition kit) and now this one from DM. Technically TGIII is just a glorified TGI and the people at DM were creative enough to mash up 3 kits to come up with this product, naming the MG TGI (base kit), HG TGIII (head, shoulder armor & armaments) and MG Epiyon (for the heat Rod). I was planning on bashing those 3 kits myself, but now that I discovered that a bootleg exists for the TGIII, I don't have to spend extra cash for all 3 kits that would add up to 300+ Dollars. Call it cheapskate, but not many people have that amount of money laying around the house, don't get me wrong, I do support Bandai since all my Gundam kits are from Bandai. But with this kit I think I can make an exception, it's because it can save me a lot of time and money, rather than buying 3 Bandai kits, I can just buy the TGIII bootleg and get hop up parts and transplant them to the OG TGI kit.
    As far as the legal battle goes between Bandai and these bootleggers, none of the bootleggers were granted any license by Bandai to produce these kits.

  18. Bootleg or not, fake or not, this modeler did an amazing job, and it's something that anyone who enjoys Gunpla can look at and be amazed.

    Modeler, I wish I had an iota of the skill you have displayed here. Great job.

  19. This is what I find to be amazing. NO ONE has every made any complaints about resin kits made by other companies, yet they're perfectly fine & accepted by all but not bashed like how u all r doing so w/this kit... This kit is being bash bcuz u die hard bandai fan boys wont admit to their monopolization of this franchise... I love gunpla just as much as the next modeler but lets all face the actual incontrovertible facts here, 1) bandai hasn't been listening to gundam fans period. look how long it's taken to get a mg wing zero but even with that we got jacked up wings. 2) last bad ass popular character MS kits we got that we were all like eh I can accept that were both the ver. ka versions Nu gundam & sazabi... I mean really look @ the RX-78-2 3.0... I mean seriously -_-... I'm so sick of bandai remaking the same kits over & over & I'm sure plenty of others r as well... Finally 3) how many other MG MS's have we all wanted bandai to make yet they never came through... It's been KO & resin kits that have been truly adhering to want gundam fans have been asking for... For instance how many of u wldve liked if bandai had made a mg dragon gundam from g gundam to pose up w/mg ew shenlong? Idc who u r no 1 can deny that wldnt b bad ass to have n/or c... Point is this kit is still gunpla whether any of you bandai loyalist like it or not, regardless of what company made it... I'm just happy that ONE company made a TG3 period & is doing what bandai isn't & that's listening to gundam fans. We all know gundam wing is one the most popular gundam series especially in america hell that's what got many into gunpla period, yet it's taken how long to get a mg wing tv version n yet got proto -_-... Vayeate, Mercurius, Virgo, Taurus, hell even a Leo we'd all love to have mg of these kit n we still dnt & that sucks. Point I'm making is that no 1 should b knocking any of these other companies making w/e kits of MS's which bandai hasn't n been neglecting & ignoring only to make online exclusives of literally a select few (stressing FEW) @ outrageous prices but making them available for all to obtain. I'm sure that's something we all can agree with here...

    1. Dude, Bandai owns the Gundam franchise, they practically created the hobby. Without Bandai there is no Gunpla and none of these bootlegs will ever exist. Put it this way, imagine that you have made a product you are proud of and you know that only you have made it and nobody else, and when your product got so popular, people who want to cash in on your product started copying you. Imagine how would that make you feel?
      Plus, I'm sad to inform you that Gundam Wing only made it big outside of Japan, because it was the very first Gundam series that sort of got a good PR before it came out. In Japan however, Gundam Wing flopped so bad that Bandai didn't even bothered to create 1/100 HG versions of two of the main MS suits of the series, naming the Heavy Arms and the Sand Rock. That is how bad GW flopped in Japan. As for the poll for which MS Bandai will make, they often conduct their MS popularity survey on their immediate Market area, which is Japan. So, whatever MS gets a high rating in Japan, that is their next release. Have you visited the official Bandai Hobby site? It's purely in Japanese, which means that only people who can read and understand Japanese can buy stuff from there. And what does that mean for the rest of us who can't understand a speck of Japanese? You figure it out. My point is, Bandai's Gunpla production cycle depends on their market in Japan. Of course they would eventually release main MS from other Gundam series every now and then as a sort of homage to the series, but that's all we'll ever get.

  20. Bandai already released ng 1/100 tallgeese 3. So dm isnt deliver new model for all of you. Its okay to buy bootleg as long you buy bandais too. Any model. Creative team of bandai who worked to deliver gunpla. Not these bootleg producers

    1. The TGIII that Bandai released is 1/100 High Grade, not a Master Grade which this bootleg is. The Bandai TGIII doesn't have an inner frame, it's floppy in many joints, it has very limited articulation and its molded in grey plastic, not white, just a dull grey plastic. I have one in my collection, so unless you'd paint it, you won't be very happy with it at all.

  21. the Bandai MG TG3 will trump this so hard bootleg lovers will ask them selves why they can't buy it. and then realize.. oh right.. they don't deserve it.

    1. underlined words : WILL. And you WILL never know when bandai WILL release this kit. lol

  22. Wondering why quarrel when its your own money and buy whatever u want . Who the fuck cares ? Bootleg or not both of them are still model kits and its up to the users itself to support bootleg kits or support Bandai's . When u dont have some good parts from Bandai , u can always take a bit from Bootlegs and the same goes for Bandai . Sjit happens in life but its not a topic for the whole fucking life ya know
