Thursday, October 10, 2013

00 Gundam Seven Sword [Attack on Titan Custom]

00 Gundam Seven Sword [Attack on Titan Custom]
Look awesome! 
Image via Zefai


  1. I've never watched Shingeki no Kyojin. Is it really recommended? It seems so popular lately.

    1. It's quite an intense anime, filled with gloom and despair unlike most modern moe/fan service shows. And the show doesn't rely on overly powerful characters and is plot-driven and has decent character development. Tonnes of mystery and cliffhangers to keep you at the edge of your seat. Good thing too since the anime just ended, you can watch the 25 episodes without any breaks.

      Onto the 00 Raiser, I love that it utilizes the Zabanya's backpack instead of coming out with a new design, making this kitbash possible. It looks good too and could pass off as an actual Gunam equipment.

    2. Like Domon and Master Asia taking on the Death Army, except with relatively normal people

    3. Oh yeah, the people fly around using grappling hooks like Batman

    4. I defintely recommend it BUT don't expect to get any satisfying answers to the mountain of mysteries the show throws at you since the manga is still ongoing..

    5. The best way I can describe the show is a 25 episode cliffhanger.

    6. Gotta warn you though Rocky, the main character is emotionally stunted. If you can tolerate his screeching then what these guys said applies.

    7. Thx for your answer, guys! Guess I'm going to watch the show since you all give a positive review 'bout the it. 25 episodes without breaks? I've done that in the past with Code Geass season 2 & Full Metal Alchemist (2002). I hope I can repeat the records with Shingeki no Kyojin. As for the main character, as long as he got a good character development, I'll be fine.

    8. Sorry to disappoint you Rocky, but what I said about him being emotionally stunted? It never gets better. What I can say, that no one else did here, is that it has a great soundtrack. Again, if you can ignore the main character its pretty good over all. Much more organized than the manga in my opinion. It was kinda hard to tell who's who in the latter.

    9. if I may suggest, watch the BD version, it has lot of improvement, such as Mikasa face, etc

      as for me, I prefer reading the manga so I'm not interested in watching anime ver, apart from listening that great OP theme.
      just be prepared to endure lot of trolls and sidetracking from manga author (Hajime Isayama).

  2. I forgot to mention, if the show was instead "Attack on Gunam" in which autonomous Gundams with braindead pilots are attacking mankind. It would be very epic, and awesome because mankind will be obliterated by the first episode.

    Imagine a rogue 50m Pysco Gundam breaking the walls, as men only have cannons and swords to fight against the giant mechs. And as if to compound their impending doom, units like Ex-S, Wing Zero and Freedom flies over the skies, spamming laser beams into wall Maria, Sina, Rose and what not.

    1. damn man, it would be hopeless for mankind if this were to happen.

  3. This fits so well its eerie.

  4. Cool! With the attack on titan costume, you will find it more impressive to play this game !
