Wednesday, June 15, 2011

GG INFINITE LUCKY DRAW (JUNE 2011) - Announcement of Winners Today

A total of 347 individuals left comments for this lucky draw contest (view HERE), and 2 lucky folks will be chosen to recieve the HG 1/144 Dreissen [Unicorn Ver.] for free. Good luck to all!
Now is time to think of what to do for July's Lucky Draw...stay tuned!
Valid entries were a concern for this month's contest, and we will be thinking of ways to prevent multiple entries (if you have some good ideas, just give us a comment on this post). 


  1. i think you will have to go through all the comments and sort out duplicates by hand :P
    you will have to make a new list of people who entered, otherwise its just not going to work.

  2. I have to agree with "Anonymous". You really need to go one by one and find the duplicates and remove them completely from being eligible as that individual was cheating.

    You also need to find some sort of IP detecting software or something and to those who posted duplicate entries (usually mass posting the exact same thing with maybe like a punctuation mark to differentiate it or something dumb like that) and have those also disqualified.

    It's a shame that you have to even do things like that, people are greedy by nature.

  3. use verified facebook account. Only one facebook user can enter comment. And only a facebook account with more than 50 people can win the lucky draw. So they will think twice before creating a fake facebook account.

  4. what oemar said is true. FB acc's as proof.


  5. Is there no way to have a id generator for the topic. A number is generated only for the 1st post written by an individual?
    There should be!

  6. @oemar attamimi: thats a stupid idea to be honest^^ not everyone has a facebook account and you cant just say that this is a facebook user only contest AFTER the contest has ended! that would be very unfair.

  7. it will be very unfair if the fake user win.

  8. I agree with the Facbook acct verification for any contests going forward. Sort out duplicates by hand this time and then use Facebook next time. Should straighten things out.

  9. I posted twice, and used my FB for my second comment for a link, but is there a program to detect the IP source of the post? What if you make an forum contest where your the administrator and can see where people post? I'm not sure if that even works like that. just an idea.

  10. I think the facebook account verification is a good idea, i agree with most of you guys

  11. Odds are a spammer will probably will this one.

    Lame, but what can we do? People just love to spam and cheat their way to winning if there are no checks & balance systems put into place.

  12. but some people in some country dont have a fix IP. They just need to reset their modem/router and they can get different IP already. so i agreed with the FB account verification :D

  13. FB verification kinda screws over people who don't have and don't care about Facebook (and such people do exist)

  14. hand picking is probably the best method ip tracking dont always work and not eveyone has facebook

  15. I agree with Anonymous above that there are people who don't have and don't care about their facebook...

  16. you could try a treasure hunt through out the site that would make people work to win a prize? Spammers wouldn't take 10-20 minutes to find the clues. GG could set up a temporary email address for the comp and people would have to email the answer in. They'd have to include their name, address, and screenshots of the found clues. Just a thought. (BTW this is my second post to this thread - don't count this one!) heehee, oh tired.

  17. just use faceook, it is easier for you gg!

  18. not being selfish here, but for those who have no facebook accounts,maybe it's time for you to have one. ;D I'm sure it would be easy for you guys to have 50 friends or more friends in a short span of time.

  19. if a someone realy intend wanna cheat,open 50 FB account thn add each other as fren and can join the lucky draw with 50 different account
