Friday, March 21, 2014

Mobile Suit Gundam 35th Anniversary ~ RISE!--The World In Motion - LIVE STREAMING (ENG DUB) Updated

 Mobile Suit Gundam 35th Anniversary ~ RISE!--The World In Motion

Three Gundam Animated Series Announced For 2014-2015:
- Gundam UC Episode 7 'Over the Rainbow'
- Gundam Reconguista in G
- Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin I

[Udpated 3/21/14]
English dubbed translated video

[Udpated 3/20/14]


  1. "Reconquista of G"

  2. The middle one is G Reko (G no REKONGISU~Gの レコンギス~) by yoshiyuki tomino. Announced in gundam ACE


  4. new Gundam series....and no GBF 2nd season :(

  5. Too bad Tomino's speech was the only part untranslated, hope someone subs the clip or at least transcribes it.

  6. How come that Meister Kawaguchi guy isn't part of this interview panel thing? Isn't he a big and important figure in the business? Anyway, I think it sucks that we basically got confirmation that Build Fighters is not getting a Season 2. Maybe they can make a sequel to Gundam Seed Destiny or Gundam 00 Season 3?

    1. there is no more reason for war in seed and 00. if u read the side story for the series ull know why. Besides, seed series isn't that good, it is just a mediocre war romance drama that have a plot that pisses people off. seed was good destiny sucked like bull crap. also for 00, humans evolved to innovators, the only war remaining is the possibility of old human jeolous of innovators and start a war on them, celestial being intervenes,.well, they already wrote a photo novel on that, read 00N.

    2. Yes, mediocre even though it's one of the best selling Gundam series out there. Quit whining.

    3. You kidding me? one of the best? ever heard of the commercialisation of the internet. the world wasnt a hyperconnected world back in the 80s, seed and destiny just happen to coincide with the period when resources are easier to access. CD, DVD,VCD WERE FKING EXPENSIVE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES TILL THE 2000S! Seed and destiny became popular due to access, not bcoz it is good. Tell you, if the age of the internet and social media were to assimilate the developing socielties earlier, zeta and wing or x would have become just as popular, enough to woop seed's ass, well seeds are already getting bashes by the new millenia gundam fans anyways. Ignorant fool

    4. CE-verse are stuck because Fukuoda and his wife ruin it, and planned-movie are in development hell because Fukuda didn't give a chance anymore for directing gundam series, and Morosawa are struggling with her illness. AD-verse didn't need to make a sequel because Mitsujima already close curtain for 00 on Trailblazer: people are united, communication with other intellegient lifeform are success, humans doing interstellar travel for first time.

    5. Magma Dragoon - Another Suiton alias.

  7. Gundam Reconguista in G It is a very good animation, and very bad models. or I see it is the only Gundam series that I will not see.

    1. Well, with all due respect, how immature can u get sir. ever heard of the phrase 'don't judge a book by its cover"?
      The only thing i will condemn in Turn A is the MS design, but it is still much better than all the cliche shit plots.
      My friends all say GBF is cartoon, guess what, they are so hooked to it that i feel like slapping their faces now. Give G-reco a go, not for the mecha, but the story. Tell you, i feel gifted, for being able to relive my old beyblade childhood in gundam build fighter, now im at such an old age 20s, i feel honoured to be able to enjoy something meant for the innocent young.

  8. Replies
    1. They can't stay on side project forever, new main project are needed for increase new design, new engineering, and profit. So when GBF s02 will announced (amen for that) there'll be more cameo, reference and customizing material for sure.
