Friday, March 21, 2014

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 RX-0[N] Unicorn Gundam Banshee Norn - Announced!

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 RX-0[N] Unicorn Gundam Banshee Norn (Release Date: Jun 2014, Price: 6480 Yen)


    I was waiting and I was afraid this is what would happen.

    $63.40 (¥6480) x 2 = $126.80

    Probably how much we're gonna be paying. >_<


  3. Not cool bandai. Total dick move

  4. Bandai, what will it take to change your goddamn minds to make this kit at REGULAR RETAIL?!

    Seriously, what the hell?! Making the Banshee Norn, which will be an important mech in the coming final episode, as an Online Exclusive is another one of the stupidest things Bandai has ever thought of!

    If a Unicorn model has to be an exclusive, it really should have been the Phenex!

    1. with this dick-move... I'd go for a Chinese Knock-off or Add-on parts in a heart beat (if they could match the quality)

    2. your right! let's wait for an add-on parts in ebay.

      STUPID BANDAI! they should be called DUMBDAI instead

    3. Bandai only does these Dick moves because people fall for them. If you wanna send a message, just don't buy the online exclusives. Eventually they'll realize that people won't fall for it and then release them normally.
      Still though TOTAL DICK MOVE

  5. Whys is this an exclusive? Especially from Gundam Unicorn


  7. for those who missed the mg banshee boat....hop on!

    1. You can still order it online...there's no boat to hop into

    2. its a nicer variant than the other banshee, and thus an entry point for those who didnt get the org mg banshee(gasp!).
      Tho the online exclusive is the only SORE SORE point.

  8. Why ? WHYYYY a such important kit in Exclusive... Don't understand their choices...

  9. Web exclusive? We are fucked. Why Bandai???

  10. There are more exclusive than regular releases.

  11. Wait, what ? Norn as an Online Exclusive ? That's it, Bandai lost it.

  12. That is complete bull shit...... Really?!?

  13. WTF! It's not normal release?

  14. REALLY REALLY, online exclusive for Norn? HGUC(unicorn mode) came out as normal, so is destroy mode in near future.

    Way to screw non Japan/HK fans, bandai.

  15. so many unicorns that ive lost count...

  16. I hear a lot of UC fans screaming in anger right now....hoo boy.

  17. SD BB and HG is regular release n they are making the MG an online exclusive????? I understand if they made the phenex in to an online exclusive but the norn..SERIOUSLY!??!?!? I just hope they change it the last minute like the phenex which was supposed to be an online exclusive and turn out to be a regular release

  18. I was half expecting this to be an exclusive item lol...

  19. P-Bandai is being abused to heck right now.. everything is going into P-Bandai just so they can make more money..
    should've been the Phenex, man..

    1. You guys are such f-ing retards. Try too use your little brains for once. BANDAI MAKES LESS MONEY WITH THE PREMIUM KITS!!! Yes it is roughly $20 more than the standard Mg banshee. But that's too off set the cost of making new injection molds for the new parts. Bandia would make more money if this was a general release Kit and they could cut the price some because it would be produce in large quantities. It's simple you pay less for bulk. If you want too biych about who's screwing the fans the Bitch at the 3rd party Sellers of these kits that add 20%-100% markuo. They are the ones making the money.

    2. Use your little brain for once and actually learn about how business runs. Bandai only takes 35% of the regular retail price for normal release kit. P-Bandai gives them 200% profit by cutting the middle man, selling it for 100% full retail instead of getting a cut from regular retail. Limited per order production also make sure there are no leftover or overstock.

      By the way, since it is in premium store. It should at least replace the yellow plate with gold plate.

    3. Excellent reasoning, almost forgot that this doesn't need to go thru retail :)

    4. I understand business very well Trevie. But after reading your comment it's clear that you do not and that your another one of these self entitled cry tits.
      Your comment about the yellow parts shows this. There's this thing called paint you should buy some and learn how too use it. And don't play that " it was a complaint about them being yellow it was just a statement about tgey should be gold because it's a premium Kit". Face it if it wasn't a issue for you you wouldn't have mentioned it.

      Now where did you get your bandai only charges 35% per Kit they make? So according to you it costs bandai $22.18 too produce one Mg banshee norn $22.18 Kit. So if this was a general release every retailer would mark it up $42.60 too make the retail price $63.39. So lets see what your so called 200% markup under the bandai premium will make on $22.18. $22.18 x200% = $44.36 even if you mark it up 300% you would get $66.35. That is closest you will get too the listed price. So your wrong about tbe 200% profit. I'll tell why. It's simple mass production the more of a item you produce the cheaper your produce costs are. Between the cost of making/retooling existing molds materials and labor/production costs that bandai is making as much money as you are assuming. If that was the case then bandai should allow people to buy directly from them at retail price that way they would make the most money on their product. But bandai doesn't because it's not worth it hiring more people to deal with that.

      Now as for you claim about bandai cutting out the middle man. You proved your ignorance by saying this. What do you think GG is? He is one of the many bandai premium retailers that markup these Kit 20%-100%. At least he is in the 20%-30% range unlike others I have seen.

      You showed that you have a slight understanding of business with you comment about the limited production run helps prevent over stock. But bandai could take these kits and do a 1 year production run as a general release limited edition Kit like they have done before with other kits and like kotobukiya does with their kits. Once the production run is done it's done not constantly reissue kits like bandia does with every general release. That would take care of any over stock issues.
      What I find funny is you defending people that are crying over $17.. News flash find a over seas retailer that sales bandai premium Kit and regular release Kits. That way you'll get more than 1 Kit shipped to you directly instead of pay the 3rd retailers in the US the price for just one Kit.

    5. well shit, some people just can't play nice.. let me reword the sentence then..
      P-Bandai is being abused to heck right now.. everything is going into P-Bandai AND NOW WE HAVE TO PAY MORE..
      should've been the Phenex, man..


    6. Paint? lol? Did you happen to check out the other two special Banshee? Limited production Titanium Finish has matt gold. The other online premium novel last battle ver has chrome plated gold. It is a direct comparison to other premium items. If this item is in premium store, it should be premium grade. Guess you didn't get it.

      Didn't say anything about production cost. Not sure where you got that. Retailers usually get products at 25%-35% of the retail price is a fact for every kind of store, not just models. How else are they going to make a profit for 50% off items. Then they still have to cover shipping and labor.

      As for cutting out middleman, go try to find this produce in retail store across Japan and HK. No? Why would store carry this if they make no money from this. You can get it with free shipping(with P-Bandai pt program) within Japan/HK. We are only buying this third party because P-bandai doesn't sell globally, and you got to pay handlers for the service.

      Limited production is just a side bonus for bandai as these kits are made per orders, and again, this kit DOES NOT belong to limited production. It is highly anticipated, just look at all the replies and complaints.

      News flash, we are complaining about fairness. Would I pay a premium price for a premium kit, yes. I have titanium finish nu, GGMC Banshee, MB destiny, 00, exia. They are all great and worthy of 150++ each. This kit, NO.

  20. AWHHHHHHH.. what the HECK Bandai???
    You make this to be an exclusive item??
    Man.. =.=
    Just hoping the case just like Phenex and turn out to be a regular release..
    And screaming the anger here maybe useless.. T.T

  21. A really bad's getting pretty obvious how Bandai tries to milk every upgraded kits todayT_T, as long as it has normal equipment they will release it as regulars, but once it's upgraded in the movie or slightly altered, then come the P-Bandai exclusive.... *exhale...

    Too bad...if only this kit is released in regular line, I'm pretty sure there will be more people interested....

  22. Good move Bandai. Most Mgs should be exclusive. Else all trolls will start asking make all models into Mgs.

    Mg's are so unstable.
    100 scale is quite odd.

    Buy rg, be smart.

    1. Troll post. 1/ Midget scale.

    2. You're a moron. MGs are far more stable than RG kits.
      Heavy? What a weak litle bitch you are.
      They are not expenive, you're just a cheap fucker
      1/100 scale is not odd, its an easy number for scaling.
      1/144 is odd.

    3. @Error, What's your problem? You said SD kits are ugly fat heads in the other post and now you are here to slam MG kits too?

    4. ur just a dumbass for saying mgs are heavy expensive and look odd. have you even built an mg before. if so im pretty sure u havent built enough of em since most of em are pretty damm well built and cheap

    5. RGs are stable? My RG Strike Freedom can't even hold nice poses. It's inner frame is weaker compared to an MG which you would spend time building. Maybe you're just too lazy to build an inner frame that RG, the twist and click inner frame, suits you.

  23. A really bad's getting pretty obvious how Bandai tries to milk every upgraded kits todayT_T, as long as it has normal equipment they will release it as regulars, but once it's upgraded in the movie or slightly altered, then come the P-Bandai exclusive.... *exhale...

    Too bad...if only this kit is released in regular line, I'm pretty sure there will be more people interested....

  24. god dammit bandai, dick move ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

  25. Surprised we do not have exclusive for Full Armor Unicorn OVA Ver. or whatever they want to call it.

  26. This is most cruelest P-Bandai kit announcement, EVER.

  27. I was about to cheer and then I saw it was an Online exclusive.

  28. for the first time I hate you BANDAI!!!! TT_TT

  29. Phenex is a regular release and Norn is an online exclusive. Yep, makes total sense, good job Bandai.


  31. Maybe this time the green psychoframe Banshee Norn will be regular release then?

    1. You know...I thought the same but realized that why they would that if the green psycho frame is "more special" in the selling 100% the same kit with different colored frame does not make sense, and if that would been the case why they in this product put "Yellow psycho frame ver." or something like that? But still I hope they come to their senses this was just a really bad move...

    2. Will there even be a green psychoframe for Banshee norn.. seems the regular orange is already an online exclusive???

    3. well the green psychoframe is also an exclusive....

  32. With all the good going on there had to be a dick move coming, and here it is. Hopefully it will become a regular release.

    The only Norn that should to be an exclusive is the green psycho frame version

  33. What the f***!? Online Exclusive for the Banshee Norn? Why? Why? Why? Why? Phenex gets retail release and is insanely pricey for something that has a short movie but the freaking main rival in the final episode which you people have been hyping for how long now gets online exclusive? I thought you people loved to abuse the Unicorn frame and release it like 50 times? So why is this online exclusive?

    The novel "Final Battle" version I can kind of see getting an online exclusive since it's the novel version and it really is just a Black Unicorn with a different V-Fin compared to the OVA versions...which by the way I have ordered (2 of them in fact) and it's been how long since it was supposed to come in? What's going on with that guys?

    If anything I thought THIS was supposed to get a retail release in May since apparently no MGs are coming out until freaking June and then a green psycho frame version would come out later as an Online Exclusive...I mean wouldn't that make more sense? No...of course not...what is sense but just a word in a dictionary to Bandai who once again screws me over at the most opportune moments. I said I didn't mind the novel final battle ver. Banshee got Online Exclusived...I didn't mind the X-2 getting Online Exclusived that much (X-3 I did), didn't mind the AGE-2 Special Forces Version getting Online Exclusived, hell didn't even mind the Exia Repair II getting Online Exclusived...but now you've just crossed the line and finally pissed me off to the point where I wish the Online Exclusive department would roll over and die....

  34. Phenex is a regular release, yet this is not. Oh you Bandai.

    Here's hoping we will see regular MG releases between Universe Boosters and Turn X...

    1. The Phenex is not a regular release

    2. We probably won't have one in April because of the RG but I'm curious as to see if Bandai will pull out a MG in May...unless I forgot whether they announced a kit for May.

      But either way, this just sucks Ball (see what I did there?).

    3. "The Phenex is not a regular release"

      It is, I bought mine from a normal shop in Japan. There's tons of them on the shelf.

  35. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aw man, that sucks for for all you MG fans out there. Perhaps that Unicorn gravy-train has finally started to slow down. Either way, I'm not here to rationalize someone's marketing decision. Instead, has anyone ever thought to refuse buying something (even if you love it/want it) out of protest? Something to consider. Perhaps try writing to Bandai about it (camly, would probably do the trick).

    I realize that many of you were looking forward to this design but you guys don't have to buy everything that Bandai pumps out. I know I don't. Despite my love for the Gundam Ez-8, I refuse to buy the new HGUC model of it. Why? Because it's a pile of garbage and I'm not going to pay my hard earned money on something that I won't be happy with.

    While I'm not fundamentally opposed to these Online Exclusives per say, I am opposed to the rather high mark up that certain retailers sometimes place on these items; knowing full well they they have a slight monopoly on the market. Of course there is profit to be made, but these Online exclusives usually start out with a semi-reasonable price and then get marked up to hell. It's just like housing economics in a jentrified neighborhood... the fault goes to the land lords for raising rent at the first sign of opportunity.. They do it because the know they've got the market pinned.

    So before you go and misplace your blame, stop and think about who you're giving your money to.

    1. Here's the reason why they need to marked-up the price:
      1. Shipping cost
      2. Pay comission for third man. A P-bandai goods cant delivered to our hand because their service is for Japan-only, that's why we need third man/agent who live in Japan for deliver it to our country.

    2. We have heard rumors of bandai working on a US parts service so it may also come with a webshop
      As well

  36. Booooooo! Fuck you Bandai!!

  37. That's it Bandai, my stance on bootlegs has officially reversed. I'm glad there is a dent to your bottom line with every release of bootlegs and garage kits. Charge whatever you want, I'm going to buy just the basic frame kits and going bootleg for everything else.

  38. "Nice Bandai! I will surely buy this Premium MG Banshee Norn!" - Said no Unicorn fans.

    Well i'm pretty sure that many people out there expected this kits to be regular release just like the old MG Banshee.

    But what can we do? nothing, just wait and hope that maybe bandai will change it to regular release.

    Sincerely, Random People in the World of Imagination.


  40. Juz prepare for more variations.. just like what they did with the original unicorn that has 5 MG of it.... who knows they might change some color tone and make it some "real color" ver and make it a regular release..

  41. Who's the dunderhead at the helm making these numbnut decisions? Seriously, of all kits, making this an exclusive.

  42. i'm actually interested in getting this to be my first unicorn guess not

  43. I think it's likely they decided to release the green frame version as a regular release, since that's it's more powerful and perhaps true form to rival the Unicorn. I would wait and see what happens.

  44. Maybe it's just a test run to see if how many people will actually like the banshee norn in MG?
    then make a regular release if the demand increase...

  45. This sure has been an up-and-down week. Yay, The Origin anime is finally confirmed... but Tomino implies G Reco is for kids. Holy shit, MG Turn X announced... but now... this.

    When they streamed that press conference with English voiceovers, I thought for a second, man, maybe they really do care about their foreign fans. It really warmed my cackles. Briefly. No, Bandai really does hate us! Boo hoo...

    Ok, this is a (slight?) overreaction. It just stings more than most annnouncements because I'm pretty sure most people agree that the Banshee Norn is cooler than the original Banshee (see also: Tallgeese II). But in the end, it is just a variation on a variation. We still have the HG, and maybe there will be a RG Unicorn series someday. There. That's as much unwarranted optimism as I can muster. Back to despair...

  46. Oh what a coincidence, Bandai. Just as soon as the HGUC version of Banshee Norn Destroy is released, you announced this. I was kinda expecting this and hold out for the MG but no, you had to make this an exclusive. Well, good then. I won't need to buy yet another MG Unicorn.

  47. Uh anyone up for a mass emailing campaign? you know, everyone send a ton of emails to the company. I mean if we bug them enough you never know... that or we could try bluefin. Just saying it is an option, couse no mater how much i like the banshee their is no way Im paying 100+ for this thing.

    1. Yeah sure, you and your entitled buddies do that. You think that will change a thing? They'll just pay people to delete your mails. Seriously, Bandai isn't making this for you. You don't like it? DON'T BUY IT.

  48. First I thought "Oh no, not ANOTHER Unicorn"
    Then I thought "Fuck, it kinda looks cool, I'm gonna have to build another MG Unicorn ><"
    Then I read "Exclusive" and thought "Phew, fuck that, atleast I won't have to deal with another MG Unicorn mold"
    .. cause seriously, who loves the MG Unicorn in destroy mode? Try to move or transform one part, and another falls off/comes loose/generally acts like a tard.
    But I agree with everyone, dick move. Fucking p bandai bullshit.

  49. calm down big boys,we'll get banshee norn with green/blue frame to match full armor unicorn gundam mark my word guys

    1. I don't like the green frame on Banshee. Orange frame suits it better. And who know if Bandai would may it another P-Bandai exclusive.

    2. we already have normal banshee with orange frame,bandai will release banshee norn in final form(blue/green frame) to match full armor unicorn (blue/green frame)
      we can always paint the psycho frame so no big deal

    3. Can't wait for ep 7. I hope Banshee Norn will include parts to build the claw and the beam cannon like normal Banshee.

  50. Bwahahaha! Oh Bandai, this is just too funny. Whooh! Look at these people, lot of complains yet in the end they'll still gonna buy it.

    1. Speak for yourself, I wanted a MG Banshee Norn but I'm not paying $100+ for it. An easy pass for me.

    2. Yeah but I guess the majority of these jerks probably can't resist and still buy it.

  51. Well,I been waiting so long for this kit so I am kinda happy it finally came out. Bandai...I am still you're fan thorough thick and thin...

  52. If it has to be this way, then so be it. We just have to order it online that's all.

    It is not surprising to me that if the Green Frame versions of MG FA Unicorn and Banshee Norn will be released as regulars soon

    1. Green frame version of FA unicorn is already a regular kit.


  54. Wait, i see in p-bandai, this kit is doesn't exists....

  55. No wonder BL kits are getting strongers because of this kind of moves...

    Dear Bandai, if you want to get rid of BL Kits, first LOWER your prices, second STOP MAKING EXCLUSIVES and third MAKE EVERY KIT POSSIBLE (look at the case of DragonMomoko TG3 and Elynn's Kshatriya)!!!

    Oh Bandai you never learn. I won't be surprised if this guy gets a BL sooner or later.... =__="

  56. actually, i think bandai want to roll out two banshee,one is with clear yellow online.the another with clear green at market.You guy don't be hopeless

  57. I honestly hope they release a master grade unicorn banshee norn with green psycho frame parts. I don't mind painting it green, but I honestly prefer the clear green I've seen in the ver ka full armor unicorn. Man, I just watched over the rainbow, it had a great ending. Seeing riddhe go into awakening made me fanboy so hard, especially banagher in his uber-00-superdimensional awakening. Ughh, yus
