Tuesday, July 17, 2012

PS3: Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation - Import Preview by Kotaku.com

PS3: Mobile Suit Gundam - Battle Operation
Game Released On: Jun 28th, 2012
Platform: Playstation 3
Cost: Free of charge, some pay-per-item scheme will be implemented
Age: 12 and up
Pricing Scheme Detailed: HERE, Infantry Gameplay Detaled: HERE, Promo Videos: HERE, HERE
REVIEW BY KOTAKU (Read the full article at their website: HERE)
New Gundam Game is Fun and Free-to-Play (…For Only 30 Minutes a Day)
About three weeks back, Bandai-Namco released their first big-name, free-to-play title, Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation on the PlayStation 3. Set during the original Gundam series, this multiplayer third-person shooter reenacts some of the biggest battles in the One Year War, with six people siding with the Earth Federation and six with Zeon. But is this first step into the world of free-to-play gaming a worthwhile one or is Gundam Battle Operation just another example of "you get what you pay for."
Good — Unique Take on Capture-the-Points Gameplay
The game itself is set up like your standard capture-the-point versus mode—you go out, capture points, and then defend them. What makes Gundam Battle Operation unique is how you do it. To capture a point you actually have to leave your mobile suit, making you vulnerable to bullets and explosions—as well as giant robot feet. If you kill an enemy player while he's outside his suit, you can take it over yourself, allowing you access to all its weapons. If you're smart, you can even sneak behind enemy lines and lay a bomb on the enemy home base—pretty much guaranteeing you the number one spot on the scoreboard. 
Good — A Real Weight to Your Giant Robot
The mobile suits in Gundam Battle Operation handle far more like enormous lumbering tanks than giant humans—and this is a good thing. Every suit feels heavy and moves realistically for an object of its size. This makes weight—and therefore speed and maneuverability—an important consideration when choosing your mobile suit. Are you willing to ditch your armor to speed back and forth across the battle field, or would you rather be able to shrug off enemy bullets like annoying flies? The choice is up to you and your play style.
To read the rest of the article at Kotaku: VIEW HERE

1 comment:

  1. so pilot has to come out from ms in this game ?
    that's nice, very unique, make me want to try this game.

    though I don't have ps3. sad.
    I hope they make port to pc.
