Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gundam AGE 3rd Generation - Dark Mobile Suit w/ Skull Insignia

Gundam AGE 3rd Generation's Open Theme shows a dark mobile suit silhouette with a Skull (w/ wrench) insignia.  This mobile suit was also featured in a recent magazine publication as well.  It looks like the cross between Gundam AGE 2 + Crossbone Gundam.  Asemu is going to be piloting this suit, and I can't wait to see this suit in action!
Images from


  1. It looks very much like AGE-2

  2. and the 3rd form of age-2 is bad-ass :O

  3. probably is Asemu

  4. Awesome this just confirmed it, the chest has the part where the age symbol would show.

  5. most probably is asemu, or the guy who defeated him and taken over his gundam and styled it with a pirate motive. or it could be be that asemu joined the visidian after the events of memories of sid

  6. Aw.. this means that Asemu is gonna be ditching his Woolf duds and paint job...

    1. from the 2nd coming of the White Wolf to the birth of the Black Pirate... XD or whatever he's gonna be called... XD

  7. If you read the top asemu does pilot this suit

  8. Could be Mardorna Workshop?
    Asemu could play as a third Force like Arcangel in seed. Because Asemu has never hated the Vegans to begin with. He only would protect his Familie so he was fighting them and of course because of Flit.

    1. And just like in SEED and DEstiny, Ezelcant being a Durandal is hiding something. There is a 3rd party or a hidden agenda yet to be revealed, like what exactly is EDEN truly.

      I can totally see that angle of Asemu learning something about the Visidian/Veigan during his MIA/unknown whereabouts.

      That wouldve totally changed his mind about the Veigan and the Earth Force: Ezelcant or someone else is controlling the strings, so is with the EFF. Hence a breakaway 'rebel' party goes into play, ala Eternal/Orb team.

  9. Or... Asemu loses his memories or they were modified just like Mu from destiny

  10. ASEMU wearing mask, and say to KIO, I'm your father...

    1. Of course! They totally do a Leo Ronoake all over again, or rather, a Milliardo.

      Or a Katejina Loos is definitely possible. As in becomes an Ace pilot for the Yellow Jackets, er black suits.

      Read brainwashed by Visidian/Veigan and forced to fight both his father Flit and his son Asemu. What could be your worst enemy than the one you cant pull the trigger, which is your own family!

      The ones he swore to protect, now he might have to destroy. Oh geez AGE is getting better and better every minute!

    2. Schwarz Bruder since the gundam is colored black and has a slight resemblance to Shadow Gundam instead sporting a Pirate theme and that kio might not know who Asemu is until later on only if he wear the mask just like Domon knew who Schwarz's real identity as Kyoji.

    3. Red beam sabers and fully developed x-rounder powers would be a plus.

      The strong is force in this one.

    4. Nah. One of the coolest things about Asem in the last few eps of the arc (once he stopped angsting over his Daddy issues) was that he could kick all kinds of ass WITHOUT X-Rounder powers (Kinda like what made Woolf such a badass for...well, all his screentime).
      Making him an X-Rounder would IMO take away from his awesomeness.

    5. Darth Vader was strong in the force, so to complete the reference, Asemu should also have strong X-rounder powers.

      Anyways, this is just fun thread linking Star Wars to "Japan's Star Wars"

  11. I'm trying to enjoy this series on its own merits but it has none besides dragon MS and ripping off other series.
    The first animated pirate gundam should have been crossbone, not a show that just rips off every idea it can.

    1. LOL unlike u I dislike all the Vegan MS which transforms (exception being Zedas but only the MS mode) or are full on dragons.
      Secondly its not ripping off, ripping off is taking others ideas and using them (plagiarism), what they are doing you can either consider to be Recycling ideas to the point they get boring, or Homages to every series out there

      Biggest complaint I share with you is that they made an animated pirate gundam before Crossbone.....hopefully its next after Unicorn :D or Advance of Zeta

      Also kudos to you for trying to enjoy this series unlike the haters who jump the gun and say its bad without watching the series first, if you hate the series after watching then I respect that but I hate ppl who hate just because

    2. It is because people like you that literally erased the word "HOMAGE" from all the dictionaries. Don't be a dick, either you accept the truth that they are just merely designing resemblances out of the previous works, or not.

  12. so that's why we don't get a third ware for age 2! we get a whole new suit or at least o custom of age 2! good job bandai you have impressed me with the third suit for asemu, and a pirate nonteheless

  13. Question is , why ditch your newborn son to join some pirates?

    1. Having a bad-ass mobile suit upgrade, color scheme and a pirate ensignia, that's what!

      Scuuuurvy lads!

    2. Also, his dad won't make a 3rd wear for him.

  14. Well Ask Monkey D. Dragon of One piece
    And Gin Frecess of Hunter X Hunter

  15. wow is it me or is this one of the few times an MSV/manga design actually made it to the anime? not counting 00's AIZ gundam (Reborns Gundam), multitude of Astraea's (Exia) and now AGE 2 = G-Xiphios

    Astray sorta counts i guess

    1. Sorry dude that's not the G-Xiphios. Thats like the 3rd ware for the age-2 or you could say Age-2 Custom. You can tell that's just the age-2 with different cosmetic changes.

    2. Yeah i just now realised it wasnt G-Xiphios. I've already seen that suit when AGE 2 began. just didnt know what it was called. That's because a lot of people on this boards kept saying theyve 'read' Memories of Sid wiki, saying G-Xiphios is this suit. Ok its coloured black, it has the pirate hat, the grappling captain hook, the gun/sword hand perhaps, but the one shown in AGE 3's intro has a skull motif on the head, pink/magenta v fins, vents, etc and AGE 2's body, legs.

  16. Asem is blond... Maybe he'll be another decent Char clone, with shades or mask.

    1. Nah i think he'll be more of what someone said above like Schwarz Bruder from G Gundam, who is actually...

      Or he'll be like Leo Ronoake

  17. I'll take this as the official Crossbone Gundam reference. This series has everything!

  18. How about you just animate Crossbone Gundam already. :|

    1. They have the manga crossover into V Gundam's UC timeline. It's only a matter of time.

      Hang in there dude. I will try to create my custom X2 until then.





  20. anyone else notice how age is taking themes from other gundam shows? You can see designs from all the others in Ages mechs. Age 1 is the original. Age 2 has a gundam 00 feel to it. Age 3 has a zz gundam feel to it. Crossbone looks like its next.

    1. One word: Homage.
      Age-2 is Zeta based, it's just designed by Ebitakawa, hence the 00 feel

    2. Isn't that too late to realize it? XD

      You are slow man anon 10:44, slowpoke.

    3. Qant's head is on AGE 3. V2's shoulders and colour scheme.

  21. Well bandais done like 33 years of gundam. You shouldnt blame them for using unoriginal design

  22. So badass! Anybody else notice that other gundam that appeared during the beginning? And also when they showed the vegan mobile suits another gundam appeared that looked TOTALLY different? I need to find out what it is and who's piloting it!

    1. If you notice that Gundam that appeared AFTER Ghiraga and the Farsia clone,

      The head is mostly Gundam, BUT the eyes or should i say, Veigan mono eye!

      Either Ezelcant sama and the Veigans are hiding something, like the box of blueprints for just about everything Veigan and earth technology apparently sought by Largan Drace during his voyage aboard Treasure Star as a Federation soldier. Largan pilots the G-Xiphios, which looks similar to the pirate darked out gundam that appeared with the Skull and bones mechanical flag. But that gundam is not G-Xiphios. It looks like Asemu either found the Visidians or the Treasure star or even THAT enormous spider like Veigan mobile armor.

      I really appreciate what Sunrise have done incorporating the manga sidestory into the anime. If they do it at all. Seems to me this is a test gauge for fan reaction, and based on that reaction, they may or not choose to adapt Crossbone into anime.

    2. "Largan pilots the G-Xiphios"
      No, he does not. The G-Xiphos is piloted by a mercenary/pirate named Wivik Lambro.
      IIRC Largan pilots a Genoace II in the manga.

  23. I already know who is asem pilots and that is the Gundam age 2 tunig

  24. I was hoping the this had something to do with Gundam AGE: Memories of Sid manga.

  25. oh cmon stop making asem the bad guy, making him wear a mask and fight his son is like darth vader, but then again its cool hahaha can't wait how they wrap up the series

  26. If Sunrise can make Memories of Sid Canon in AGE, then Treasure Star too as well. Some elements in Treasure Star were also in the anime as well.

  27. I just started watching the show this weekend... Essentially I crammed the first two seasons virtually nonstop for 2 days and then watched Episode 29 yesterday. I would say this, the show is actually pretty good. I was concerned with the kid-like theme in season 1 aka AGE 1 early on. I've watched a lot of Gundam in my time... basically I was introduced to it from the "Gundam Wing" series and watched faithfully 00 series and didn't care too much for Seed/Seed Destiny and watched others here and there. Played the games. I'm REALLY looking forward to the next Dynasty Warriors Gundam game and essentially give AGE it's whole game onto itself. Looks like it would be a blast to play.


  29. yes, it is from Gundam AGE side story, Memories of Sid... pirate logo looks like Visidian Space Pirate...
    maybe Asemu ride this mobile suit, the name of this black mobile suit is KITA GUNDAM

  30. So this means Asem returns from being "MIA" and the pilots the Age-2 visidian. This "third ware" for the Age-2, or just a standard custom job. Then what exactly is the Age-2S Full Blaster?

  31. That Gundam name was AGE-2 DarkHound
