Saturday, September 10, 2016

Next METAL BUILD Release To Be Announced Soon? Which Mobile Suit Would You Like To See A METAL BUILD Release?

The next METAL BUILD release will be announced at the upcoming 56th All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2016.  Which mobile suit / series would you like to see a release for the METAL BUILD line? 

56th All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2016
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo, Japan)
Date: Sept. 23rd - 25th, 2016

*Image below is for reference only. Not confirm as actual release *


  1. Infinite justice.. more importantly make this line more accessible with more quantity.. the scalping on these figures is unreal....

  2. I know the silhouettes on the sides are the infinite justice and the gundam wing zero ew, but what is the middle one? Is it the god gundam? This is going to be interesting depending on which gundam they choose for the next metal build release.

    1. Middle one looks like Star Build Strike

    2. I think it's star build strike

    3. I would say it's star build strike....

    4. Can say it's Build Strike Gundam not F91 since it horn and shoulder not look like F91 at all.

  3. I'd kill for a metal build wing zero custom

  4. Uhhh, I'm pretty sure that image there is just for reference (it's obviously stated.)
    Anyway, I personally would love a Wing Zero TV version.

    1. Ya, but it's still likely that the next release is going to one of those gundam silhouettes. I think there's a reason they choose those three. The "for reference" is there so people wouldn't mistake all three of them to be actual releases.

  5. Did you guys read that the image is for reference only? Anyway, I also hope that Infinite Justice receives MB treatment.

  6. Infinite Justice Please... Don't start Wing series!

  7. These are not even just references. I think they are simply the imaginations of the blogger. This disclaimer should be put on the photo itself.

  8. Wing Zero EW: too back heavy, even the MG is this
    Star Build Strike: We get it, we love build fighters but please no more!
    Infinite: Possible. But SEED Destiny is in the past.

    1. I never like the star build strike because it is way too similar to the regular strike gundam in real grade and in the master grade versions.

  9. Nu gundam, Infinite Justice, Reborns gundam, Unicorn Gundam, deathscythe regular, sword impulse, Gundam Astray noir. Hopefully not a tacky plain gundam like astraea.

  10. Hopefully the metal build will be around 35-50 percent cheaper. The original seven swords metal build on gginfinite cost 124 dollars or somewhere in that range. Metal builds are way to overpriced after a few weeks of a new metal build being released they prices triple and eventually go beyond. They are the coolest figures i just which i wouldn't have to spend hundreds of dollars for them.

  11. None, if it's not a plastic model kit I don't care.

    1. Lol. The whole point of plastic model kits for me is the "build" part of it, although i still like playing around with the gimmicks and posability.

  12. would like to see a sinanju or kshatriya

  13. Wing Zero custom, thats for shure
