Sunday, September 11, 2016

Gundam Unicorn Twitter's ~ Which UC series would you like to see next after Gundam UC (Unicorn) Poll Result! Crossbone Gundam Has The Highest Votes!

Gundam Unicorn Twitter's ~ Which UC series would you like to see next after Gundam UC (Unicorn) Poll Result!  Crossbone Gundam Has The Highest Votes!

Out of 43,878 votes, Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam received 39% in the poll.  Now let's hope an anime adaptation will truly be produced.

The poll choices were:
- Gundam UC 2
- Gundam Hathaway's Flash
- Crossbone Gundam
- Brand new UC series


  1. Reality check; Bandai/Sunrise they will never make an OVA of Gundam Crossbone reason being they already had make money out of it. At this point they are already pushing it with Crossbone Gundam stuff to the point is nothing else to bring than P Bandai stuff. I think whenever they are gonna make most likely will be something new something they cam milk it like they did with Gundam UC. Gundam Hathaway's Flash has a small chance, since the story is not to long, plus it depends on who actually owns the rights to that novel. Gundam Sentinel is one example of that being own by Model Graphics and not by Bandai/ Sunrise. That is the reason why we never see gundam sentinel designs in Games and animation like build fighters all because of who actually owns the rights. Sadly is most likely that we will never see an OVA of Gundam Sentinel. Well I hope I'm wrong ....

    1. I would like to point out that you can be wrong. Look at thunderbolt. They made an anime version of their kits. WHats stopping an Anime Version Kits of Crossbone, or Ova Version for this matter.

    2. S gundam was in build fighters.... and it and its variants have been in many games as well. If Bandai wants, they don't necessarily need to stick with the KA Crossbone designs. It's not hard for Bandai to roll out newer designs that are closer to the comic and then makes cash grabs (like MG Freedom 2.0).

  2. If they gonna make a Crossbone series, they really need to redesign most of the suits and most of the aspects in it, to make it more suited for Universal Century.
    Lots of the suits are goofy or just plain ugly.
    Just look at this thing: that thing got no place in Universal Century.
    Oh, and don't get me started on their ship, Mother Vanguard, and the fact that it has sails made out of light.
    Those aspects are so out of place in Universal Century timelines which somewhat based on Hard Sci-Fi.

    1. excuse me sir but id like to disagree, need i remind you that crossbone gundam takes place right after mobile suit gundam f91, and right before victory gundam, that being said it also takes place YEARS after the events in unicorn, so of course the mobile suits look diffrent, the start making the designs smaller than old uc suits and alot more articulate, if you recall alot of the suits you see in crossbone look the same as in both f91 and victory, not to mention the flagships sails arent out of light, but infact the same components that make the beamshields in the u.c timline, so that aspect, i disagree, i think all those features in crossbone gundam are exactly where they need to be XD

    2. Think about it, with laplace box's exposure, era of zeon conflict are ended. Universal Century need to move on from zeon stuff and let them to be part of history, like world war I and II. Something must change, cosmo babylonia, jupiter empire and zanscare empire are NOT zeon. They don't need another clone of zaku and another zeon design. Late UC is not about zeon anymore, but about new brand conflict. And if something change, is it not Universal Century anymore?

  3. Lmao your lazy ass should of spelt out "unicorn" and "universally century". Everyone had those two mixed up despite you saying that UC is unicorn. Although didn't apply to the brand new "universal century" series option.

  4. أريد Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny و Gundam Sentinel

  5. fuck gundam pirates, who gives a fuck, whats next? fish gundam? dragon gundams? lucha libre gundams? fucking ninja gundams? leave that for build fighters, and let other uc stuff get animated, hope pirate gundam never gets animated, fuck that shit

  6. Tell you what, Universal Century timeline after Unicorn event is a total messed up, unorganized shit.. It need to be revised, everything, the gundam design, the storytelling, seriously? Pirate ship on space? What made Universal Century so good is the serious storytelling (heavy politics and war) and hard sci-fi not fantasy sci-fi.. Why don't bandai just reboot it like what Marvel does?
