Monday, September 5, 2016

HGBF 1/144 Scramble Gundam - Release Info

HGBF 1/144 Scramble Gundam 
(Release Date: Sept 2016, Price: 2,376 yen)


Images via urusai_zs


  1. I just realized its based on the BBG, the Zeta, and the Destiny. This has Sei written all over it. That being said... I don't like the color scheme.

  2. The waverider mode...if you can call it that, looks horrendous

    1. Agreed. Simply lying flat on your face does not mean you transform

    2. Then what's the difference with wing's bird, airmaster flight and savior ma mode anyway? Same lying flat on face, just bigger shield/nose.

    3. The difference is you can obviously see its head and face from below without anything that covers it well enough. MSZ-006 Zeta gundam is an example of a perfect transformation that covers the entire head completely

    4. That's waverider mode. Meanwhile this suit, although it use zeta gundam as base, it's not transform as waverider, just simple flight or fighter mode like other suit that i mention before. Problem is shield which act as nose for flight mode is too small for cover it's head hence the half-attempt transformation. Beside of that this just normal simple transformation method, not complex one like waverider.

    5. Yup, the bigger shield that hides the head is the difference. and it makes a huge impact that makes this guy's transformation look much worse

    6. Most transforming units did something to the head, either hide, even partially, or have it look like the nose of the craft.

      This one didn't even try, making the transformation even worse if you could call it that.
      At least Saviour and Wing offered the illusion of a transformation with additional moving shoulders and hiding the head with the shield.

      Air master was a bit more complicated since it showcased the moving chest parts.

  3. Looks upgraded zeta honoo gundam for HGBF Anime

  4. Looks like upgrade gundam zeta honoo for HGBF anime...

  5. can't tell if i love it or hate it, i love the zata and destiny but not sure if mashing them together is a good idea

  6. it looks so cool i cant wait to buy this

  7. The transform looks so weird...

  8. Was expecting a zeta gundam type transformayion instead of the wing gundam/gunfam airmaster type, looks weird and forced...

  9. I'm guessing it'll belong to the Kansai dude who made the tryon

  10. The Name, The Colour, The One and Only SCRAMBLE EGGS GUNDAM with scramble parts of zeta and destiny and Age 1 beam saber holders, Gundam wing like transformation, Sei's clear particle parts. Transformation: trash! why not have Age 2 double bullet transformation....

  11. May be Sri's but may be Yuuma's too.....

  12. The flight mode doesnt make sense lol

  13. im thinking its Sei or Yuuma's. also not loving the design, but I'm sure it'll grow on me once the anime comes

  14. At this point it does not matter who made it because now by this time it is mostly common knowledge of how the burst system works so other people are trying their hand at it, Sei may have started it with the RG system and then made the Burning Type for Reiji,but when it got trashed Shia figured it out and helped repair it while learning the concept for it thus it was how she helped Kamiki do his custom gunpla
    And her brother Wilfrid made his own version of the burst system for his Transient Gundam, so we'll see who created this in due time!!!

    1. Idk you but the first guy to ever manipulate Plavsky particles on BF was Nils and his Sengoku Astray.

  15. Oh please just give us Zeta revive already....

  16. So this doesn't belong to anyone. Was just used only for testing.

    Just wanted to say that so far this is the most boring design I've seen in the series, and I'm not hating.

  17. Plavsky particles (PP) too OP pls nerf especially in GBFT. That plus Sekai yelling Jigen Haoh Ryu every fucking time makes it really lame. I really miss season 1. I know S1 also have the Build Knuckle yell but it's not too much compared to Sekai's.

    In GBFT ova, the Kamiki Burning Gundam (PP V1) is too OP that it can rekt Scramble Gundam (PP V2) by combining with other gunplas and summoning the Superior Kaiser. At this point, it's basically power hack and they can easily become the champion on any gunpla tournaments, unless, Bandai decided to make everyone OP and beam spam everything (which I'm sure they will but hopefully not).

    The ova is also a copy paste of S1 final episode but shittier.

    They really need to do something about PP to prevent exploits. Sometimes too OP can be very boring

    1. "too OP can be very boring". Saitama never been agreed this much before .. he even held back against universe's strongest ..

    2. It also required like 7 Gundams from pro and semipro builders for the kaiser. Still lame but not OP being that the requirements are almost impossible to pull off

  18. No just no 0/10... Worst kit from GPBF ever, even older recolor kits are better than this one.
