Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hi-Resolution Model: Gundam Barbatos @ Gunpla Expo World Tour Japan 2015 (Akihabara)

Hi-Resolution Model: Gundam Barbatos
(Release Date: Spring 2016, Price: TBA)


  1. What's this? Iron blooded equivalent of a master grade?

  2. Really hope this one is a kit , not a pre assembled one

    1. Look..Screws... Screws at joints.... Pre-assemble screams all over =)

    2. Some MGs have screws at the joints so I don't think that's an indicator of anything.

    3. I thought the last time a MG had screws in them were with the G MGs, the RX-78-2 ver 1.5, and the Musha Gundam if you want to be technical. Then again I haven't been building many MGs as of late.

    4. I've seen images of it with runners next to it, but it was only the armour parts so it might be kind of like those frame arms kits.

    5. Looking at more images online shows that the frame is pre-assembled but the armour parts are all from a runner which you have to put on

    6. Do you not see the runners????

  3. I see some screws or what looks to be screws all over this.
    Is this an actual kit or perhaps a Master Grade replacement for the Iron Blooded Orphans line?

    Damn it, Bandai. Why are you guys messing around?
    Why can't Bandai just make a normal HG 1/144 (like they have already) and then just do some SD releases and MG releases?
    Why do they have to do 1/100 ("No Grade") releases and now this "Hi-Res" Model?

    I mean this does look a lot more like what I expect a Master Grade to look like than what is obviously just a scaled up HG (I am referring to the the 1/100 No Grade), but why are they calling this a "High Resolution Model" instead of "Master Grade"?

    Perhaps this is just a rebranding and maybe they want to move away from the whole "Grade" labeling?
    So maybe that is why we only have "High Grade" for now? Like maybe they want to slowly phase out the whole "Grade" system they've been using for 30+ years now.

    1. What in the actual FUCK are you trying to say?

    2. perhaps

      that or bandai just wanted to give a special someone a big fuck you

    3. You'll not gonna build one anyway so it doesn't matter to you...

    4. i agree on your point of bandai doing all this new 1/100 scale products but think about it the re1/100 line are for ms designs that are either obscure or not that profitable and mgs cost more to make. in this case there using the ibos gundam frame as a base for their ng line so just design the inner frame and reuse it for maybe all of the 72 other gundams. but i disagree with your point that bandai is replacing the labeling system of mg to hi-res, both of these are two completely different things and i'm sure of it that the hi-res kits are just to attract those who collect chogokin and have an affinity to frame arm kits and takara tomys pre built inner frame transformers kits.

    5. Just stay to your Wishlist of Gunpla you want but (though you haven't buy a SINGLE one) and skip that.

    6. Cause they need something that's strong enough to fight against Dragon momoko since they have already came out with scale 1/100 which is similar to MG kit from Bandai, and also it's way cheaper.

    7. I am still not convinced with this release.
      But it looks like Bandai is taking baby steps towards an MG release.
      The 1/100 was a step into the 1/100 scale, and I think this will be a step forward in the parts separation, gimmicks, etc.
      Something I also dislike about this is the glossy finish.

    8. @arkthe9tailedfox
      You make a good point.
      I only brought up the removal of labeling of grades because it might be something that could possibly happen.
      I dunno.
      But I hope that we do actually get an MG release since I don't really buy HGs and I am definitely not a fan of 1/100 Reborn and 1/100 No Grade kits.

  4. It does look like a 1/100 scale model but I wouldn't be surprised if it was 1/144 scale. Additionally I can see it be not tied down to any grade. To be honest Bandai seems all over the place, keeps producing the same kits over and over again, and the kits are getting pricier. You have R/E 100, Master Grade, No Grade 1/100 as well as HG, RG, FG (not sure if this is dead or not), and No Grade. Hopefully this isn't just a FG (00) or AG type specific to a particular series.

  5. I thought it was Metal Build

  6. this could be their [metal composite]/[metal build] line for Iron--Blooded Orphans

  7. I like the expanded waist. Looks much better now compared to the animation model which I felt was way too thin.

  8. And there's the version to get. Pistons and colour separation look awesome.

  9. best looking iteration yet!

  10. Guys the dumbass that took these pic didn't show that there were runners around it is a kit!!!!!!!! Go to hobby link tv on YouTube to see

  11. It has prepainted runners for the armor, and i didn't see tge runners for the frame, may be it's some kind of Fix Figuration, i think bandai use the Iron Blooded Orphans to make some new counterparts or variant or (i don't know the exact word to this) imho

  12. My guess? Pre-assembled inner frame + pre-painted armor pieces similar to Takara Tomy's DMK Transformers.

  13. its a 1/100 model kit; not preassembled

    I guess they're going to skip an MG for this?

    1. Maybe not.
      But if that is the case, then I suppose this is close enough to an MG.

  14. Bandai likes to make kits more accessible to everyone by making more affordable versions of the kits. MG's normally net 4500 yen where as the no grades and hgs barely pass 3200 yen. Bandai pretty much conforms to the japanese economy.

    1. That might be true about conforming to their own economy which is in the shits these days.
      But I am pretty sure we will eventually see an MG release of this.

  15. I dont get it but im getting it

  16. What is this? S.I.C version of Gunpla?

  17. I can't wait for preorders. when will they be up anyone know?

  18. It shows on the picture in Japanese...(bottom 2)
    The inside frame is pre-assemble.....

  19. the inner frame is completely installed when we buy it.

  20. I hope all old Kit get this treatmen starting from this then Rx78-2, then Char zaku and the rest of them.

  21. Rips Kotobukiya's frame arms, adds little bit of metal?

    I can see all of the IBO gundams will have similar frame.

  22. amazing!! 4k High resolution gundam!!! where the HD one ? the wide screen one? the 4:3 one?

  23. They look like the volks f.s.s injection models that are possible.
    IMS line if I'm not mistaken. The L.E.D Mirage has a beautiful inner frame with the multiple colors an crisp details like this hd barbatos.

  24. Why didnt they add the famous mace!!!!! :(
