Thursday, October 22, 2015

P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gundam Amazing Exia - New Images & Release Info [Updated 10/23/15]

P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gundam Amazing Exia  (Release Date: Dec 2015, Price: 5400 yen)


[Updated 10/23/15] *NEW*

[Updated 9/26/15]

[Updated 9/24/15]

[Updated 9/16/15]


  1. Speaking of GBF/GBFT, MG Beargguy is the only answer. Anyway, even Amazing Kampfer is better than this one.

    1. As much as I hate Exia rehashes, I can't agree with you saying Beargguy is a more worthy release than this. I am more inclined to say that Kampfer deserves a release as well.

    2. MG Amazing Kampfer for sure for the win...

    3. How about gundam x maoh? It will so many clear part in mg form, and so many cling ( reflector shine ) , and if we put under the sun, it will be more reflection and so many cling *aw my eye* that would be awesome, hope bandai release it...

    4. Well how about build burning -_- so long awaited

  2. Hellllllllllll to the yes! Bandai take my money again

  3. hum really disappointing, the Dark Matter is not that old. Try and G-reco should have MG release, but i understand that bandai want to use the first season of build fighter before the other.

    1. Its probably because there is not many parts to make mostly just the sheild and the head v antena thing

    2. Yeah, i mean that is allright, but not really, because amazing red warrior is from gbft, so yeah Bandai calculating, it is random release, not just focus for season 1, but it jump too for season 2 like red warrior does.... hope build burning next, or even try burning and dont forget kamiki too, that would be awesome :D and bandai can make more money from that kits because it is articulate and do cool posing (mg build burning and build burning variant )

    3. Well they released Amazing Red Warrior before this one so no one can really tell which comes out next

    4. You're just upset that G-Reco is still treated fairly by Bandai/Sunrise instead of being forgotten in history books a la Chris Benoit/Hulk Hogan, suiton. Your hate crusade is just pointless.

    5. I'm kinda agree with Suiton with this one being G-Reco is forgettable and not good, and it makes AGE look good. lol

      But MG from G-Reco is very welcome for me especially G-Arcane.

    6. What the hell men, it's just your own taste. BFT have DVD too and between BFT and G-reco the best sale is G-reco, Gunpla from G-rexo aresold well..
      It's incredible how you can believe that everyone think like you!! And really SD kit! for you a show without SD kit that's mean is bad?! There is no sense in what you said.
      Please grow up and start to realize that your own taste is not the mirror of reality.

    7. I know it most likely won't happen but I would love to see a MG of just the G-Self if only for the mod possibilities. On top of that it would
      Be nice to see more of the unique G-Reco designs given the Master Grade treatment - like the Kabikali for instance. I love all of the detailed line art for those suits- even though the series is a completely forgettable mess

    8. You are probably right about that but it would be nice to have some of the better G-Reco kits in Master Grade Form. Just think of all of the mod possibilities. To be honest I really loved all of the detailed mech line art produced for that series - it's a shame the series its self was such a forgettable mess

    9. why the everyone must buy DVD BFT when GundamInfo Released it for free on their Youtube Channel?

  4. Not a P Bandai exclusive!? Yes!! Thank you

  5. I prefer this to the Dark Matter, so, neato.

  6. This is great. Now i can have exia repair 2 thats not pbandai.

    1. After building the dark matter I'm sorry to say you can't build the exia R2 well most parts are there the only thing that miss is the shoulder armor.

  7. I was hoping for either the GP Ver 2.0, the Ground Type Gundam 2.0 and/or Alex Ver. Ka. Didn't expect this to be announced nor is it a normal release and not a P-Bandai exclusive. Yes!

  8. i would of prefer the transient gundam

  9. Honestly I could probably get the same if not similar effect with Painted Dark Matter, for all the MG Exia kits that exist already, we definitely do not need this one.

    1. If you know how to color clear parts and know how to make custom parts and reprint custom decals, then we can definitely make this. Since not all of us can't do that, it's definitely needed.

  10. Is this our big December kit? Please no.... T-T

  11. It blows my mind that this kit is being released as retail while meanwhile the freaking Altron is going to cost us U.S. fans an arm and a leg thanks to P-Bandai. As much as I enjoyed Build Fighters and the Amazing Exia in general...I personally believed this would be the perfect remold/recolor for P-Bandai and that kit like the Altron would be retail. Did the MG EW Kits sell like crap and that's why they're shoving them all to P-Bandai? Is Wing just not as popular anymore as it used to or at least in comparison to Build Fighters? Is yet another version of the Exia just that freaking needed in this world? I'm really curious as to why this happened.

  12. Release the Krak..SUITON!!!

  13. Not exciting at all, amazing exia is painted exia dark matter without a mask

    1. Yeah right. You can't make this from a dark matter unless you have supreme modelling skills to paint clears, make custom decals and create custom parts. I believe this WAS engineered first before dark matter did because dark matter needs the molds of the amazing exia, and in HG Amazing exia came first; not dark matter, so obviously they worked on this guy first, though, it just so happened that it went P-Bandai

  14. :| disappointing for a december release. it's just a recycled kit. they should make an MG Raphael or any other suits from 00. or burning gun dam 2.0

  15. Disappointing from a December release, it's just a recycled kit. (recovered dark matter). They should make an MG Raphael Gundam or any other suits from 00. Or ver ka. of the older kits! e.q. Burning Gundam!

    1. it V2 ver ka for December release

  16. Hope for MG - gundam X Maoh

  17. God dammit it another stupid premium knew this was gonna happen the moment MG dark matter got announced but still this is bullshit. Another big from bandai.

  18. i do hope they would still include an orange blade in order to make the prominence blade, if they do that this would make me think of getting this over the dark matter exia

    1. Buy the Dark Matter instead....... Obviously, the orange Prominence blade will be recolored back to green as GN Sword Kai.

    2. too bad though, the amazing exia color scheme with the prominence and brinicle blade would be awesome

  19. im waiting to Infinite justice metal build and akatsuki metal build, providence metal build, legend metal build!


  21. well, not worth having, just like alba fenice rinascita, u just need to repaint dark matter version instead of having this one
    the only amazing exia have that dark matter didnt, is GN sword III and inversed shield

  22. Are you serious? Now this is a P Bandai. Great.....fine. I didn't figure this out until I looked on the gg infinite site. Thanks, blog and I follow this everyday. I swear some things are placed out of order.

  23. Wow I do like the idea on releasing two MG Exia in one year
    Even though i like Exias much
    But I think it is quite unfair that Bandai didnt release the gunpla of the main character like Try Burning or Lightning Z
    Instead they release three MG Exia Dark Matter,Amazing Red Warrior and Amazing Exia in the same year which belong to the same character-The 3rd Meijin

    1. Don't worry dude. Once bandai released an HG of something, they are already working for a Master grade version of that kit. Plus the molds to create Try/Kamiki burning gundam and Lightning Zeta are from previous kits already. It's just only a matter of time, and the only problem is whether they will release it or not.
