Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 25 'Our Gunpla' - Video & Image Gallery

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 25 'Our Gunpla' - Video & Image Gallery

Video via Gundam.Info


  1. KING OF HEARTS IS BAAAACK? imma rest in peace now... goodbye gundam world

  2. domon kasshu of gundam g o.O

  3. so, when will our hgbf Fumina... be sold ???

    1. It would be AGP series :D

    2. It might be released in Bandai's Armor Girls Project product line.

  4. Dat domon

    Still not Reiji though.

    1. To be fair, Domon is much better than Reiji.

  5. Please jesus please make a season 2 for this series this is the 18 and under gbf and please feature more cool gunplas in the season 2 world cup please jesus!

  6. Welp, this counts as a spoiler IMHO

  7. Sekai master really was Domon! Best April's Fool ever!

  8. why why why wasnt sei in it

  9. worth watching ral vs meijin

  10. Which Sunrise employee was drunk when this episode was created?

  11. I guess just in case people forgot the Zaku Amazing and Kampfer Amazing they had to have an exhibition match in the beginning? Perhaps a MG release for those 2 are in order..

    LOL @ the chibi-Sazaki...

    Lightning Zeta Gundam? Oh dear... I smell P-Bandai potential.
    And what's up with Ral's itchy bottom?? Can anyone explain?

    OMG..Super Fumina? Eh~~ And in that cliche Aile Strike pose?
    Oh and how convenient of them to have a GunPla battlefield on the stage... >_>

    Now there's a Dom R35 too?

    Kamiki Burning is pretty cool. Though again I smell P-Bandai... Damn you Bandai..LOL

    WTF?! The "Master" is Domon from G Gundam? O_o

    ...and that ending? I take it we're in for Season 3 or at least an OVA/movie conclusion??

    1. The Lightning Zeta is announced for a July release. Ral's itchy bottom is a recurring joke and comes up usually in the context of love and couples, hinting that Sekai and Fumina will likely get together in the future at some point.
      There's no announcement on the Kamiki Burning but there's no way they're going to make it P-Bandai exclusive when it's a main character mecha.

    2. I'm sure you since saw posting this that the OVA was confirmed earlier today. Also, and I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything but what is your beef with P-Bandai exclusives, you seem to be swinging that possibility around for everything. Did they make something you were really pumped for a P-Bandai exclusive?

  12. The Unknown GundamApril 1, 2015 at 5:20 AM

    Although the final episode was a good one and pretty funny in places they did put too much into one episode. Though I still liked it.

    Though I did enjoy Try as a whole and for what it stands for. It did suffer some flaws like being rushed on the back of original Gundam Build Fighters, poor pacing in places, some iffy writing, lazy animation quality, setting, 3 on 3 battle did not really work here and there etc. Hence why I think Try is not as good as Build Fighters and was always going to be difficult to match or topple the original.

    Though if they do series 3 of Gundam Build Fighters I would like it if they took there time to get it released say for the 40th anniversary of Gundam in 2019 rather than rushing on the back of popularity getting it out next year.

    Still I prefer Gundam Build Fighters over Try but still think it is a good series.

    1. I'm the opposite, I loved the first GBF but I liked Try more, for me GBFs story went way the hell off the deep end later in the series and I really did think it would have worked better as a more straight played character drama like what BFT went for. My biggest complaint was that the variety in the suits took a colossal hit after Gyanko's team left there were almost exclusively Gundam-type suits on the show. Now I know for a lot of younger peeps who got into Gundam with Seed or even 00 that seems normal but I've always liked a diverse set of MSs. This last episode seemed to exist in part just to countermand that point so I guess I leave the series with few regrets.

      I agree though about giving the series room to fully gestate before a third season.

  13. I want the Kamiki Burning and the Lightning Zeta in model kit form!!

  14. To all the Reiji-is-Sekai's-master theorists, this is Bandai's response for you all to go kiss your asses.

    What a joke. Reiji is Sekai's sensei? I knew its impossible since day 1.

  15. Oooooohhhh the irony of Domon Kasshu re appearing as Jun and Kamiki's master is such a teaser, then sadly no appearance of Iori Sei anywhere to hint at meeting Kamiki as to challenge him to a gunpla battle to test him 1st hand
    Such a let down -_-

    1. He did in the last episode. Meeting at the world championship. It's like Red from pokemon. You have to get to the top to see him lol

  16. this episode almost makes up for the rest of the series

  17. when i first watched this show i wasn't too sure if i would follow it through, as it revolved around the young themes (more a cca/unicorn fan). However i watched the entire season on every day it showed!

    the story flow/suspense build-up to each fight/character and not to mention the ultimate lessons learnt in episode were presented in a inspirational way. Heck i even liked the OP/ED songs! To me anyway. it felt like this was spiderman2 in the whole ole spiderman trilogy. Just had all the right ingredients mixed in. Nice one sunrise, thanks for a year of entertainment!

  18. So how many of you notice the
    beargguy from -Gunpla Builder's
    The god mock
    The guntank in space.
    Or the g unit gundam geninass

    1. dont forget the bearguy that looks like an ewok

  19. best episode of the season.... also this makes me want the xi and leopard as hgs even more... and not to make a wish list, but the ral dom and the new build burning would be nice too

  20. I think we can all agree that we need the next season... like NOW.

  21. no one pointed out xi gundam? Really?

  22. HG Woundwort, when??

  23. Woundwort! Yes pls!

  24. Domon Kasshu appear in Gundam Build Fighter Try...

  25. The HGUC 1/144 Xi Gundam is not far behind. :)

  26. That was the worst ending, to what is the worst gundam series. Thanks for insulting everyone that watched, and making all the characters look like jerks, and weebs. oh and thanks for making an OVA based on the cast of the bad build fighters, not the good build fighters. i can agree that this series needs to go away.


    This show needs to go on forever! Sunrise, Bandai, please please please?! You have our permission to milk this cash-cow!

  28. Bandai you screwed up Try really bad. This show has the worst written main character ever. Sekai's character takes zero effort to write. He doesn't do anything, yet he's So overpowerd. He's an idiot and people are blind to that fact cuz of his shouting. Not relatable, stupid, noisy and zero teamwork for a team competition. Honestly this is a gundam series where main characters are suppose to be smart and skilled, Not retarded. Fans of Try are like Fumina and Yuuma abit cuz they glorify sekai as their ace when all he does is punch harder. The animation is terrible and choppy. The best animation is the tryon 3 battle and the first and final episode, everything else is garbage. What kind of story is this? The story is literally kids going into a competition and win. No twist, nothing saved and nothing learned. Sekai only won cuz he got a world class gunpla. If you want to make a new season you better get rid of Try characters, We don't want them to return. You Try-hards love sekai only because he can't lose and yells and are blind to the fact you like a retarded character.

  29. Ok Bandai where is my 1/144 scale HG Xi Gundam release announcement? And add that TR-6 along with the package too.

  30. Uh Bandai....when are you going to announce the long awaited 1/144 HG or 1/100 MG scale Xi Gundam. Add the TR-6 onto to that too.

  31. I demand an MG Lightning Zeta Gundam!

  32. People still don't realise how bad Try is with its poor choppy animation, lousy writing, unrelateble characters and an idiot as MC of a gundam show. Well this proves people will buy any low quality anime as long it has gundam/gunpla on it. Now sunrise don't even need to hire professional designers & writers and Bandai can save money on the anime and put it all on gunpla making. After all, people just buy gunpla for characters now and not proper designs.

  33. That Anonymous guy that posted on the 2nd of April is a major asshole. Try was an alright show. Gtfoh trying to look cool cause you didn't like certain aspects of the show.

    1. Not that guy, but I gotta say that as if you're not trying to look cool defending a show that gives the wrong impression of gundam. You should gtfo if you think this is a good show. It doesn't even have an original idea. All the the goddamn characters & ideas are from 1st season and this show was not produced by the same guy cuz he didn't want to make another one and Also Bandai forced an unreasonable deadline on them. If you support last minute Naruto Gundam. Then you're not a gundam fan, you're just a weeb trying to look cool.
