Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mobile Suit Gundam Victory Gundam Blu-ray Box Set 1 & 2 - New Images & Release Info [Updated 8/30/15]

Mobile Suit Gundam Victory Gundam Blu-ray Box Set 1  (Release Date: July 24th 2015, Price: 34,000 yen)
- Episode 1 - 26
- Newly recorded cast audio commentary
- Special booklet (Characters & Mechanics Guide 60 Pages)
- Illustration Gallery & Production Art Works Collection (56 Pages)
- Box Art by Hajime Katoki

Mobile Suit Gundam Victory Gundam Blu-ray Box Set 2  (Release Date: Sept 25th 2015, Price: 34,000 yen)
- Episode 27 - 51
- Newly recorded cast audio commentary, Scene collection, Eye catch, CM & PV collection
- Special booklet (Characters & Mechanics Guide 60 Pages)
- Illustration Gallery & Production Art Works Collection (56 Pages)
- Box Art by Hajime Katoki

[Updated 8/30/15] *NEW*

[Updated 8/11/15] 

[Updated 7/24/15] 

[Updated 7/10/15] 
Promo Key Visual

Innter Jacket Illustration by Junya Ishigaki

Innter Jacket Illustration by Morita Hiromitsu

[Updated 6/1/15]
Mobile Suit Gundam V Gundam Blu-ray Box Set 1 - Box Illustration

[Updated 4/13/15]
Mobile Suit Gundam V Gundam Blu-ray Box Set 1 - Box Illustration


  1. Another copypaste like Gundam W? Fuck off Bandai.

    1. What're you talking about you dolt

    2. Did anyone tell you that you HAVE to buy this? STFU. Those that want it will buy it and those that don't simply won't.

    3. This has nothing to do with Bandai. Sunrise is the animation company that does all things Gundam anime related. But anyway. Yea. I presume this will just be a similarly released BluRay set (overpriced, nothing really remastered,etc) to the one we got with Gundam Wing.

      I think they're just trying to get out all of the Gundam animes on a more modernized format since it's been a long ass time. Maybe we'll get lucky and get G Gundam and Gundam X as well?

    4. Have you seen Gundam W BD on 16:9? It's the same as downloading the 1997 "Remaster" ver. On 16:9. They're fucking the same. Aside from the color "changes" of course.

  2. You know, I get that Sunrise x Bandai want to put out all the Gundam animes through these boxsets in BluRay since the VHS, Laser Disc, and DVDs are outdated these days, but damn... seriously?

    ¥34,000?! That's like $282.70 (current exchange rate) which is basically the cost of a PG. I mean granted it's in BluRay, has some art books, illustrations done by Katoki, etc.. But damn. Are they crazy?

    I'd be interested in buying BluRay boxsets like this for Gundam 00 and maybe also G, X, Wing, Seed HD, Seed Destiny HD... But not at these crazy ass prices.

    Maybe if RightStuf can get their hands on the Gundam franchise, they'll release them at more reasonable prices; even if it means Japanese with English subtitles only and none of these excessive bonus items.

    It's no wonder why people pirate these BluRay Gundam episodes more than buying it. Bandai X Sunrise are charging way too much money for them. Or are these prices the norm in Japan??

    1. That is very normal in Japan. Electronic media are more in Japan due to less resources as well as to balance cost-to-sales. Also, Japan's economy is far more stable than ours (In the US), and even though the yen is weaker than the dollar, the average pay rate and cost of living are far more balanced.

    2. These prices are the norm in japan

  3. Can't wait! Will definitely pick this up!

  4. Yuck worst Gundam series ever.

  5. Incoming ! A MG Victory 2 Gundam this year !

  6. that artwork is very Hayao Miyazaki-ish 2 say the least

  7. dem epic v2 art works, mg pleaseee......

  8. What? No space bikini babes on the box art?

  9. MG V2AS or MG 2nd V please..
