Friday, March 27, 2015

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Which Combiner Build Would You Have Preferred?

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Which Combiner Build Would You Have Preferred?

Back when the Try Burning Gundam, Star Winning Gundam & the Lightning Back Weapon System Mk-II were announced, we thought that a Team Try Fighters combiner of all three gunplas would be a possible idea on the animated series.  Since the show also had other combiners such as the Gundam Tryon 3 and the S x D x G Gundam.  It would've been an awesome idea to pit a combiner against another combiner.

But the combiner idea was not to be...  And the sort of combiner effort what we got was Team Try Fighters' last ditch kit bash in order to win the battle against Team Celestial Sphere in the recent episode 24 of Gundam Build Fighters Try.

Was Team Try Figherts' kit bash in episode 24 an awesome idea?  Or would you much rather we had a Team Try Fighers combiner?  Leave us your thoughts below.


  1. Try Burning and Denial would've been interesting

  2. I think the kitbash worked in the context of the battle. IMO it was more of a contingency in case every gunpla in the team save for 1 gets trashed and less of a trump card. What Yuuma might have thought that every part should fit in such a way that their team gets 1 serviceable unit with functioning limbs as opposed to slapping everything into a predetermined place and on a predetermined unit. So, in as much as the combiner is more coherent, I prefer the kitbash as it looks like something I would come up with on a very close deadline like an overtime gunpla battle.

  3. they both look like a weak kitbash.

    also have to say that the suits used in this bash, arrnt something to write home about anyway.
    they should drop the whole build fighter stuff and focus more on the real stuff. UC for the win!!

    1. Go watch Char's Counterattack for the thirtieth time and let the rest of us have fun for a while.

    2. Yeah go masturbate Quattro Bajeena will ya?

    3. UC fans are the worst, really.

  4. I actually thought the one on the episode was a good idea, because they had to do a quick build with the parts that they can find and it went well with how intense that fight was.

  5. what a big disservice, they wanted to "surprise" by pulling something that people didnt "expect", but for what for a fugly gunpla, its not that we expected gunpla academy to win since the plot armor its big. Oh and build burning never run out of bs particles.

  6. I prefer the anime version a lot more tbh. It looks a lot more badass imo

    1. Really, it looks like one of those Duel Masters chimeras

  7. To be fair, I think the Episode 24 kitbash was more "emergency quick-fix" than "really planned combiner", because if they went with the latter route, it wouldn't have worked because multiple parts of each Gundam was damaged. Plus, the 24 kitbash sort of harkens back to when Ricardo and Mao gave Sei and Reiji parts of their Gundams so they could have a final battle with Tatsuya.

  8. I'd much rather not have an actual combiner. It cheapens the fact that Wilfrid was fighting with only his own machine, with the only outside help of anyone being the beam rifle from the Portent. By having the final battle be Transient versus combiner it would be like 3 on 1 whereas what actually happened was simply the other mechas being used as spare parts to keep the Try Burning on the same pace as the Transient. It was a fair one on one fight, it wasn't team versus team, it was Wilfrid versus Sekai and while both had some outside team elements to support their damaged machines, the effort was all theirs.

    1. On the other hand, fielding a true combined Gunpla versus the Transient could reflect the ideal of Team Try Fighters being better at teamwork than Gunpla Academy, but they didn't really go with that theme. The fight might have been too fair, really; because 2/3 of Gunpla Academy were decent individuals, there wasn't really much catharsis in seeing them get beaten, unlike if they'd been actual villains.

  9. well, considering the circumstances at that eps, i honestly think that the kitbash is the best option. Nevertheless, the combiner is a good idea. If only it come out sooner at the story before the tryon 3 come out.

  10. I think the bashkit is actually quite a good idea ! First because it surprised us who thought of a full combination, and I also think that this "repair Burning gundam" looks very nice ;)

  11. I think a lot of people are understanding of the kitbash because it's interesting to see the protagonists take an actual beating once in a while; it was a very different circumstance to what you'd expect from an actual combination sequence and not intended to be a real substitute.

  12. This:

  13. The kitbash at the end makes sense, especially since Try wanted to copy everything from the first season. I don't think people noticed, but the stage that Kijima and Sekai faced off in was the same one that Sekai did his first gunpla battle in with the Dom. Much like how the last stage in GBF was the same forest Sei first fought in the series. So it made sense that the gunpla would have required kitbash repairing exactly like how Sei had to use Fellini and Mao's parts.

    The only reason people are upset about is because they hyped it up so much. Since Felling and Mao were able to give their parts to Sei no problem, there's no reason that Yuuma and Minato had to spend the whole not remodeling the kits for it. After all, doesn't the All-Gundam project make all current kits completely compatible with each other? Plus, the kitbash itself is just plain weird, they should have made it more symmetrical or something. When you try to recreat it in real life, it looks terrible. xD
