Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 23 'Build Fighter' - Video & Image Gallery

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 23 'Build Fighter' - Video & Image Gallery

Video via Gundam.Info


  1. What the fuck is Eren's Father doing here? XD

  2. as expected, 1 unimportant episode

  3. Don't you just "love" how China calls out to Sei only for Sei not to show up... >_>
    Also, don't you just "love" how they dragged out the before-battle-introduction they pulled out to just hype the crap out of the next episode?


  4. despite last weeks episode, this is still the second worst gundam show after doozybots

  5. Interesting...4 teacups? Reiji and Aila visiting Sei and China? :)

  6. Hmm... whom are the two other cups of tea set for?

  7. So we all saw those four teacups China had set out, right? It's got to be Reiji and Aila, surely. Build Fighters Try hasn't really cared to do much with the fact that it's a sequel, but surely they'll have to give us this much.

    Also, given that the final battle is already underway, can it really be dragged out to two episodes? Lightning and G-Portent are already wrecked in the preview. Maybe they have something different planned for the last episode?

    Contrary to popular opinion I don't think Dr. Nobody showed up just to foreshadow Saga losing out of nowhere because his wrist snaps. I think the gimmick is going to be that his wrist is giving out on him and he knows it, and so this is going to be his LAST GUNPLA BATTLE and that's why he's so hot on making it a good one and determined to win.
