Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 4 'G-Muse' [Gミューズ] - Video & Screenshots

Gundam Build Fighters Try: Episode 4 'G-Muse' [Gミューズ]


Video via Gundam.Info


  1. SD Godmaru...
    They're making so many references to G Gundam with Sekai... His master is likely Domon...or at least the Domon equivalent for Build Fighters Try?

    So I suspect we're gonna see Yasako Mao and or Master Chinan soon?
    Shingyo vs. Jigen Hao.... GUNDAM FIGHT! READY GO!!!!!!!

    1. Shut up, suiton!

    2. Master Chinan has apparently passed away by the time Try starts.

    3. What is amazing is that you don't catch any of the other references.

    4. ooh god turns out his master is actualy chinan son ... and derived his school of fighting how he saw fit.

    5. Seems like Sakai already knows the Shingyo school's ultimate technique

    6. @Anon 9:31am

      Where did you get that idea or did I just missed something?

    7. I feel that the Gunpla Shingyo style is more of the way of building and appreciating the Gunpla then it being a martial art.

  2. I hope we're gonna be getting a HGCE Destiny.

  3. HGCE Destiny pls!!! or freedom!!!

  4. she mentioned mobile armor that had to be controlled by 3 people so i wonder what it is

  5. soo much hot blood! love it

  6. FFS you idiots, there's already remastered/renewed HG, and RG versions of those edgelord ms

    1. The HG is only renewed in packaging and color, not in term of proportion and articulation. In other words, it just an reharsh, not worth for called as renewed. HGCE strike is the true definition of renewal.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That Destiny!!! Is that the HG Version or RG version?

  8. Lol as much as i would love a HGCE Destiny looks like it might not happen the destiny in the show looks like the same one we have out now

  9. MG Quin Mantha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. This was a really good episode. I loved all the interactions between Fumina and Sekai. I hope the jerkass Sekai fought gets clobbered, his ego is unbearable.

    I'm excited for the aquatic MS swim team. It's good to see amphibious suits in the spotlight.

  11. I didn't expect the SD Gundam animations to be this OP o 3o

  12. Are RG even allowed in a Gunpla Battle. That Destiny Gundam in one scene looks like an RG Model.

  13. I hope that Destiny shines at first in the tournament and later gets damaged enough to force an improvement. I want to see them do something original and awesome with it.

  14. So I was wondering, is there really a MG Quin Mantha existing or is that just a modified Kshatriya in 1/100 scale?

    I dunno but I first thought of Kshatriya when I saw that Quin Mantha; it looks like it was Kshatriya's predecessor or something.

  15. What a necessary shock for Sekai to be defeated by a 3 mode transforming gunpla! .... oh wait he got pwned by a bird LOL

  16. MG Quin Mantha -YES, HG Destiny - ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NO NO NO NO NO!!! we have seen enough seed gundam both on screen and off screen, there are tons of things they can show on screen like X, Victory, turn A, Wing, 0083 (put a fucking Dendrobium there and it will own the battlefield), Unicorn, Stargazer, 00 ......and so on . I think the only reason they put a fucking Destiny in GBFT is to promote the RG further more because why bother making another HG while the RG is there ????????

    1. Say hello to RG and HGCE Strike.

    2. strike is like bandai's personal cow which they milked it a million times so that is not the case

  17. Now we got Try version of Mao, but man he's so cocky and annoying. And folks, get ready for shipping after SeixChina and ReijixAila.

  18. The Mega Shiki guy!
    The Ez8 guys!
    Swimmer guys? (Wow! Extreme underwater battle, crazy!)
    The Destiny guy!
    Mamoru? A promise to be champion made to a dead brother or something?

    I wonder will Sekai and Yuuma take up solo matches?
    Theres that Yuuma rival in the OP and that Destiny guy in the OP.

    Burning Gundam, Ground - A, Space - D?
    The new damage level setting is sure nice.
    Yajima cares :)

    lol, support type mecha.
    Makes me think of those that replenish HP in SRW :P
    Hmm, what can Winning do with Lightning?

    When in doubt, default to Gouf!
    Anal love detector?

    Mirai chokes elegantly.
    Was expecting a comical spray.
    Ok, an unglam face-on-the-table :P

    Don't why by some shows like Railgun makes me think that some schools make it compulsory to wear school uniform even when you go out.

    Diver City don't let them put in anime?
    Alternate Odaiba :P

    Mirai follows and dive into the world of Gunpla as well.

    Is there a new rule that ties down the base Gunpla to some stats?
    Why is Fumina putting so much thought into choosing?

    "To make it look cuter"
    The guy never said anything about cute!
    Flawed sub!
    Anyway is the Gunpla used in the tutorial free?

    No one shops at Sei's shop?

    Gunpla Shingyo Style returns!
    Sakai-kun...from Osaka
    So Mao is the head now?
    Ok, this Sakai is Yuuma's rival.

    !!!!!Godmaru is fighting!!!

    Gunpla Shingyo Style is more of a way to build gunpla whereas Jigen Haoh Style is more of pure martial arts.

    Why didn't Sekai read the manual and the Comic World manga.
    Sakai was just using Kouki Gundam's stock moves and gimmicks.
    Why no "Netsuka Bakurin Zan"!!

    Oh, so Sekai knows "chu".

    Flames of rivalry light up between Yuuma and Sakai.

  19. Anybody else wonder how a jerkass like Sakai got into the Shingyo School, given that his personality is very, very different to both Mao and Master Chinan?

    1. i hope Mao will show up and spank sakai in the ass with the new-gundam-which-have-x-in-it's-name-Maoh

  20. Someone pointed this out on Mechatalk. Look VERY closely at that Destiny. It's a straight build with exposed seam lines and covered with nubs. It even still has the childproofing on the V-fin. Kind of interesting that this is the first time that they've actually showed a nubbed up, unrefined kit instead of being completely cleaned up like the rest that we've seen. Even Sekai's Musha Godmaru in this episode looked pristine.

    Nub and seam locations circled:

    1. that would be really cool actually, I didn't notice that at all

      Like he's able to rival the main characters despite a weakly built gunpla so all skill there. Kind of exciting if you ask me

    2. Seems like sunrise try to tell gbf story with involvement of amateur builders on grand prix, when on first series most of the characters are professional and prodigy builders. Sure Reiji and Aila are amateur builders too, but they have assistant which help them prepare the gunpla for ready to fight. Team battle format will be a good choice for Sekai and his-will-be rival to develop their modeling skill.
