Monday, September 29, 2014

RE/100 MSF-007 Gundam Mk-III - On Display @ All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2014 [Updated 9/29/14]

RE/100 MSF-007 Gundam Mk-III (Release Date: Dec 2014, Price TBA)
[Updated 9/29/14] *NEW*

[Updated 9/27/14] 

[Updated 9/26/14]

[Updated 9/25/14]


  1. I still do not get why this has to be RE/100 though. Cannot it be an MG?

    1. There's is no much information about this ms.

    2. Need something for the "new" line, plus its cheaper to manufacture.

      Being an obscure kit bandai don't want to pur money on a design people are gonna cry about

    3. because they promoting RE

    4. Keep in mind, the series is meant to bring detailed kits that would otherwise never see the light of day because they're too obscure or would have been too costly to make in MG form. And unless you're a big fan of the little known/obscure suits in the Zeta Gundam MSV books, then you'd never know about the Mk-III. I'm actually really happy that this series came out. I'll finally get the GP-04 kit I've always wanted.

    5. Its 22cm in model form, nearly as high as the Nu Ver Ka. And its extremely underrated, only appearing the Z-MSV and was never animated. This then makes the Gundam MK-III a perfect candidate for the RE/100 line since it fits the line's criteria.

  2. my concern is that they may be taking their old b-club resin kit sculpt and making it straight into the injection plastic model. The shape of the RE nightingale is extremely similar (if not the same) to the old b-club resin kit. I personally liked that of nightingale so it isn't too much of a problem for me.

    But the resin version of mk3 and GP04 were BAD, lets hope that is not the case.

  3. can't they just re-engineer old MG 2.0 kits to 3.0 instead of focusing on this? by that I mean at least add waist articulation to the MG Kits that had none, like the Sentinels (S/Ex-S), the Zeta Plus A1/C1, the Victory Dash, the GP01s (01 & Fb). If they could do it for the RG & MG RX-78 they can probably do it for the others specially the 1/100 scaled ones...

    They'd make more money.

  4. Hipster/100
    goddamn it bandai i love you, i hope you make more model kits of obscure mobile suits.
