Monday, July 7, 2014

MG 1/100 Hi-Nu Gundam Ver. Ka - On Display @ Anime Expo 2014 [Updated 7/7/14]

MG 1/100 Hi-Nu Gundam Ver. Ka   (Release Date: Aug 2014, Price: 7,560 Yen)


Anime Expo 2014 (Los Angeles Convention Center, July 3rd - July 6th)

Image taken by Team GG (Johnny Ridden) at Bluefin's Booth
*Right Click 'Open Link In New Window' To View Large Image*

[Updated 7/7/14] *NEW*

[Updated 7/5/14] 

[Updated 7/4/14]


  1. Really nice photos. The only thing I wished they'd kept in this version is the blue on the funnels and shield.

  2. Can't wait to see the finalized version (with decals etc.)
    I hope it's going to be as detailed and awesome as the Sazabi Ver.Ka and Nu Ver.Ka

    1. Looking at my Nu Ver. Ka as we speak, this Hi-Nu is nowhere near as detailed. Not even close.

      Not saying it's gonna be a bad kit, but it is uncharacteristically simple for a Ver. Ka.

    2. Same here!
      Hopefully the final build will be as detailed and sophisticated as the Sazabi and the Nu.
      Psycho frame parts just like the Nu Ver.Ka would be the most awesome thing, but I think that's taking it a bit too far.

    3. I think it's reasonably detailed. Not as much as the Nu and the Sazabi before it, but still more than your average MG. Even the Stein wasn't as detailed as the Nu. It might turn off a lot of people who loved the mechanical details of the Nu and Sazabi, but over-all still a good kit.

  3. I hate it. The original looks better. What a pointless release.

    1. ...that...IS the original Hi-Nu...the only things needed are paint for the stripes on the Fin Funnels...

      you're used to the Bandai redesign from the old MG.

    2. I am curious to know as to why people love to say "pointless" or "unnecessary" to kits they don't like? I take it you don't like this one, but other people do.

    3. If we had an original Hi-Nu then why did we need this one? I called it unneccessary because we already have a Hi-Nu MG... Obviously. I think the older one looks better anyway,

    4. "If we had an original Hi-Nu then why did we need this one?"

      Duh, that's why bandai need to release it. It had the original design after the previous kit is altered one by Izubuchi itself, the original designer of Hi-Nu which is bulky in the first place. After see the result bandai choose Katoki to make MG of the original design. And you can see most of people appreciate and waiting for it, in other side some of people just satisfied with the old kit too. It's not bandai force you to buy this version, or should i say every relase of gunpla is always for they who want it. Don't like it? Just don't buy it.

  4. It might be just the prototype, but it seems like the Hi Nu ver. ka might look pretty plain next to the Nu ver. ka

  5. hey, did it uses sazabi ver.ka hands/manipulators..seems different from the former..

    1. Good question, I hope the back plates one the hands wrap around the wrist so it doesn't flop around like the Nu. Just like the Stein!

  6. My hopes for a psycho frame are slowly fading away!!But still I won't cancel my preorder-even if not as detailed as the Nu ver. ka. it's well detailed I think!

  7. want to hi-nu do not have psycoframe??

    1. untrue, this fella being built entirely wit psycoframe..yer should know that!

    2. Nu and Hi-nu were supposed to have Psychoframe around their cockpits only. Katoki gave the Nu (what looks like) a full body one, but I don't think he's gonna do it again because this time he's honoring the original design.

      So I'd be happy if they incorporated some gimmicks at the cockpit hatch where the LED inside can shine through.

  8. Its funny how people say its too plain compared to nu Ver ka and Saz Ver ka, I only have three possible reasons in my mind.
    One is that this aint no December release, Second is that this thing is dedigned to go with the RE/100 Nightingale (That is plain too because its a hybrid of HGUC + MG), so they tried to make Hi-Nu look simple as possible, at the same time, still worthy of the VerKa MG line, And the Third one is that this thing has an HWS upgrade.
    I bet y'all are gonna love it when they release images of the kit smothered with katoki decals. And one more thing, the Shoulders have opening panels, the back of the leg has an opening panel too, revealing another thruster, and the backskirts has an opening panel too, so yeah, it kinda has a very minimalistic transformation gimmick.
