Monday, September 8, 2014

RE/100 MSN-04 II Nightingale - New Images & Release Info [Updated 9/8/14]

RE/100 MSN-04 II Nightingale (Release Date: Sep 2014, Price: 8,640 Yen)


[Updated 9/8/14] *NEW* 

[Updated 9/6/14] 

[Updated 9/3/14] *NEW*
Japan's release date has been delayed until Sept 13th 2014.  Original release date was Sept 6th 2014.

[Updated 9/1/14] 

[Updated 8/26/14] 
[Updated 8/22/14]

[Updated 8/20/14] *NEW*

[Updated 8/2/14] 

[Updated 7/25/14] 

Updated 7/23/14] 

[Updated 7/1/14] 
Large Size Image *Right Click 'Open Link In New Window' To View Large Image*

[Updated 6/25/14]

[Updated 6/23/14]
[Updated 6/15/14]
Large Size Images

[Updated 6/9/14]
Large Size Image

[Updated 6/6/14]

[Updated 6/3/14]

[Updated 5/25/14]

[Updated 5/23/14]
Image via Taghobby


  1. Beautiful model, and I'm sure it'll function much better than a Master Grade would. Probably a bit more articulation and stability due to the lack of the inner frame. MG would fall apart under its own weight, like the Kshatriya would (which we will also probably get from this RE line).

    Also, all those yellow and white details (minus the neo zeon symbols on the chest and sheild, and char's symbol on the front skirts) seem to be molded in. And it has the new hands.

    Win win

    1. The box art for the MG Rezel Defenser A/B also has those yellow vernier 'inserts' pictured as 'molded in'.....and in the box the verniers are simply black, if you want the yellow you have to paint it on. So you likely will not get the yellow details, just the white ones.

    2. Are you speaking to me using box art as a reference?

      We don't even have box art for this Nightingale yet.

      I'm talking about the unpainted pictures from above.

      Pay attention. And don't underestimate this line by basing it on the box art of other grades.

    3. The only issue with a Kshatriya would be the binders. Give them time, they'll solve it. The Sazabi verKa is enormous and has perfectly fine stability.

  2. Looks like im going to need to dust off my scriber.

  3. Is that bottom right an 1/100 fenice rinascita?!

    1. Nope.. Fenice Rinascita is in HG.

    2. It says 1/144 right next to it

    3. Nope.. it's 1:144.. it says so on the tiny red box.. though I wish it was a 1:100 :'(

    4. It clearly says HGBF meaning the new HG model coming out, not a 1/100 kit.

  4. it looks clumsy. I liked it when I saw the first illustration many years ago. maybe if they put it into a video and show how it would look animated.

  5. Bandai as usual is not showing everything about the kit (they pulled it off really nice with neo zeong). since its most likely a plastic conversion from bclub resin kit we are sure to get the hidden arms gimick, beam tomahawk, beam sabers and so on.

  6. I still think it's a bit too pricey for the level of detail. Considering it's savings on not having to design and manufacture an inner frame and the seemingly low amount of colour variation on the kit. I haven't seen it next to anything yet but I can only assume it must be huge.

    1. It has 27.8 meters height which is make Hi-Nu like a dwarf, so it'll be like almost 28 cm in 1/100, not included it's funnel container/thruster that make it very wide.

    2. Pricey? This thing is huge, its like sazabi in steroid

    3. You guys are seriously overestimating the size. It's big, yes, but not THAT much bigger than the Sazabi which costs roughly the same and has a TON of detail and a full inner frame with layers upon layers of armor, multiple large guns, effect parts out the ass, etc. This is a bunch of empty and hollow plastic.

    4. Having no inner frame doesn't mean it's hollow, empty plasic. It only means that the armor and the inside are "one". That also means that it will be more stable because if you move the kit, you don't have to worry if the armor will move with the frame.

      Also, the Sazabi ver Ka is an MG. This is not an MG, hence the level of detail is not the same.

    5. @Gundam
      Big in this case not in packaging, but in size of the MS itself. Whatever this kit have inner frame or not, Nightingale is more bigger than Sazabi and that's not overestimate nor exaggerate.

    6. @Seabook
      Not sure exactly if you misunderstood my post on I'm misunderstanding your post. I'm saying the actual size of the Nightingale is being exaggerated here. The MS itself is not THAT much better than the Sazabi (yes it is still bigger), but not like twice the size or anything.

      I meant the plastic was empty as in it is just large flat pieces of undetailed plastic, like on the binders. No inner frame will definitely make it pretty hollow though.

  7. I'm waiting for them to show the funnels being deployed. That could be the deal break/maker for me. This thing is going to be a brick, but at least it should be a brick that can deploy funnels. And the beam tomahawk of course. I wonder if this thing has something like the Sazabi's beam sabers stored in the wrists?

    1. Given that the funnels are this suits main weapon, it would be terribly disappointing if they could not be deployed. Given that the hands look like new hands (as opposed to the old NG 1/100 hands), having beam sabers in the wrists might be a possibility too.

    2. Based on the exploded binder picture, it looks like the funnels are just for show. Bas the barrel top and a cap to hold it in place. Which makes sense I suppose, doesn't have anything to.hold them in place to begin with.

  8. Reborn ay? So this must be what the new lines is about. Want to see more

  9. The design really doesn't do it for me personally (I don't like "organic-y" and curvy designs) but I'm glad fans are finally getting their wish. Can't wait to see what comes out in the future.

  10. Not really digging the arms. Looks like an old space suit.

  11. With those marshmallow arms looks older than a Zaku I.

  12. am i the only person who think this is a really bad looking unit

  13. I will wait until it comes out to judge it one way or another more, but this thing looks like it will have some pretty amazing shelf presence. About a foot tall, very wide and long, I can't wait until I see someone like Prime92 or Jabman put it together. Jabman preordered it so for sure he'll review it.

    1. Glad to know that Jabman will review this monster, I was just wishing someone would put a detailed review on Youtube, as I'm thinking wether I should save money for it or not. As simple as it was I greatly enjoy having The O on my shelf, and that was pretty simple as well, despite being a Master Grade.

  14. Wonder if the sub arms will be movable....though it doesn't seem like it if the descriptions mean what I think it does....

  15. It could fit LED for monoeye!

  16. Bummer, they got the frontskirt symbol wrong.

  17. REALLY pissed that it looks like it will only come with one Beam Saber...

  18. That boxart. Looks good! Just wish it was 1/144

  19. am not a fan of brick models...

  20. Can it actually move at all? It looks like a very expensive bright red brick. If it actually can't move why didn't they pioneer some sort of model kit gundam statue for it, which would hopefully lower the actually cost of the item by cutting out a lot of the smaller parts since the end result seems to be no different.

    1. They already have. There called resin kits.

  21. So far no show of articulation. I know this is a hefty unit but being a Reborn One-Hundred, it has minimal articulations? With that kind of arms, I doubt it can do more than 90 degree elbow bend.... and please tell me at least the funnels are detachable.... or have at least one of two effect parts shooting out the funnels.

  22. Ampanget ng Design..

  23. I'm a fan of this model! My all-time favorite! very nice pictures, but I love to watch live! Ty

  24. Definitely buying this

  25. Looks like Bandai has some problems. Its like a 3rd time in the couple months that they delayed something....
