Saturday, May 17, 2014

HG 1/144 GM Sniper K9 - Painted Build

HG 1/144 GM Sniper K9 - Painted Build

Modeled by 盖世狗熊


  1. I like the paint scheme, but I wish the builder had the skill to remove the seamlines and nub marks.
    Also a trick I use that seems to work on waterslide decals is to spray a very light coat of paint over the dacal to make the edges disapear after top coating the decal. If too much paint miscolors the decal you can use weak thinner or alcohol lightly over the printed part of the decal. Then just a coat of dull coat and no more decal edge.

    1. And where's your work too prove you know what your talking about?

      The only seam lines that are noticeable are on the forearms the rest don't matter. I've built this Kit so I can understand why he didn't remove the seam lines on the arms, but that was just lazy.

      As for your comment about painting over the decals too remove the edges wtf are you talking about? That is not how you do it.
      the prossess is-

      Mark softener
      Several gloss coats
      Wet sand too even out the coats
      One more gloss.coat too check work
      Then dull coat.
