Sunday, April 13, 2014

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gelgoog Cannon (MSV Color) - Release Info [Updated 4/13/14]

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gelgoog Cannon (MSV Color) (Pre-order Starts: Apr 14th, 2014, Release Date: July 2014, Price: 5180 yen)


  1. MS-14C-1A Gelgoog Cannon is this the one that they are talking about; the one piloted by Jacobius Node? Why is Bandai putting out a not-so-hyped suit as an exclusive? Why not put out something like MG Full Armor Unicorn OVA Ver. or MG Exia Repair 3? Speaking of Repair 3, that I think should come out ASAP since we have it in Metal Build format already, and the Exia mold is a great-seller so aside from the Repair 3 variant, we should also get MGs for the Roll Out colors, Amazing Exia, and Exia Dark Matter.

    Come on Bandai! Your're slacking with even exclusives now?!

    1. I never say it before, but now i agree to you.

    2. Do you even know the difference between the ova sinanju and the ver ka? Or the difference between the ver ka unicorn gundam and the other 2? Not a whole lot so why the hell should they make a ova full armor unicorn gundam? If the did then the should make a clear sinanju.

    3. @shiton U MAD BRO?

    4. Honestly I've been waiting for this for some time. I mean there have been too many unicorn kits and exit kits......honestly I'm impressed Bandai is coming out of its comfort zone to appease old fans instead of only appeasing what's popular.

    5. @cirius briavin
      Glad to see there's at least 1 person on the blog here that reads my comments, and actually thinks about it before replying back. =) I appreciate that.

      @Anonymous April 11, 2014 at 6:20 AM
      Sure there aren't that many changes it would require, which is why I suggested it to be an exclusive release. Besides, 1 big change they can do to an "OVA Ver" of the MG Full Armor Unicorn is give it the red psychoframe. Basically, if I was Bandai and wanted to do an "OVA Ver" as an exclusive:

      a. reuse ALL parts from the MG Unicorn Gundam OVA Ver.
      b. take the weapons from MG Full Armor Unicorn Ver. Ka and swap out the clear green parts on the weapons/accessories and make it red

      Besides, an exclusive release means it wouldn't cut into the regular line of releases. Why would you or anyone be angry then? Is it because you lack the funds to purchase an expensive MG? Then you should stick with HGs.

      I will admit that I was a bit annoyed that MG Unicorn Banshee Norn was is an exclusive, but I usually put aside some spare money that I use for buying GunPla, anime, manga, entertainment & hobby related items. Everything else goes towards real life expenses.

      @Nick Graham
      Not sure if Bandai even feels comfortable doing this. There are so many kits that they could be doing as exclusives, and would sell much better as they'd be more popular like:

      MG Full Armor Unicorn OVA Ver.
      MG Exia Roll Out Colors
      MG Exia Repair 3
      MG Rising Gundam => could reuse the MG Shining Gundam's parts and modify
      MG X Divider => could reuse MG X Gundam and add in parts for like Beam Harmonica
      MG X Maoh => could reuse MG X Gundam

      But I guess fans of this guy need some loving every so often. Just a bit confused as to why Bandai would risk a release at all on something that isn't current nor as popular as other series.

    6. Anon April 11 6:20 am here

      I asked you a Simple Question Suiton. What is the difference between the Sinanju Ver Ka and thw OVA version and that is the difference between the Unicorn Ver Ka and the OVA. And in your typical fashion you did three things.
      1. you avoided the question
      2. you tired and failed to justify your reason for a OVA full armor unicorn with on of your list.
      3. you tired so pathetically to insult and belittle me and failed.

      If you want too see Who has a bigger d#%* It's no contest your Asia a hamster could bet you. But seriously I'm not really a fan of pick on people that suffer from mental disorders. Which it pretty clear that you have with you OCD tendencies of numbering things, assigning them letters, and post your wish lists. you know they have medication for that sort of thing but you probably can't afford it. Since YOU HAD TOO SAVE $80 FOR A BANSHEE NORN than you should not have bought it. That Most have been difficult to save that money since Christmas and your birthday only comes once a year. The last thing I need is financial advise from someone that needs to save $80.I'm 27 and I've accomplished more by the age of 24 than you will by the time you are 30 so let me give you some advise. First you need to get a job. Second move out of your parents house. Third learn financial responsibility.

      Your acting like your special because you bought one exclusive kit and it"s one that will have a regular release at that. Guess what I bought 10 if last years MG exclusive kits on top of a few hundred dollars of regular release kit last year and gunpla is my cheapest hobby. Your nothing special. the reason Why I don't care for a OVA full armor as you call it is because

      1. the Full armor Ver Ka is basically the OVA unicorn. the only reason bandai made a OVA unicorn is to improve on the transformation and other features of the Ver ka. Which the current full armor shares those improved features. The same goes for the Sinanju the OVA improved on the Ver Ka's short comings. there I answered my Question for you Sution.

      2. Most people that own a full armor own a red frame unicorn. They can swap the parts onto the red frame.

      3. You came buy the red psycho fame parts and make you own.

      4. people want a variety in the exclusive kits.

      There two reasons why HLJ TV removed your comments on their last two videos.

      1.Your immaturity and inability to have a intelligent conversation.

      2.Your constant crying about the Banshee Norn yellow frame being a exclusive on their YT channel.

      Grow up kid


  3. Wait, is there exist MG Gelgoog Cannon at first?

    1. Yep, but it's the old ver.1 type.

    2. Yes, it was the ninth MG ever released, so freaking old.

      If Bandai is releasing the same kit, only recolored, then it's an insult to every gunpla collector out there. Never mind that they are skipping regular releases this month (and the next too I fear), but to release THIS is ridiculous.

    3. Currently, there is the old high mobility gelgoog johnny ridden custom, using the 1.0 as the base (it was a part swap choice which required paint...).

      This is the interesting part, 2.0 base with new parts, 1.0 recolor?

      I do hope its the 2.0 base, but something tells me...bandai may use the existing mold

    4. yup, a very very very old one.

    5. If it's the same as the 1997 kit, then yes. If it's a new frame, fuck Bandai 1000 times for making this online exclusive.

    6. Yes it's based on the mg gelgoog 1.0. It's technically the Mg Johnny ridden gelgoog, but the Kit comes with parts to make the gelgoog cannon.

    7. There is a version 1.0. It came with Johnny Riddens Gelgoog. You could cheat as well and use the cannon parts from that on the 1.0 MS-14A as well because of the "Junk Parts" it came with.

    8. 1.0 one, huh? Oh well, maybe it's still better to cheat with the "junk parts" and equip it to 2.0 one.

  4. Shut up Suiton629, you whining piece of @#$%!!!!!

  5. MG Gelgoog Cannon ver. 2.0 is good news IMHO - already built the MG MS-14B/C ver. 1.0 kit and the MG MS-14S ver. 2.0 kit. However, this whole online-exclusive stuff sucks and since the announcement of the first online-exclusive kit, I've dreaded such day. Well, it can't be helped, but the MG Gelgoog Cannon 2.0 will be my first, and hopefully last, online exclusive kit to get.

  6. Honestly I'm impressed usually they just spam unicorn stuff finally we get one of these.

    1. They don't really "spam" Unicorn kits per say. All we've gotten so far that's exclusive is the MG Banshee Norn. So that's not really "spamming". What would be spamming is if Bandai decides to do a MG Full Armor Unicorn OVA Ver. (red psychoframe) along with like MG Jesta Cannon, MG Loto, etc etc. If you think about it, Bandai hasn't really spammed out any exclusive kits in the MG line.

      What they have spammed (everyone can agree) is Seed/Destiny related kits across all grades...

      I'm more surprised they're not doing any more RM Ver. kits...yet... I say "yet" because we're probably going to end up getting RM Ver. for the others along with MGs for those which have never gotten released like Justice, Blast Impulse, Abyss, Gaia, Chaos, Saviour, Akatsuki,Legend, Providence, etc.

      Knowing Bandai.. and how April usually doesn't get any MGs released/announced, I'm actually looking forward to what they'll announce in May considering that this exclusive was totally unexpected. Exia Roll Out Colors and Exia Repair 3 would be a really nice treat to release as exclusives.

    2. So basically this is a recolor of a 1.0 MG that came out very very very early in the MG line?
      Oh man.. I sense imminent rage. Something like this that isn't quite as popular as 00, Wing, Seed, Destiny, Unicorn, etc gets an exclusive? Come on Bandai. Now you're just tripping.

    3. Suiton you just proved that you are a immature know it all. Nick is correct bandai has been spamming unicorn kits. You have proven that you are obviously ignorant. And that you just like too hear yourself talk.

      1. Bandai has a several bandai premium hg unicorn kits that are coming out or I should say "reissue kits" since most of them were released as con/expo exclusive kits.

      2. They shouldn't cater too just seed fans since it has little verity in it's design and kits. Unlike UC which has countless variations Also UC fans are mostly older so they can afford to buy exclusive kits unlike you.

      3. Roll out exia is a crappy idea it should only be a exclusive Kit. The only good exia design is the r3 and that would be the only one I would buy.

      4. Do some research for once you ignorant little fool. It's the 2.0 gelgoog with 1.0 cannon parts. NOT a 1.0 recolor. Bandai has their shit half ass together. It would have been nice if bandai didn't cheap out and made a new mold for the cannon parts.

      5. Fans have been waiting for this Kit too be released since the 2.0 gelgoog was announced.

    4. This is actually an acceptable online exclusive since its a hybrid of the 2.0 and 1.0. Like Suiton said an OVA Full Armor Unicorn would make more sense to release now as a exclusive

    5. @blacksolar

      Like Suitin said?! Come on man that clown just stated the obvious. He doesn't have any valid points. 1 this post is about thr gelgoog cannon and 2 it would be stupid for the full armor unicorn to be a standard Mg release and not a exclusive Kit. Any one can see that. Don't encourage his rants.

    6. Now that I read it's more like a remold of the exact point of a exclusive, taking something that you know won't sell to only a few people and having a limited quantity, thus he has nothing new to offer.

      I don't understand why people are having such a hissy fit about this being a online exclusive. It's from MSV, and anything that isn't from Cha...I mean Johnny Ridden, Shin Matsunaga, or The TriStars is bound to get a exclusive. If this were in Johnny Ridden colors I'd be annoyed, but the Gelgoog Cannon is a acceptable exclusive

  7. Hello this Gelgoog custom was Thomas Kurtz, aka Zeon Super Ace Pilot of the Chimera Corps. MSV ace.

  8. definitely not 1.0 mold, looks like a 2.0 Gelgoog with a different head (comparing to the mass prod. Gelgoog 2.0)

  9. Those hands and details. Isn't this the 2.0?

  10. It is indeed Gelgoog 2.0 with 2+ decades olds cannon part(yes from MS-14B/C grey plate) and new tiny plate for head.

    It deserts to be online exclusive because Bandai actually dare to use such an old plate(ninth MG), recolored 2.0 and put tiny head plate in.

    1. ...My question the head actually new or is it also ripped from the old Johnny Ridden?

      I wouldn't mind it, I don't have a gelgoog at all, but I don't want an old head on a 2.0 body :S

      I can't tell because I can't find close ups of the completed model, most people went for Ridden's one over the cannon it seems.

    2. It is a new sculpt according to promo image, the old one doesn't fit on 2.0 anyway and the eye is way different.

  11. lol what? A ver2.0 body with ver1.0 cannon? I rather get a Zaku Cannon.

    1. Are you want ver 1.0 body with 2.0 weapon instead?
