Monday, April 7, 2014

Gundam Build Fighters (ガンダムビルドファイターズ) - Who Wants A 2nd Season?

Gundam Build Fighters (ガンダムビルドファイターズ) - Who Wants A 2nd Season?

Tell us why you would want this series to make a 2nd season run.  Give us your thoughts below.


  1. I want a 2nd season! Great show and inspires me to build more Gunpla and use my imagination to create my own MS.

  2. The script and the characters were awfull but there was some awesome fights ( Zaku amazing and Kampfer amazing). I'd like anoter season with more "zeon type" MS fighting Gundams (and not always loosing against them...).

    1. those two fight simply awesome

    2. Fair enough! But I see a lot of gundam fans here and I'm afraid that there won't be a lotof good fighters with Zeon MS.

    3. That's the best tactical fight in GBF so far.
      I like something like that, a battle well-thought and well-prepared with limited resource,
      not battle with unlimited magical powerup comes out from nowhere (aka plot device).

  3. Why? Because GBF is simply awesome to watch

  4. I so want a 2nd season, the show just seemed fun all around. Great music, great characters plus all the cameos! This to me has been the most enjoyable series of the past few years so i'm greatly hoping for a 2nd season!

  5. build fighters is fun it's a nice break from the serious tone of every other gundam series the characters aren't overly annoying like most gundam characters tend to be and we get to see our favorite suits with a new look also the cameos a fun and finally build fighter is the reason I started buying gunplay so yeah I would love a second season I want to know what happens after what happened with reiji and aila and all that .

  6. go 2nd season, i wait for this :D

  7. Every body want to have 2nd season. and also we want to see cosmos in action. and to fulfill reiji promise to sei =)

  8. Only one person wants a second reason, rest of them are liars and trolls.

    1. dude, what are you smoking

    2. He's just got his gunpla stolen, lol

  9. A very original gundam series , it definitely worth for 2nd season . Also this series have many fan isn'it ?

  10. Why not, first i hated this series, now it is for me guilty pleasure.

  11. A 2nd season is a thumbs down for me, while GBF had some interesting fight scenes and MS designs in the end this is was nothing but a lengthy, shameless toy commercial. The utter lack of conflict in the series or danger of loss was what made me give up on this show halfway into the series. Your gunpla breaks if you lose? Tough luck kid, you'll have to buy another one at the store. A particle with near endless application in the field of science is being infused on...model kits? Uh...right. Plus it seemed to get even more bizarre with the mind control thing I kept hearing about. And for trolls out there who say that Gundam shows are toy commercials, get your facts straight. The show came first, then the model kits, not toys. Its basically standard procedure for companies to milk their franchise.

    1. Well this is a stupid comment

      Sorry dude, but every single Gundam anime is a shameless toy commercial. It sure as hell wasn't the characters that got people to buy those kits. Gundam survived past the first show because of the toys, not because of the "stellar" writing.

      Someone doesn't understand what the fruits of hard work entails to.

      You would probably not keeptthat tone if someone destroyed something you worked hard to build and building Gunpla, especially custom ones like that ones used by the main characters isn't something you can just easily replicate. Many of the features and aesthetic changes placed on machines like the Build Strike and Sengoku Astray are completely made from the ground up.

      Oh nevermind: Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch trope in effect.

    2. ^ This guy right here? Hates fun.

    3. The lose was all their effort and dedication in building the model was ruined when they failed. The series was meant to be fun. Plus it was fun how it was based around the gundam models, it appealed to the fans that enjoy the models. I really enjoyed the no political bull. Your opinion is still respected though.

    4. its a TOY!!! a TOOYYYYYYY!!!!!! its a plastic toy that we grown ups like to play with., "model kit is just a kind of toy".. lets just enjoy our hobby

    5. Lol I don't think the series would have worked if the referee shot the loser of every match, wrong kind of tone. On a tangential note, imagine how brutal pokemon would have been if those we're the rules.

      As mentioned above, the first Gundam series was nearly dead when the models revived interest in it, so like it or not, Gunpla and Gundam (the animes) relied on each other to become the powerhouse they are today.

    6. Well, well. It looks like some people take no as an insult.

    7. The original 1979 show was made specifically for the purpose of selling toys. That's why it requires sponsorship in the first place. Yes, model kits came later, but those were by Bandai. The original sponsor was Clover, and they pretty much pulled the plug on the show in the first place because of toy sales.

  12. Build Strike Cosmos. Nuff said

  13. Yes please give us a 2nd season. I want to see sei pilot the build strike cosmos. And also they feature my favourite gunplas in other series. It is a good promotion in gunpla building. So please a 2nd season within this year!

  14. the reason i want a 2nd season is to find out what happend to Mr Mashita when he confessed to Reiji that he stole the Arista, like how did he do it and where does Arian exists, 2nd reason is to see how does Reiji return with Aila to "compete" in the next Tournament, and meeting with Sei as the new Gunpla Champion Builder/Fighter
    and his new Machine the Build Strike Cosmos

  15. need 2nd season bcause im curious bout reiji's background. where the hell is arian and why reiji even come to japan was never clear to me :(

  16. i want it, well i want to see another new gunpla.. and the story is great..

  17. I don't know if we're actually going to see a Season 2, but overall I enjoyed Build Fighters. Also, the way they ended Season 1 with the Build Strike Cosmo...leaves me wanting more...or at least an MG release for it.

    But going back, I just felt like most of the characters received way too little screen time and everything felt rushed; probably because of the whole 25 episode time frame they had to work with.

    So if they didn't do a Season 2, I would at least hope for like a movie to 'conclude' the story. Yea. I think instead of a Season 2, Build Fighters would be better off with a movie/OVA to complete the story. I want to see Takeshi be more involved since it seems like he was just introduced and then not really used in the story. It would also be cool to see Sei coming back as the champion this time around.

    Besides, wasn't Build Fighters successful in terms of the anime and GunPla kits?

    1. Build Strike Cosmos = Star Build Strike + "Cosmos" Field

  18. Guess I'm the only one here who's satisfied with GBF and don't feel the urge for a 2nd season.

    Looking forward to G-Reco!

    1. no, i'm pretty satisfied too. it ended on a good note, most ends were tied, there isn't much more to speak about.

      let the sleeping dog lie.

  19. nah. I don't want this anime for 2nd season. it will be ruining the good ending from season 1.
    it's a good episode, so let it end there.
    i often got the gunpla build inspiration from other master gunpla (real life, not anime), and i still find the custom gunpla that build by the master in our world are a lot better than the one in GBF
    sorry for my bad english

  20. We want to know what happens to Aila and Reiji in Arian and where did they get the Arista to continue hosting the tournament.

  21. 2nd season please !!!!!!

  22. Only thing with a second season is where would you go without regurgitating the first seasons plot.

  23. There needs to be a second season!!!!!!!!!

  24. I want to see sei iori pilot the star build strike cosmos

  25. This show is more interest than the repetive stories of the UC timeline....getting boring. This show more interest.

    This was made to please all of the fandom .

  26. There are too many unfinished stories. What are the powers of the Cosmos? What happens to Reiji and Aila? Does Reiji come back with another Arista? Also, MORE CAMEOS


  27. Would love to see a game. Not the one that came out which had different scale sizes, let you switch parts but generally played like any other Dynasty Warrior's clone, but rather a multiplayer game which lets you mod and customize a particular mech. Have stages like ground and space with additional conditions like snow dust and asteroids.

  28. It is fun to watch. :D

  29. I want a season 2 because the storyline is amazing and inspires me to buid more gunpla. Which helps bandai make more money

  30. Need 2nd season.
    this show really inspire me to build gunplas, although i cant build cool custom one like SBS, amazings MS, and that sexy fenice yet.
    Cameos are really cool and shows the world that fanservice in an anime is not always that kind of "fanservice".
    Storyline is not great, but not bad either. It is on the "sweet" spot for a casual anime.

    Really love to see this show again and spread the love on gunpla building.

  31. Before thinking about a season 2, did anyone else here wonder about whatever happened to the HGBF freedom-look-alike that they were supposed to announce?

    1. For the goddamn last time, that was a placeholder silhouette of the Build Strike

    2. There was never going to be a HGBF freedom what you saw was the build strike full pakage outline

  32. But of course a 2nd season is needed, since reji has to fight sei when he gets stronger. And not forgetting the merjin battles was awesome. Plus the custom suits.

  33. I want Turn X Maoh.

  34. We are all gundam fans around the world want the 2nd season!!
    What is aila doing in airan with reiji? aila not return to earth?
    Or iori will find the way to arian and meet reiji again?
    I want to know all about that,

  35. We are all gundam fans around the world want the 2nd season!!
    What is aila doing in airan with reiji? aila not return to earth?
    Or iori will find the way to arian and meet reiji again?
    I want to know all about that,

  36. I really loved the series, and I'd love to see some OVAs maybe another story from a different builder's perspective of a different tournament. That all said I don't want to see a second season, the first was absolutely fantastic and taking it further without any thought for a proper story line would simply ruin the whole thing for me.

  37. Best gundam series ever made. It inspires all viewers to build gunpla, customize gunpla, and most of all, to make everyone feel good about gunpla itself. Living in a very judgmental world were only few understands us gunpla lovers, the show really makes us feel good about expressing ourselves thru gunpla. Me, for example, is now free to express my ideas not just in gunpla but in the world as well. The show does not just give us gunpla stuff, but inspiration and hope that everyone will understand us in our hobby. Thats all, thanks and hoping for a second season.......

  38. ive come up with so many of my own custom models just watching this show and this series still has holes in that need to be filled in,so if their a second season they can fill in those holes as well as bring out new custom gundams as well as well as ideas

  39. In my opinion, the series had a great concept, well executed for the public it was targeting and had a beauty of its own. Yet, sadly, the ending was weak. Similar to Gundam 00, it was a perfect way to end a season, not a series. I was actually expecting a long series, around 52 episodes, divides in more arks. I was waiting for an Arian ark, and even another Build Strike customization in turn. I truly love the series, but if you ask me why should they have another season, I would have to say "Because it needs it, for the fans, the series needs it."

    1. Oh absolutely. There are some things they need to resolve:

      1) The 'secret treasure' that brought Reiji and Mashita to earth. Mashita obviously touched it first, and went to earth 10 years prior to GBF, as it is alleged Gunpla Battle began at that time. Which kinda makes me wonder how he recognized Reiji, and how he looks the same as in the flashback. Different flow of time? Or just design choice. Also, how was the Giant Arista transported? How was it able to be hidden down beneath the basement like that. Then Reiji touched it apparently at GBF's start. Thus he was transported to earth. Does this mean that the secret treasure is still there? Will it be able to transport them back to Earth? Also WTF is up with Arian's colony skybox. Where is Arian? Why was Reiji transported back in one of the earliest episode?

      2) Lieutenant Ral, Chinan, etc. Who is Ral actually? Takeshi called him once by Ramba, so Ramba Ral it is. How is he so popular amongst Gunplarers? Fame how? Chinan as well. He's quite popular for the Gunpla Shingyo School.

      3) The first and second Meijin. It has been established that the Second Meijin was influenced by Mashita (not controlled, as he only knew of the Arista's mind control apparently at the 24th episode), what has gotten into him? Was he the one who beat Takeshi? What happened to the first Meijin anyway? How does the title go over from one to another?

      4) Ah there's a lot more to answer. But the most important one is simple, the promise. The promise of Reiji to fight Sei once he's gotten stronger. He made a wish didn't he? When would that be? Heck what happened to him the one year leading to Build Strike Cosmos. Enjoying the throne? Or Arian's own turmoil that prevents him from going back to Earth? But you know, the last moments were so emotional that I just wanted the promise to be fulfilled. One. More. Battle at least. One full battle.

      Actually I also want to see Amazing Exia's true form in action. Dark Matter was cool and all (and I'm still waiting for an MG, they're bound to do that. Why else was there an R2 besides to give parts for the Dark Matter/Amazing Exia?), but we haven't seen the true form fight in Yuuki's skill. That first battle with the Zaku Amazing was, well... Amazing.

  40. GBF is a nice break from serious tone gundam series(and anime i watched this season). I had a lot of fun watching it. The animation was top notch for me. Character design was beautiful. All characters were fun and all those easter eggs were fun to spot and laugh when you got a reference. Custom gunplas were awesome and nice to see older designs revisited. Most fun i had in a while. SEASON 2 PLEASE!!!!!

  41. It was one of those shows that would keep you smiling the whole time you watched. I haven't felt this way since I watched Gaogaigar a few years ago. I don't want a long running series like what happened with Seed to Seed Destiny. Just a full 50 episodes to get us even more fights, references and amazing(pun intended) customs. Also some more character development wouldn't hurt.

  42. 2nd season of build fighters:
    reiji builds real gundams in arista to do battle tournaments :D

  43. Good show different from the usual gundam plot and can inspire one to build a custom gunpla of his own.

  44. i want a season 2 because the series it self was amaaing it makes people want to build more and do more things , i really want it cause the fact they left it on a cliff hanger with the promise between sie and reji and i really want to see them fight each other with a custom suit from each side for all we now reji comes back with Beging gundam K* k meaning knight* . so please it cane just be a side fun ova and i would be happy i want to see an ending to this series .

  45. As much as it pains me to admit it, the series ended on a fairly solid note as far as a TV storyline. With the tournament done and the Chairman back in his dimension, there's not much wiggle room to move forward on short of the Gunpla Underworld. Now a MOVIE on the other hand -- YES. Give us some more screen time with the new kits, show off the Cosmos, see what Reiji builds to fight Sei -- this would be perfect.

    You could also go prequel, whether it follow the manga or not. Let's see more about Ral and Shingyo, and see how Takeshi only placed second and who he lost to!

  46. I want a second season because overall the series is quite enjoyable and also there are some questions we want answered. ReijixAila shipped? Is Felini still hitting on every hot chick on the series? Are we gonna see a battle royal between the older players? Or possibly a second season showing the earlier gunpla tornament, I want to see how Takeshi Iori made a name for himself and who he lost to. And more action for Crossbone Maoh, Fenice Reniscita, Amazing Exia, and Build Strike Cosmos. Also need a excuse to be excited about monday again.

    1. Second Meijin,isn't that obvious?

    2. Nope considering he lost on the second gunpla tournament which more than likely the first is still playing I'd imagine, unless it was stated in the series then I need a reference please. If they do make a second season, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make it about the earlier tournaments, simpler and less plavsky magic I assume.

  47. I want a second season... Or a movie.

  48. it was just as horrible as age and seed


  49. So many things feel left unended, and I want them explored until we get bored of it, whether that takes 2 or 5 seasons!

  50. the limits are removed... with modern technology... its a sandbox gundam show

  51. I liked it. Give us more.

  52. Definitely want a 2nd season, definitely.

  53. It's probably the most honest Gundam series in its intent, it knows how to have make fun of itself, the fights are amazing, and we haven't seen an Amuro Ray cameo yet.

  54. Gundam Build Fighters should have a second season. I'm assuming fans want to know about the Build Strike Cosmos capabilities, Sei's skill as a fighter, him and reijii keeping their promise to each other, aila and reijii and other such questions

  55. SECOND SEASON!!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. Why do we want a second season? Why?! Because we were given a promise. A promise that Sei and Reiji Would fight each other in the gunpla battle World Tournament, and they gave us a Cliffhanger that showed the Build Cosmos, a MS (or should i say GP) that we have no idea about. WE MUST KNOW!!! Also, what about Reiji and Aila? Arian Looked like a Colony when we saw it in the real for the first time, and we need to know if the relationship between Reiji and Aila? SO GIVE US A SECOND SEASON!!!!!

  57. nah i want to keep it as is since it ended properly, ill take a 2nd season if it had nothing to do with the first one

  58. The season was kinda left open ended. a lot more questions to be answered. and to add, the kids love it too! (i Like watching it as well).

  59. i would rather get a season of teardrop. the custum gunpla were hardly crazy kit bashes at all, nothing near as good as you will ever see on the internet. many of the characters sucked as well, mao? whats wrong with that kid? so i would rather have a whole season of something that can do its own thing and introduce new designs instead of failing to live up to old ones. kampfer amazing was truly a disappointment to us all.

  60. no matter what it's awesome show a lot of badass moded gunpla

  61. I , on the other hand , Believe everything was tied up nicely, with a hope only kind of segway to a second season.

    The only major issue is, When is Iori ready for the next battles with Reiji? What plot device can they use to bring Reiji and Aila from Arian.....

    When those two questions are answered... I'll be happy.

  62. I want a 2nd season. As a Gundam and Gunpla fan I got to see original or customized MS/MA from different series. And I actually like the scripts esp. the ones that poked fun of the dialogs from the original episodes.

  63. need more custom reference:3

  64. Everything finished good but, i'd like a movie with the battle of reiji and sei, also the second season would be good if the gundams were in real size and the particles dispersed trough the entire world etc...

  65. If you have a 2nd season that is worthy of the 1st one, then please GIVE US THE DAMN SEASON 2 THAT WE ALL WANT
    If not, don't screw up a good series with a shitty sequel just like GSD screwed up GS

  66. U want a reason fine its freaking awesome.

  67. I love for it to have a 2nd season. uy build strike cosmos looks utterly overpowered. doesnt even have a shield or beam rifle Its probably going to spam hyper build knuckles all day err day.

  68. It needs a second season. However, there are certain things from the first season I hope to not see reoccur should we get a second season.

    Some characters were great while others were aggravating having to watch. Some battles were awesome and some were not. Some battles started out awesome until the meddling/interfering from the Chairman (Hated this guy so much). The Plavsky magic became ridiculous. The plot armor shielding Sei and Reji took away opportunity for more character growth and tension in the fights. After the second episode, loosing to Tatsuya, they never lost a battle again. Not even a battle outside of the tournament. (I'm not counting getting 2nd place the race. It was a battle tournament. I don't even know why they had that.). At worst their battles ended in a draw.

    I could list a few more things, but I'm not going to. Nothing is perfect. Overall I still liked the anime and want a second season. It may be a shameless tactic to get viewers to buy gunpla, but it was still fun to watch, I loved seeing the customizations, and I actually did buy my first gunpla while watching this and want to make my own custom later. I didn't even know while watching the anime that there actually is a real Meijin Kawaguchi until just a few days ago. I stumbled upon some YouTube videos he put out back in 2009.

    One more thing. I thought it was strange that despite Tatsuya's first gunpla was a custom ν Gundam, in the anime he went from using a custom Zaku to Kampher to an Exia. I thought Tatsuya's preference that he would have switched to a custom Sazabi, Sinanju, or Sinanju Stein for the tournament finales. Meh... Whatever. Just had to get that out there.

    1. That's not what preference is all about. It's not like there has to be a Build Freedom, DX Maoh, or Wing Zero Fenice,
      Some people like certain characters, they want to be them and pilot the same MS they piloted.
      Some people like certain series, they want to be in the series and have their own customized MS based on the ones in those series.
      Some people like certain types of MS, whether it's close combat, heavy bombardment, remote weapons, magic, transformable, feminine, monoeye, legless, leads, grunts, it doesn't matter which series they're from.
      When Tatsuya chose ν Gundam he had almost no knowledge about Gundam. He forgot to make the fin-funnels at first and after he made them he couldn't handle them. After he received the Mercury Lev, he earned his fighting style through studying real life applications of weapons as well as from every Gundam series. Perhaps that's why he went with high mobility Zaku and Kampfer for their similar style of utilizing different weapons. Why Exia then? Well the main reason I believe was simply to counter the Absorb Shield and Build Knuckle. As much as Tatsuya is good at shooting he likes to get up close. Exia is an iconic close combat MS and would be the perfect opponent for Star Build Strike. The GN Sword and Trans-Am are kind of a throwback to ν Gundam Vrabe's long blade and armor purge, as well as him being the "Crimson Comet".
      However, all and all they're just there for the sake of the show. Having a red Zaku is nothing but symbolism. Then we get fan-service battles like Kampfer vs GM Sniper and Trans-Am vs MEPE. Finally Exia Dark Matter because MS like Sinanju already looks Dark Mattered enough, not to mention that anything from Unicorn weren't shown in action.

  69. Ramba Ral don't rape China yet.

  70. Even though its finished, the entire story is a cliffhanger, plus I see some points to make a Second Season, also this Anime gives more account to Gunpla Customization so the story can expand longer, similar to Megaman EXE and Lets and Go, also Beyblade, Bidaman, Crush Gear, Yugioh, Bakugan and Many more

    Also I cant wait to see new custom made suits and upgrade parts

  71. YeS 2nd season please. I like the customizations, simple story line (Doesnt take several episodes to figure out the plot n theme), music, char, etc.

  72. A second season where all the characters are a couple of years older would be pretty cool. Actually they'd have to be a little older cause of that year after epilogue.

  73. I want a 2nd season but I wouldn't expect much that it'll make me go "WOW, so cool!" This anime actually helps me get back my groove on for gunpla. It's very enjoyable (gunpla fights, gundam and character cameos) though the story is quite incomplete in my opinion.

    Here's want I actually want to see in the show:
    - Mr. Ral's side story, he seem quite known to other gunpla battlers so I want to know how really good he was.
    - Short summary of Arian's origin and the plavsky crystal rock.

  74. Definitely yes for 2nd season. The shows needs more UC MSV, AOZ and Gundam Sentinel kits like FAZZ and Deep striker.

  75. I really do like a season 2 as I liked how they customize those old ones into new ones...

  76. Sure if have 2nd season is best..

  77. Moooooooooooore! Honestly the whole "bad guy CEO" plot was totally unnecessary, the battle to become champion was interesting enough for me. Moooorrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  78. Of course we want the 2nd season :
    1. they never explain about arian, and we want to know about that
    2. they are many gunpla builder in this world, maybe the producer can make an audition from any gunpla competition
    3. maybe they can make the anime version about gbf manga, the history of tatsuya yuuki, or history of plavsky particle. I think it would be intersting

  79. Maybe a spin off series like seed destiny except u know not crappy were we see a gunpla builder from another country fight or and origin story behind yuki and his skull set like animated version of gbf amazing

  80. TBH, NO. They made a good ending and shouldn't ruin it by making another season.












  82. Because i want to see how Sei's all grown up into becoming the best gunpla fighter and builder! also wanted to see if reiji and aila are coming back again in that time span and play gunpla again with the rest!! LAST BUT NOT LEAST I WANT TO SEE NEW GUNDAMS IN IT!!!

  83. I'd like to see one, but it ended nicely enough. If they do a second season, I hope they don't rush it. I'd like to see more custom Gunpla, as well as some more G Gundam kits in the series as I felt Wing was really heavily represented towards the end. And of course more custom Gyans.

  84. I want a Sec. Season of GBF because it inspires me to build more gunpla and probably many other gunpla molders. I also want to see many of the new mobile suit in action like the:Crossbone Maoh, Fenice Reniscita, Amazing Exia, and the almighty Build Strike Cosmos. Plus I want to knw what happen to Reji and Alia. Is Reji going to keep his promise to his best friend, Sei. I also want to know is about Reji back story. How did he arrive to earth? What is Arian? Is Reji ever going to meet Sei again? Who is Reji really? These question is what makes me want to have a Sec. Season of GBF, so my question and many others question about Season One may be answered.

  85. Bandai and Sunrise did what they set out to so with BF series, make people buy and buy. With the announcement of revamping the older models and making a standardized poly caps for modular customization...i will continue to fork over my saving for years to come.

    Personally, I would wait for a second season. I feel contented how they ended the series. Imaybe when they feel the need to boost model sales, then will we see a second season. They will probably use the recycled themes with plenty of cameos. We will hate it because inside we like it and feeds the fuel in all gundam fans, new, young, or old.

  86. Yes to second season, but no to the existing cast.

    I believe a new cast, preferably from a different country would offer a more interesting second season. That way, they're not tied up to the current plotline and can do new and fresh things. This will also help introduce more variant units.


  88. I would personally enjoy the thought of having a second season for this show so we can learn more about Reiji and his home.

  89. It will be a great tie-in to to the GBWC. Winners get their design featured in the series. This gets more people wtchimg the series and this in turn generates interest in buying gunpla and participating in the GBWC. Bandai has a win-win situation

  90. I honestly don't know, on the one hand I would love to see more fights between the different universes, and more grunt suits, but at the same time with plot driving everything it was very predictable and that could get dull real fast

  91. Definitely I'd be up for another season. The potential is limitless (SDs, MGs, PGs, you name it). And to be quite honest, I'm more sad about this ending than Unicorn. I hope G-Reco can keep pushing the envelope for what Gundam is just like Build Fighters and all the other oddballs in the franchise (X, G, 00, Turn A, etc).

  92. Actually I'm pretty satisfied with the ending of the series.. I feel no need of 2nd season. But if they didnt release the hg gyan vulcan, renascita and any other kit from the series, 2nd seasons is a must! even gm sniper k9 got a hg even it only got one episode

  93. Well it would be interesting if they show the mobile suits that were featured in the games and variants, like the new Extreme Gundam Type Leos Vs II and the triple changer Reborns Gundam Origin.

  94. I want a SECOND SEASON, I want to See a TEAM Tournament , where in Team Sei will battle multiple gunpla teams , if you know Yuyu Hakusho or Flame of Recca style of tournament , you know what I mean

    1. dude awesome
      but there'll just be strong guys coming out of no where

  95. 2ND SEASON PLEASE !!!!
    only thing i would like more is more in-depth story and characters, and more crazy gundplas !!!!

  96. Just sharing an idea, Does anyone think that gundam build fighters is almost like the same or the root of break blade ???

  97. a reason? do we need reason for GBF season 2?
    NO. because we just simply WANT SEASON 2

  98. A second season of Gundam Build Fighters will be awesome, the end of GBF's episode 25 was never a true ending but a minor epilogue made by Sunrise so it will be up the fans' imaginations to think of their own new plots or for a new season or movie to conclude the series.

  99. The second season might be in Arian. It will be the setting for the Sei and Reiji fight.

  100. I think it best they do a couple of full length Gundam series that are a bit more traditional war stories, and then come back for a season 2 with the same case, but older. The same way they did the Toy Story movies. GBF is a great series because it's a break from being serious and just enjoys itself. It knows what it is supposed to be and that is fun! On another note, It's one of the few series I've seen where characters reactions match the tone of the series.

  101. i honestly prefer for a 2nd season and i hope that it would be far better than the 1st one.
    seriously the 1st one kinda suck, not saying everything sucked, only one character ruined the show... they really should upgrade reiji, not downgrade him as the series goes on... that goes for other characters too.
    i wish they would add in age kits~ the show sucked (for some ppl) but the kits are great~ definitely love to see them in it~
    btw, would love to see the original irei haru from gunpla builders in it~ i mean how can gb be a diff universe? they're all about gunplas, beginning aint even his custom unit. it would be nice to see him in it~

    1. They said it in the show that Gunpla Builders is just an anime.
      We did get cameos of Haru, Nina, and Kenta though.

    2. still, it would be better if they didn't make gb as just an anime in gbf universe.

  102. I want a Gunpla Builders sequel, not a Build Fighters sequel

  103. SECOND SEASON! (clap clap clap clap clap!) SECOND SEASON! (clap clap clap clap clap!)

  104. I want to see if Sei and Reji build the Freedom Gundam. So they can called it the Build Freedom Gundam! and I want to see if they make the RM MG Freedom Gundam kit! ^^

  105. I think a second season would be cool, but not for a while. I think the last time we saw a series like this was Gunpla Builders, and I thought that was fantastic too. Series like these are meant to show appreciation to the fans and love to the franchise, so I feel if done too frequently, the emotional and epicness factor will just wear off. I think they ended it very nicely, so this is something they can definitely come back to in the future.

  106. Heck yes a 2nd season would be just fine. Why? well the variety of gundams kept it interesting. The battles was something to look forward to. It reminds me of G Gundam (my favorite gundam series). There is more to tell about the series, history, and more gundams. I mean who doesn't like gundams?

  107. Yes, we need Season 2 !!
    Need more Gundam. Need more cameo and characters from previous series. And need MOAR tactical Gunpla battle!

    Most importantly, more Guntank!
    I'm quite sad Guntank didn't have lot screen time in previous Build Fighters.
    A custom Amazing Guntank or Star Build Guntank would be pretty AWESOME!!

  108. Season 2 pls ...I love this Gundam Series so much ^^

  109. Man people bomb this blog section of yes's and no's. My comment is yes, I feel the love for Gundam

  110. vote for more season so we can enjoy gundam, gunpla, and builder's life without any political bullshit

  111. While I would love a Season 2 for this series, I feel the ending we got wrapped up Build Fighters pretty well. If we did get a new season, I'd like it to focus on a different cast of characters, with occasional cameos from the original cast.

  112. a gundam show targeted for gundam fans? why not? the overall ratings for GBF were great, and I believe the model and BD sales can certainly support a season 2

  113. Second season will be great because Build Fighters is awesome
