Thursday, April 17, 2014

1/144 Gundam Throne Trinity SS Custom - Custom Build [Updated 4/17/14]

1/144 Gundam Throne Trinity SS Custom - Custom Build
Modeled by Miyuki Uehara

[Updated 4/17/14]

[Updated 4/12/14]
[Updated 4/5/14]

[Updated 4/4/14]


  1. Screw the watermarks. Hope gginfinite folds up.

    1. How the fuck did this ass wipe comment before the thing was even posted... also much better than arch gundam... if I spelled that right

    2. Why hi there G.G.
      Here to troll again?

    3. Actually it's Arche , but close enough btw what head is it using?

    4. Thats the Throne Eins helmet with I think a different face mask

    5. Well I wish you would get a life but considering how much you post the same fucking comment on every image that has a gg watermark on it, I'm not optimistic

    6. I'd rather see a certain someones MG wishlist than see this trolls' comment for every GG post....

  2. Wow, I forgot all about the Thrones. . . I need to update my MG wishlist

  3. Replies
    1. Agreed.
      Neena is the best female gundam pilot ever

  4. "better than Arche Gundam" is right. Though that in itself is not difficult to do.
    You know, it's kind of funny, but years ago I shopped together the three Thrones for a design that looked very similar to this; except mine only had the Throne Eins's shield, and the cannon on the shoulder instead of the Buster Sword.
    Also, mine was red.

  5. Did anyones else imagine that Nena Trinity would have upgraded her Throne Drei into something that would have looked similair to this for the 2nd season of Gundam 00? I know I did.
