Sunday, March 16, 2014

RG 1/144 GN-001 Gundam Exia - On Display @ C3 Hong Kong (C3日本動玩博覽2014) [Updated 3/16/14]

RG 1/144 GN-001 Gundam Exia (Release Date: Apr 2014, Price: 2,700 Yen)

[Updated 3/16/14]

[Updated 3/15/14]

[Updated 3/14/14]


  1. We need some pics of the exclusive parts to make Exia Repair... and by we I mean me since I pre-ordered it lol

  2. I don't to sound like a complaining bitch but it doesn't look that much different compared to the MG version.

    Plus dem ankle tho

    1. Dem ankles are sexy, I would like them.

    2. Just be reasonable, when a MG is so good looking and so close to the source material in term of design, what else can u ask for for a premium line of the same unit in a different scale? Especially when both of them already come with all the accessories possible.what u should compare with is HG, not MG.

  3. Looks really amazing!
    Pretty sure Bandai will want to capitalize on the RG Exia mold since they already are doing the Repair 1 add on set.
    I think w could be getting the RE2 and RE3 add on sets too later with that original gray and Trans Am as exclusives as well. If we got the Astraea and the red Astraea, that would be amazing.
    Speaking of Amazing.. I hope to see Exia Amazing seens a GunPla releasae. It was just so cool seeing Tatsuya using Exia and then finishing off his battle with Trans-Am. So amazing (no pun intended).

    1. Please don't act like a Suiton.

    2. Just paint the exia dm. It pretty much the same, except for the v fin.

    3. you sound like suiton

    4. I wouldn't be surprised to see an R2 & R3 - although short of the 00 raiser or Quant the rest of the suits are unlikely to see any treatment outside HG for a while.

    5. Samir Jackson & Jamar Wilson. Both are rhyming names....
      Suiton is spamming using his multiple accounts now.

    6. Samir Jackson sounds like suiton because he he IS suiton, just posting under a different username (yet again) because he thinks he's so clever no one will notice and because he is a coward douche

  4. Replies
    1. just wait bro

    2. They are usually not present on the kits at shows like this before they are released.

    3. Coming soon dude. Coming soon.

    4. well of course it will be shown later

  5. looks pretty cheap for an RG. needs more unnecessary panel lines.

  6. We'll each have to wait to build Exia ourselves to see how good we actually think it is. I think it is looking beautiful.

    Good point about no decals, man I bet they are going to look nice

  7. so amazing!
    hope Double Zeta or Gundam X Maoh will be the next RG

  8. I like the Metal Build vibe coming from the gloss coating.

    1. Metal build exia has a matte finish...

  9. it has 2 different blue? O.o

  10. Do u think is possible , bandai will release 00 quanta RG model ?

  11. is it just me or does it just seem like a scaled down mg.. i mean it doesnt feel like an RG AT much as i love the's not that rg feel

  12. exia is so amazing

  13. If only it came with a GN sword III to swap out... unless it does... does it?

  14. "Wait- what? No two colour tone parts? Or is it because the photo's aint clear enough?"
    (2 blues, grey/white parts etc)

  15. There's some noticable grey circles around the green parts on the knees and some grey on the ankles around the white circle part - those are the most notable parts given the rest of the kit is just mighty glossy.

  16. Is hard to see, but that single bland white piece for the main shield bothers me, looks pretty cheap. It reinforces the idea that this doesn't look like an RG.

  17. Hope bandai can milk the exia frame and give us RG Dynames.

    1. Dude. If Bandai is going to milk the Exia frame, they're gonna do all the variations of the Exia; not the Dynames. Besides, has Bandai done any MGs or SDs of the other Celestial Being suits aside from the O Gundam and the Exia and their variations? Nope.

  18. finally those ankles reworked for RGs! yay! :D

  19. this looks like a painted prototype. the gloss, the lack of panel lines, the non-clear green bits

  20. WOW too many whiners. Bandai should hire these guys cuz they really know how an RG should look like. As for the poor designer of this "doesn't look like an RG" thing, Bandai must fire him literally as in burn him alive then throw to hell. XD

  21. its pretty glossy, looks like a metal build instead of gunpla.

  22. I think people should stop whining so much. We're getting an RG of the Exia. That means that we will probably get all other variations of it as normal and exclusive releases. I think that should be good enough for everyone.

    Also, the fact that no one has seen first hand the build process since no one in public has the kit means that we should just wait until someone has the actual kit and does a detailed review of the parts and the overall build process like Dalong most likely will and other YouTube users.
