Thursday, March 6, 2014

P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gundam Exia Repair II - New Images [Updated 3/6/14]

P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gundam Exia Repair II (Release Date: Feb 2014, Price: 4410 yen)

[Updated 1/18/2014]

[Updated 1/12/2014]
[Updated 12/28/2013]
[Updated 12/21/2013] 


  1. Suiton's wish finally came true lol

    Back on topic, I want it!!! =D I have an Exia coming in on the way and also waiting for the ignition mode version to be avaliable......

    1. Yes, but he's still not contented as there are still many MS in his wishlist, including the ELS Qan[T] for an MG!!!

  2. What changed right?

  3. Got MG Exia already. But Exia is one of my fave gundam. To buy or not to buy? Can't really decide -_-

    1. If Exia really is 1 of your favorite Gundams, then I think it would be the correct & only choice for you to get the MG Exia Repair 2. If you can't afford it or if there's another MG that you prioritize over the Exia Repair 2, then get the other one instead.

      If you asked me, of course I'm getting the MG Exia Repair 2. I've been waiting since about 2010. =D

    2. suiton, it's not your wishlist spam that Bandai decided for an R2, don't expect yourself to be a hero, be congratulated, get thanked or be viewed in a positive light for having the said MS to get an MG.
      You always bragging that you're always wanted the Exia R2 since 2010, and you're always spam wishlist of it since that same year.

    3. Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

  4. for real....i never understood what was the difference between these exias

    1. 1. No GN stripes on shoulder armor and thigh.
      2. GN Sword kai
      3. New arms and shoulder
      4. New rear skirt armor
      5. Saber placement at thigh not shoulder's back
      6. Additional booster on leg

    2. Normal, damaged, and shiny green blade. That's pretty much what changes between the exias

      Not worth it to be honest, though a certain individual will buy it, make a quiet update video, and then immediately sell on eBay for 3x the price

  5. Not worth it. I'll wait for the repair 3 since that's the only exia that I actually like.

  6. Replies
    1. Even the HG R2 came with the shield and daggers. Probably just on the same runners as other necessary parts.

    2. Well, its only a minor remold, so why not throw them in.

  7. I don't really see much of a difference between this and the Repair 1

    1. You mean apart from the missing arm, missing eye, missing knee armor, cloth covering the arm damage and busted gn sword?

    2. There is quite a huge difference between Repair 1 and Repair 2.

      - no cape
      - has both arms
      - no GN strips on the arm and thigh
      - green blade instead of messed up GN Sword 1
      - no missing 1 eye replaced with Terminator eye
      - thrusters on the back shoulder

      ^ Check that out. It lays out information on each of the Exia variants and the differences.

      Anyway, I've already ordered mine from GG Infinite, and now it's just a matter of waiting til I receive it in the mail. I'm hoping that the Repair 3 (even as another online exclusive) is next. Then I'll be quite satisfied with 00 MG line.


    4. @ Suiton, no you wont you dumb ass, you'll still be bitching and complaining that we dont have a gundam Astraea and O gundam. or the stupid Exia rollout. stfu and go die. i think thats everyone's wish list

    5. Not everyone's wish at all. You have no right to speak for me or anyone else. Having a wish list is fun and every true fan will have one. Suiton's just a little more vocal, that's all :)

      I'm thrilled for this kit however I'd like an R3 more. I have a thing for Snipers.

    6. @Ares While having a wishlist is indeed fun, and everyone has one, shoving it down everyone's basically everywhere to the point where nobody can stand it anymore, and keeping on shoving it and spamming even when ppl have asked you countless times to stop, and not even bothering discussing it, as if it wore the Only True Gospel, is not fun. At al. If you like it, more power to you, but I agree with Anon1104, nobody wants, or needs suiton's wishlists. In fact nobody wants suiton's anything. The only thing he contributes to the community is silent videos showing boxes, complains about non-issues such as stickers, bragging about what he buys, selling it for scalper prices on ebay, kiss GG et al's asses in hopes of god knows what, lies and more lies (like his "secret" channel and forum with legions of "fans") and the creation of hate everywhere he goes, to the point where he's banned from pretty much every fb gundam group (there are even rules agaisnt mentioning him in some), many gundam forums and a lot of YT gunpla channels, including rrobbert184. So no, we don't want suiton here.
      And here's my wishlist:
      1-that suiton is banned from this site
      2-that suiton is banned from the internet
      3-that suiton goes away and never bothers the community again

    7. Sounds like you need to chill out and crack open a beer or something. It's not like you have to respond to him. If people don't want him to post them simply ignore him, the problem will go away as he'll have no incentive to post. As things are now he's practically famous in the community and that's thanks to all the people who continually flame him. He's like the Justin Beiber of the Gundam community and for him that's by no means a bad thing. So do yourself a favor and stop responding to him. That goes for anyone who reads this.

    8. @ Ares Didact, there is a difference between being famous and being infamous. and suiton is infamous, he is a plague and he should not be allowed to use any form of technology

    9. Sure there's a difference but at the end of the day that difference is dictated by personal opinion. As for your other comments I'm going to ignore them. They don't dignify a response.

    10. @Ares Suiton has been like this for 4 years. Everyone at one point thought like you, that he would stop if we ignored him. He never did. When we ignore him, he just posts more.and more and more. What you are saying here is the equivalent of you having a store with a very loud and annoying costumer who is always there bothering everyone else and everyone is complaining and you tell everyone to just ignore the costumer. The very simple thing is that if suiton respected others by not spamming and doing all the other infamous things he does, others wouldn't flame, so he's the problem, not the people complaining (which they certainly have a right to do), and don't try to make it sound otherwise. A problem is never solved by ignoring it (as an example, a friend of mine who traded some items with him, tried to ignore him after he started spamming him about this and that. It got to the point where he was sending text messages to my friends phone, and he had to actually go to the police, who advised him to get a restraining order)
      And you just lost any reason you might have had with that last "dignity" comment you made, which is the same as you covering your years and going "blah blah blah, not listening" (just fyi, anon 239 is not me, so you can see how others feel)

    11. Anon 2:39 is me, i've dealt with suiton on several occasions. he's a hypocrite, a liar and a whiny bitch. always saying how he gets ripped off and asking for money who does that? if you cant afford something dont get it, fuck man, when i hear the name suiton my gunpla cry.

    12. I'm not trying to solve it, I'm trying to fix a different issue. If people ignored Suiton you'd have one person posting nonsense, with everyone flaming him you have legions. You say ignoring the issue won't fix it but will flaming him? I've been watching for a while and I've seen no improvement. It's less a matter of him and more a matter of you and the community as a whole. Rise above this pointless flaming.

    13. Suiton IS a problem. Flaming is just ppl reacting. You're trying to fix a problem by telling ppl to ignore it. Like I said, he doesn't stop, so the problem will always be there. Point is, suiton ACTS. The community REACTS. What you're saying is the community is the problem, not suiton.
      The flaming somehow keeps him in check, because when ppl stop flaming he goes on a spam rampage, thinking he has no opposition. We, as community, generally don't like this person, don't want him, and will always have the right to complain about it. If for every post he makes you see a whole lot of flaming follow, it's only a symptom of how much the community hates him. After years of this nonsense, we are all fed up with his constant spamming, etc, to the point where ignoring it is no longer an option. Like my above example with the store owner, if all your costumers are complaining about a single costumer, it's not by telling them to shut up that they'll be less annoyed. It's by removing the cause of disturbance. I'll give you another example, a real one. Suiton, like I said, was also a source of problem in many forums and fb groups, where he got a lot of flaming for doing what he does elsewhere. You know how that problem was fixed? By banning him. Removing the source of the problem, not telling everyone (who have the right of be annoyed at not being able to go to these places without being bothered by him) to just suck it in. The very basic point is, no cause of disturbance, no complains about it. Problem solved

  8. Mg R2 without an mg 0 gundam to pose with seem a bit meh

  9. Where is my "GN Drive Burst Mode" ?

  10. Will they fix the weak ankles on this release?

  11. Its highly doubtful that they will fix the weak joints on the exclusive.

  12. Ok now that we can see more details it looks closer to being RG quality

  13. just cause I cant see it in this post.. what are peoples thoughts on a MG Gundam Exia Dark Matter ?
