Thursday, March 6, 2014


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  1. I don't even know where to really start here. Without a doubt, this is perhaps the most disappointing ending I've ever seen to an anime series. And given the way this just ends, I wonder if the term "ending" is even fitting. Let's start with the most obvious here. Much of this episode is an exact repeat of SEED's ending- Kira and Athrun smash stuff with their METEORs, Kira fights Rau/Rey, and ZAFT superweapons (Requiem and Neo GENESIS) are destroyed. Shinn, who was reduced to nothing more than a barking dog, was beaten quickly by Athrun. Other characters behave in strange ways. Talia, always the professional captain, displays some strange emotions. What's the point of dying with Durandal, especially when she has a young son? It seems quite selfish of her to abandon her son like that. Also, why did Rey suddenly decide to shoot Durandal? He always put in an effort to make sure Shinn didn't listen to Athrun's nonsense, but then he himself fell victim to Kira's own Gundam protagonist babbling. When I watched the first episode, I had the idea that Shinn was supposed to be the hero of this series. And he was- at least until Kira came back into the spotlight and stole the series from him. The series was fast-paced and action-packed at first, but that momentum was quickly lost and the story degenerated into what we have now. Shinn, as a protagonist, went nowhere. He started off as an angry guy traumatized by the death of his family. After episode 35, he pretty much became Durandal's dog to help fulfill his plans without thinking for himself. Because of this, Shinn alternately fills the role of hero/villain as the story requires, depending on Kira's presence. In episode 38, Shinn was the good guy during the battle at Heavens Base. At the Orb battle soon after that, he comes across as a villain when he's fighting against Kira and Athrun. During the battle to stop Requiem in 45, Shinn is once again the good guy. In this episode, he's the bad guy again, and on top of that, he loses all his piloting skills. He's so blinded by meaningless hatred that he even nearly attacks Lunamaria just because he hates Athrun. It's all a shame, because at the beginning, Shinn and Athrun had a pretty good relationship with a mentor-apprentice vibe. That, of course, is long since past. Many people call DESTINY the Zeta Gundam of the CE universe, and they do indeed have some similarities. However, DESTINY didn't emulate one of the most important aspects of Zeta- character balance. In Zeta, Amuro and Char played important roles, but there was never any doubt that Kamille was the star. Here, Shinn is constantly competing for screentime with Athrun and Kira. What's worse is that all the time spent on Athrun and Kira is a waste. For all of Athrun's moping and confusion, he ends up being exactly the same as he was at the end of SEED. Kira doesn't even change at all during the series, because he has no struggle. I don't think things were supposed to develop this way, but it looks like Fukuda and Morosawa decided to change gears in the middle of the story. Even with the focus on the old SEED cast, guys like Yzak and Dearka are just cast to the side. And Neo/Mu just gets a one second flashback of Djibril standing over him to explain what happened. Fukuda has been nicknamed "Flashback 'Em All" due to his penchant for clip shows and flashbacks. Just as in SEED, the constant clip shows in DESTINY always came at the wrong time and killed the pacing of the story. This resulted in an extremely rushed and subpar final battle and ending. It really is a shame, because the CE universe has lots of potential that is wasted due to Fukuda and Morosawa's mismanagement. This is a perfect example of how not to do a Gundam series, and I sincerely hope that neither of them ever works in another Gundam production. I doubt we'd be so lucky, but one can hope.

    2 out of 5 stars

    1. Nobody cares :T

    2. Yeah man no one cares


    4. Seriously, you should shut your disrespectful mouth.

    5. I do agree with your view on the ending of the series. On top of the confusion between the roles of some major characters, I think that the transition to the final battle can be less abrupt. If there could be some more setting before Durandal revealed his final plan, he would have been a "saner" or "wiser villain", who he has been for the most of the time of the series, not a mad man who is desperate for peace. On the other hand, there are many to be praised for SEED Destiny. I love the music, the MS designs, the vivid and lively characters (aside from the occasional twists from good to bad or vice versa). The change of the opening song for the final episodes is a blessing! Overall, I like the series, but it could have been much better.

    6. Same here, the series could have been better. I really wouldn't mind that it was just SEED with new mecha. My main problems with it were: A.) Shin was an unlikeable character, with his behavior changing between childish and insane. and B.) The cut and paste scenes. There was so much of the latter I thought I was watching an 80s series. It takes a lot to turn viewers like me, who watched it till the end, against a series but this show managed to do just that.

      The review from MAHQ looks fair, they didn't really insult anyone. At least they watched it to the end. Remember, just as the people who think DESTINY is good and say so, the people who criticize it can say otherwise as well. Provided they be polite.

    7. Problem is, MAHQ already saw this series the first time and nothing really changed all that much other than importing scenes from Final Plus, so he either wasted his time or was simply looking for attention

  2. So now with Gundam Seed Destiny HD Remake anime over, what are they going to be doing next? Of course we still got the Build Fighter anime, but I think that series is going to end soon and Unicorn's final episode is coming out soon as well. Maybe they will anime Thunderbolt and or Origins? I am not too familiar with UC Gundam shows, but I keep seeing that a lot of people enjoy both of those. and I don't think either has an anime. I wonder if now we are going to get more MG and RG releases from Seed and Seed Destiny.

    1. Judging by the comments from this entire fanbase, it's incredibly difficult to tell what this fanbase considers GOOD. All I know is: anything from UC is automatically good to these people.

    2. GBF might get a next world tourney for the rest of the year or maybe they can solve some conflict in reiji's world with gunpla. With the Miss Sazabi and Crossbone Kai still to show up in the anime, it's not simply going to end after the expected Sei/Reiji - Meijin match.

    3. ..or people that have a twisted morality on whats good, ala people who like seed

    4. Because it generally is. That doesn't mean, however, that an entire series is perfect. Certain parts, like ZZ gundam's first half, are definitely bad. The people who like certain AU or UC simply remember what was the best parts for them which could be anything from the 2/3 of the show to mech designs or even a single arc.

    5. Of its good any series that is the firs always iconic just like any great anime classics like Voltron, macrosss, lupin the 3rd, cowboy bebop, akira, gost in the shell ninja scroll and bubblegum crisis
      and check the poll

    6. And course the giant statue of the RX-78-2 the 1st gundam worst watching

    7. @Anon3 How does liking SEED make you immoral?

    8. Anon 8:51's comment on twisted morality is *hilarious.* Also really dumb and close minded. I'm not a big fan of Destiny or anything, but to attribute a sense of morality to someone's opinion of a show makes absolutely no sense. Thanks for continuing to amuse with these ridiculous comments.

    9. @Anon 8:09 PM
      The truth is not everything UC is gold, and not everything AU is terrible. I personally stay FAR AWAY from "polls" and "reviews" when it comes to Gundam shows for the simple reason that they appeal to different people at different points in their lives.

      Especially when it comes to a long-running franchise like Gundam, you should really make your own call about what's GOOD, otherwise you're likely to miss out on a lot of shows that you might otherwise love.

    10. That how classic iconic haters are born.

    11. @Samir aka suiton. So, hiding under yet a new name, are we? it's pointless, you know? we know it's you

    12. btw, the worst Gundam show is G-Saviour & it's in U.C timeline.

  3. Is it over? Yes, it is really over!

  4. Its over! :D
    I hope they will devote time and resources for something worth watching now. How about a new gundam show Bandai? (Build fighters doesn't count)

    1. Yes it does. Build Fighters is a perfectly legitimate, even GREAT, Gundam show, despite trolls saying otherwise.

      I pity anyone who doesn't give the show a chance.

    2. I saw build fighters anon 1:53. While I won't say that its completely bad, its just an overall opinion. The fight between a Jegan and the Devil gundam was pretty good. Some recolors and mods are also fairly nice. However, since its really nothing more than a toy commercial, my interest never really went beyond passive. In the other shows, at least they gave us a story around the gunpla marketing. Just saying that's all.

      On the other hand, if they went Super Robot Wars on it, that would have been awesome.

    3. Every Gundam show is a toy commercial! Why do you think there are so many shows with multiple Gundam-type suits? Because they sell better. That's part of the mid-season upgrade trend as well. I love it when fans realize that they've been putting so much philosophical stock in what amounts to a big toy commercial. The refreshing part of Build Fighters is that they acknowledge that and celebrate it instead of finding some Gundam peace hippie like Kira Yamato or Kio Asuno to spout idealistic nonsense and pretend that the isn't just trying to sell models and toys.

  5. I sincerely hate how throughout the Gundam franchise every season gets to the end and the writers start blatantly murdering off awesome characters for the hell of it!. Rey had finally realized what an idiot he'd been and that he is his own person and can go make the life he wants, yet he willingly commits suicide with what are essentially the closest thing to parents he's got. Better yet that Talia even thinking that was the proper way to go instead of sending him off with Kira and Athrun. He could have been an older brother and yet he kills himself after realizing the truth of possibility. Bleh how many more Al LaFlaga clones are there running around anyway at this point?

    1. Prayer Reverie from Astray, but he's dead, too.

    2. I know about him but that can't be it. Oh well it really doesn't matter now I guess.

  6. lol more importantly, is Athrun double dipping with Meyrin AND Cagalli now? :3

  7. enemies/bad guys totally damaged while the GOD/good guys does not have even a single scratch. GRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I can't believe the re-animated Stella scene looks WORSE than the original.

  9. Replies
    1. To you, at least

    2. You were not forced to click the link. If you actually hated the season of SEED you would have rolled over to other news

  10. Finally this terrible series is over, lets get some Gundam The Origin going in here now :D

    1. You'll still whine about SEED Destiny during hat run, so it's not like you'll ever forget this happened

  11. Thank god, all this SEED DESTINY stuff is finally "OVER" again... even with this re-mastered crap... Finally the SEED saga can END for real this time permanently... MOVE ON SUNRISE or you should really call yourselves SUNSET instead!!!!

    1. If you people weren't going to move on, why should they?

  12. I'm still not one to believe they went through all this trouble just for the hell of it. I hope they're working up to a proper continuation

  13. Hi guys, I finished watching ep 50. Anyone can tell if athrun ended up with cagalli? Cause the rendered ending is like the same as the old one... feeling somewhat disappointed. And athrun 's rank is not admiral anymore right? Judging from the uniform..... feeling disturbed
