Tuesday, February 18, 2014

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Jegan D-Type - Announced

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Jegan D-Type (Pre-order Start: Feb 21,2014, Release Date: TBA, Price: TBA)


    I really prefered the type D variation over the original one from the movie....

  2. What's the difference from the original HGUC Jegan?

    1. I'm trying to figure that out by flipping between pictures but the different art styles make it difficult... I think the main differences are the shoulders and the backpack is a little different. So not much, a piece here and there plus a different colour I guess... couple of days wait until the pics go up I guess.

    2. Color scheme, shoulders, crotch armor, backpack are all different molds, same as the HGUC Jegan D (Ecoas type)

    3. Shoulders, hip area. It's basically the ECOAS Jegan with a regular Jegan head.

    4. Shoulder armor and the addition of small front skirt armor.

  3. Anyone with the slightest painting ability can already get this.
    Just buy a Ecoas Jegan and paint it green. DONE. It comes with all parts needed for D-type Jegan and a bazooka.

    1. While this is true, the real trick is painting the red visor blue and still keeping it transparent. I do not know about you, but clear blue paint over a clear red piece does not look right in the end. The only effective way to do this is to buy both the Stark and ECOAS Jegan and combine parts to utilize the Stark Jegan's blue visor and body and use the ECOAS Jegan's backpack then paint the. However you will spend more money this way than to simply buy the new Jegan D type model.

  4. Seriously Bandai... a Jegan-D is Premium Bandai; if it was a MG Jegan sure I'd understand... I'd forgive you for that... so when can I expect a MG?

  5. No one wants this. The people want the MG Jegan!

  6. A B-CLUB conversion already exists , why need a plastic version?

    1. Because people in Japan will give them money for it, duh.

    2. True, but that conversion kit costs at least $90. In addition you need to buy the HGUC Jegan which is on average $22. So in total one would spend at least $121 to convert a HGUC Jegan to a Jegan D-Type without considering the expenses for paint, putty and other materials to make it look accurate . If this kit is a P-Bandai exclusive it will be priced around $35-$40 dollars on GG Infinite, which is a much better choice for the average modeler including myself.

  7. I prefer the original Ingram-looking Jegan than the katokified version

  8. Speak for yourself, Anon 12:35... I welcome this kit even though its just a re-color. Only down side is that its an exclusive...

  9. Lol, let's remake Strike like six times, but LOLNO do not release Jegan as a normal gunpla. Meh.

    1. "Lol, let's remake UNICORN like six times, but LOLNO do not release Jegan as a normal gunpla. Meh." -fixed

  10. I personally am looking forwards to it. I do ask, where in the text does it say it is a P-bandai exclusive? I hope we get a regular release considering we have gotten 3 versions of the Nemo. Either way, I hope GG Infinite will carry this model.

  11. Rather have a General Revil Jegan.

  12. Ugh... this is just like the GM II AEUG.. I WANT it, but I have a hard time understanding WHY its an exclusive. ><

    I mean, we have several Gera Dogas and Gera Zulus... why not the Jegan D type that has literally been in EVERY episode of UC? Its just like how AEUG GM II's were so prominent in Zeta...

    Boo is all I can say. Y U DO THIS TO ME??!!
