Wednesday, February 19, 2014

MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam Unit 3 "Phenex" - Painted Build

MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam Unit 3 "Phenex" (Released in Japan, Price: 12,600 Yen)
Modeled by ZGMFXG


  1. Just wondering... Why would anyone spent so much money just to paint over the gold coating surface o.O?

    1. Because factory-stock gold looks like crap tinfoil sticker and this painted gold looks better ?

      Beat me, but that's how I see it.

    2. Seriously!??! Crap tinfoil? You should get your eyesight checked.

  2. why would you buy it and then paint it?

  3. what a waste of money repainting the chrome finish.

  4. ... did he just spray gold on the gold plating?

    1. @Anonymous 6:27, 7:23, 7:44,

      That his rights, we live in free countries, if he want decorate it with to Swarovski crystals or 24K gold, why not?

      @ Anonymous 8:03

      Sorry, not can do, he MUST wash the entire MG's extra finish coating out with Dot 3 ~ 4 brake fluid or retinol - Waring : not recommendable for newbies - then paint it all over again

  5. Replies
    1. He must not have liked the original gold coating. I don't like Bandai gold so I always paint the light gold a richer gold...

    2. Well, Bandai can't please everyone... If they release the normal gold you will have a group of ppl will complain about it. If they release the plated gold you will have another group of ppl that will complain about it.

  6. As much as I feel like with others of how much of a waste to paint over something that is most of the reason this cost so much. I do prefer this gold as apposed to the gold chrome finish.

  7. Geez, talk about throwing away your money. Can't even appreciate the final product because of how daft it seems to paint this in the first place.

  8. I prefer this over the cheap chrome look(dunno why everyone likes that stuff anyways). That chrome will fade or crumple off over time. If the modeler here used the correct process in stripping the chrome off, layered this with a good coating, and displays the model in a case with minimal tinkering/reposing, it will last longer than chrome that which will STILL deteriorate in the same me

  9. Well....its looks better than the gold chrome.

  10. Are you people new or what? ZGMFXG paints and modifies all of his kits. Adding metal thrusters, using airbrushed paints and other customization. The cost of MG Phenex is nothing to him. I bet he probably bought an extra one or two Phenex.

    Anyway this build looks really nice as expected of his builds.

  11. Those are custom metal veiners,

    It could be just banshee/unicorn base(final battle has blue frame) with bootleg armor DE. Using 03's APS mount part and extra V-fin. I m replacing unicorn's V-fin from 03's leftover chrome parts.

    If you look around the net, you could CHROME any plastic runners for about 8-10 USD per runners. I saw a chromed delta plus somewhere and the site explained how electroplating works.

  12. looks even worse than original Bandai..

  13. at least the nubmarks are gone
