Wednesday, January 22, 2014

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Full Armor Gundam (Blue Color Ver.) - New Images [Updated 1/22/14]

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Full Armor Gundam (Blue Color Ver.) (Pre-order Begins: Jan 24, 2014, Release Date: Apr 2014, Price: 5,400 Yen)
[Updated 1/22/14]

*Image is for Reference only.*


  1. It'll be nice if it's the Katoki redesign, but who am I kidding? :P

  2. But, The doubt now is,It's going to be a MG 2.0 RX-78-2 F.A blue, or a New 3.0 MG with new F.A blue pieces .

  3. another sick recycle of bandai just to burn some cash id rather buy a perfect grade bootleg than this piece of s**t

    1. No one force you to buy it, just grab shitty bootlegs if you prefer that way

    2. you know what? go find yourself a girlfriend, your just a retarded gunpla collector. nerd ^_^

    3. *You're

      If you're gonna argue use proper grammar, and nerd, seriously, THAT'S THE BEST YOU CAN COME UP WITH?


      BTW I'm not the same guy, go grab ya bootlegs and gtfo el cheapo.

      *To blog admins, you moderate this thing and yet you allow these petty arguments to occur, you guys need to start censoring people, censor me if you dare

    4. *You're

      Lame insult is lame

    5. Anon 7:11+9:10 (since you are the same guy): this is coming from a anon who is posting on a blog site about gundam/gunpla/etc... As well as calling someone a "retarded gunola collector who needs a girlfriend" is plain oxymoronic. Sounds like something only a insecure person would say.

      Also calling people nerds doesn't work that much anymore. Nerds run sites like you are posting on. Nerds built that game console you play on. Nerds even make sure your Internet connection is fast. Hell nerds run the world when you think about it. So I would watch how you treat people. ;)

    6. All of you here are sick retarded collectors, probably all of you are nerds and doesn't even have a girlfriend, only gunpla, in short all of you are losers there are a lot of important things in the world! Come on gunpla is only toy for kids not 4 adults with a childish mind be matured enough losers and find a girlfriend hahaha !

    7. to anon 5:16, its very obvious that you are a nerd, maybe you only stay at your house, doesn't have a job and girl i think, Well that makes you a loser so just go to sleep, eat, drink and collect a piece of s##t gundam and display it and stare at it until your hair turns gray. hahaha :p

    8. to anon 6:29 I agree with you id rather buy this perfect grade sf Daban model it only cost around 68$ the fact that it already has the same quality as bandai, It doesn't have to be that expensive just for a piece of plastic toy lets just all be practical, bandai sucks >.<

  4. I'm not familiar with this version. Where did this one appeared?

    1. Officially, I think this guy is the FA-78-1B Gundam Full Armor Type-B from " MSV-R: The Return of Johnny Ridden" and was piloted by Led Wayline.

      I got the info from here:

    2. Suiton, that has to be the worst search result I've ever seen, wrong full armor, heck wrong color!

      If it was that fa gundam id of bought it in a heartbeat!

  5. Plamo KyoShiro color? I remember the blue Full Armor Gundam is from Plamo Kyoshiro.

  6. MG 3.0 FA RX-78 please

  7. Is it going to be using the 3.0 as the base or not?

  8. I would really like this to use the 3.0 frame, but knowing what they did with the previous Mg Fa - Rx it wouldn't surprise me if they did use the 2.0 frame and just remolded the color on the tree's. :(

  9. I'd love to see a 3.0 Full Armor, but this is definitely for 2.0.

  10. Given that they are releasing the Prototype version using the 2.0, I guess this is just a reissue of the old kit. Ah well. At least it means they aren't releasing something that'd use up my money ;-;

  11. The standard green one looks much better IMHO.
