Thursday, January 9, 2014

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: RG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam Deactive Mode - New Images [Updated 1/9/14]

P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: RG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam Deactive Mode (Release Date: TBA 2014, Price: 3150 yen)
[Updated 1/9/14]

[Updated 1/7/14]


  1. Wow!! Didnt see it coming at all!! Definitely gonna get this thing!

    1. Dang. A Deactivated Mode already? Alright. I'm not mad. Surprised, definitely.

    2. How could you not see it at all? Bandai did a deactive mode of every seed rg kit, so this would have been totally expected.

    3. I said already. It was the speed of the release and not the inevitable release.

  2. that's kinda stupid.

    what a waste

    1. Your comment was a waste

    2. Why? Bandai has made and sold recolors and minor variations since the first single colored Gunpla were produced in the 80s. The only difference now is that they now use an online store to make and peddle the ones we normally wouldn't think about as limited online exclusives as opposed to either not releasing them at all, or releasing them to possibly bad sales. Also, as is human nature for some reason, as soon as some people see "exclusive", they get it in their minds that they want it, even if it's just a cheaply done recolor of a model kit that they would have normally passed up on if it were released normally. And, no matter what's said about it on this side of the pond, the Strike Freedom is a popular design among Bandai's target consumer base in Japan, and whether you're willing to accept it or not, there will be sales.

      Really, the business's whole idea behind this system is anything but stupid, but the ones that buy into it without a second thought, however...

    3. Not to worry guys. He just jealous coz his favorite show (00) doesn't get any treatment recently.

    4. @ anonymous 7:26 am
      What does that have to do with anything ?

    5. 726

      its just like a seed fanboy to trash another series because the series they like happens to suck.

    6. You know this is really stupid, all of the Gundam series are great.

  3. Is bandai that desperate for money?...

  4. Lol everybody saw this coming

  5. Pretty sure this has been done for every RG that's come from the SEED universe. So it's no surprse that Bandai is putting this out.

  6. Strike Freedom notenoughinkcolors Edition! Yay let's pay 4000 yens for something we can do with just 3000!!

  7. Never saw the point of these deactive mode releases. You could just spray the whole thing with primer and get the same result.

    1. Sorta, remember its multiple shades of grey...

      Ok really its possible to get the same effect by paint, heck you can strip the wings gold and make it silver...

      ...buuut for those with no paint skill/collectors/scalpers this will be worth it.

      For me, I can't paint for crap, gonna get this and stick it for a hanger display idea with the regular release floating above, I may change my mind but I'll see what happens I guess.

  8. Deactivated? Seriously? This thing is running on nuclear reactor ~

    1. When inactivated even every nuclear powered gundam with PS/VPS armor will in this state.

    2. Yea but in the hanger, it's in "Deactive Mode" and then it'll turn on the Phase Shift Armor and be able to stay like that..LOL

      Plus, Bandai loves to spam out online exclusives (especially variations and color swaps) of kits that we have. Low cost + high profits + hardcore fans will eat it up.

      So why the hell not?

      ^ Probably the logic Bandai uses.

    3. jesus, If this is your idea of business logic, and how actually producing a model goes, I'm so glad you only have that chinese sweat shop 13 hours a day 7 days a week job of yours

    4. suiton, yet again you show how little you understand. One would think eve you would understand that kits don't just sprout from the ground. Bandai actually had to PRODUCE these online exclusives, and the thing, they're not mass produced, like regular releases. If you knew anything about how the real world works, you'd know that that actually drives the production price up (basically, the more units you produce, the cheaper each individual unit becomes) and that's why online exclusives like these are more expensive, and not because bandai is run by the boogie man who does nothing but troll ppl, which is the logic your childish brain uses

  9. Ok, no idea who buys exclusive "Deactive Mode" kits but Bandai keeps making em.

    IMO, if you're not living in JP, better avoid these things since they're more expensive than a basic kit + paint (even worst if you're from a country with huge duties and taxes)

    1. You could hope that guys like GG Infinite will have them in stock when you have some spendable money and won't charge too much. =)

      I like that GG Infinite carries online exclusives.

    2. suiton629 = Resident Asskisser

  10. It's gonna overpriced for shades of grey... good job Bandai, milking it for providing and doing less...

  11. The de-active modes aren't very appealing to me personally, but I admit if I had a bunch of cash to burn it'd be pretty awesome to assemble them all with some of those hanger diorama sets. I can only assume that's what everyone who buys them is doing.

  12. Replies
    1. I think it's guaranteed that we're gonna get a slew of RGs from 00..

      Exia (regular, Roll Out, Trans Am, Repair 1, Repair 2, Repair 3)
      00 Raiser (regular, Trans Am, Condenser Type, 7 Sword G, Inspection)
      00 Qan[t] (regular, Trans Am, ELS Ver)
      Astraea Type F
      Astraea Type F2
      0 Gundam ACD
      0 Gundam Roll Out

      ^ I think those are all fair game in terms of Gundam 00.

    2. suiton629, you know that is also “spamming crap”, right?

    3. Before someone pops out shitting about suiton and his "wishlist",damn he's right,but as far as we know who knows what bandai's going to announce this year,and the other,and the other... WHO KNOWS if suiton will be apreciated by someone else... W H O K N O W S if Bandai'll do all in his wishlist (which has some good models on it)

    4. 00 Raiser, Exia and Qan[t] are a given, but I highly doupt wel be getting the astraea's or the 0 gundam in any shape or form. probably these releases will be spread out amongst the UC suit releases that Bandai teased in that expo I forgot the name of @.@

    5. I know that the 0 Gundam (ACD Type and Roll Out) and Astraea (regular, F Type, F2 Type) are a bit of a stretch. But they are leads suits technically. But yea. I think it would be ideal if we at least got Exia (regular, Trans Am, Repair 1, Repair 2, Repair 3), 00 Raiser (regular, Trans Am, 7 Sword G, Condenser Type), and 00 Qan[t] (regular and Trans Am).

      Getting those all released (regular and online exclusive) would be enough for me.

    6. Lets all hope that bandai keeps catering ONLY to what you want, because that's totally what they do.

      Also, when will you realize that the RG line is not the HG line. If you want countless variations, well, that's what the HG line is for. The RG line has 15 models so far, stretching over a lot of series, with a few exclusive, simple color swaps along the way. What you ask for is for them to turn it into the 00 HG line, just to cater your OCD whishlist needs. But judging from the amazing feats of logic you've displayed everywhere, I doubt you can grasp that notion....

    7. @suiton629
      An RG of ELS Qan[T], seriously? really? REALLY?

    8. All gentei RG kits never carried additional parts with an exception of Strike Rouge IWSP (HG IWSP pack) and couple of location limited RX-78-2 kits (GFT had a stand, pilot figure and a set of knee/elbow caps; ver Gundam Dock Hong Kong had a special base) Otherwise it was exactly the same mold but in different color. Occasionally the same runner would be included twice but molded in different colors (e.g. Karaba Zeta) but no new parts. So while I cannot say which 00 kits will be in RG line, the chance that there will be other gentei varitions except Trans-Am versions is really low.

  13. oh my god Bandai! this is everything i ever wanted! thank you THANK YOU!

  14. Nope, no one saw this coming at all.

  15. Oh wow Bandai. Such a big surprise.
    All they need to do now is Saviour, the Impulse units, Infinite Justice and Deactive Modes for those in RG.

    Damn it Bandai. Stop spamming crap like this. Even I'm getting sick of Seed releases now.

    1. And yet you keep spamming huge ass lists of seed stuff you want, including in this same post. Don't worry, suiton, more online exclusives mean more chances for you to sell them on ebay for ridiculously inflated prices like you always do

    2. And there is also another guy beside you who's getting piss off coz his favorite show (00) got a very few treatment compared to Seed.

    3. no one in bandai staff will read all of this comment, their target sale is for their own country since seed and seed destiny are so popular in japan. they don't bother about our opinion.

    4. 728

      its just like a seed fanboy to trash another series because the series they like happens to suck.

    5. @suiton629
      Need? Do you think Bandai's sales will go downhill if they didn't release any of those in your wishlist? Let Bandai decide for themselves!!

    6. I think now it'll be quite a while before we see another new SEED kit. We now have 3 Kira's suits and suits of the two main antogonists - Athrun for SEED and Shinn for SEED Destiny,

  16. Lol... I thought it was RG Exia

  17. rg exia, next p-bandai rg exia trans arm, I am sure 100%

  18. ..usualy,I hate releases like this...but it is tempting to recolour the strike freedom, because of that horriffic gold frame on the normal version, would be nice to paint it up in a more pleasing way.

  19. [Updated 1/9/10] It was released 4 years ago...

    1. An obvious typo..LOL
      A little surprised to see that a typo like this was made. I mean whoever posts these things on the GG Infinite blog should take a little more time before hitting "Publish".

    2. kinda like you wishing ppl for a "happy new yearS" on your blog. Suiton, the mighty OCD grammar nazi strikes again! You know how rude it is to go around correcting ppl's mistakes like your above them?

    3. Suiton's hypocrisy revealed!!

  20. I don't know what's worse, that there are 3 posts about this on the main page or 47 comments (most of which are people making serious, thought-out responses to trolls)...
