Monday, January 27, 2014

(JAPAN E-Book Store) BOOK ☆ WALKER - Gundam Manga Release Today (Japan Only)

(JAPAN E-Book Store) BOOK ☆ WALKER - Gundam Manga Release Today (Japan Only)

BOOK ☆ WALKER, a japan's e-book online retailer is issuing the following Gundam manga today:
- Gundam W Forzon Teardrop (Vol. 1-9)
- Gundam W Endless Waltz Glory of Losers (Vol. 1-6)
- Gundam W Operation (Vol. 1-5)
- Gundam W Endless Waltz 
- Mobile Suit Gundam UC Bande Dessinee (Vol. 10)
- Mobiel Suit Gundam Advance of Z ~ Titans (Vol. 1-4)  
*** Super! Mobile Fighters G Gundam (Vol. 1-7) are now available for pre-ordering***

Info via Gundam.Info


  1. >Forzon Teardrop
    ...come on, guys, it's written on the cover...

  2. Woah is this for real? Frozen Teardrop Manga!?

  3. No, it's the novel. There is no frozen teardrop manga (yet).
