Sunday, March 9, 2014

Robot Damashii x Ka Signature AMX-015 Geymalk - On Display @ Tamashii Nations Akiba Showroom [Updated 3/9/2014]

Robot Damashii x Ka Signature AMX-015 Geymalk  (Release Date: May 2014, Price: 12,900 Yen)

[Updated 3/9/2014]

[Updated 3/4/2014]

[Updated 2/6/2014]

[Updated 2/1/14]

[Updated 1/18/14]

[Updated 1/12/14]

[Updated 12/30/13]

[Updated 11/24/13]


  1. Looks awesome.

    Anyone else notice the Delaz Fleet markings?

    1. Yes... Because Geymalk is from ZZ series... It was one of the final units at the end..

    2. Yes... Because Geymalk is from ZZ.. It is one of the last unit from the last battle from Neo-Zeon...

    3. Why would a mobile suit from ZZ —especially one so late in the run— have 0083-era Delaz Fleet markings? I could be wrong, but I've always understood that extra-spiky Zeon crest as unique to the Delaz Fleet. I've also heard it was applied pretty indiscriminately following the 1995 MG starting lineup. So, I don't know

    4. thought it was a monster from ultraman..

  2. This MS is so bad ass. But this is also so expensive for a 1/44 scale RD...Would be awesome if is it 1/100 scale.
