Saturday, November 23, 2013

HG 1/144 G-Saviour [Space Mode] - Straight Build

HG 1/144 G-Saviour [Space Mode] - Straight Build
Modeled by Hobby no Toriko

Looks like Hobby no Toriko got the recently re-issued HG 1/144 G-Saviour [Space Mode] model kit and gone right to doing a straight build review.


  1. As notoriously bad as the movie was, the G-Saviour really is a nice design. I actually wouldn't mind picking one of these up myself.

  2. The HG G-Saviour really shows it's age. At the time it was released it was okay, but (Let's NOT talk about the movie please) the kit was pretty much on par with the 1/144 kits at the time. Nowhere near as good as the later HGUC kits. The design also made the shoulder armor floppy. The way the Rifle can be mounted to the back armor or legs by means of the hex peg is cool but not really special. The way the G-Savior kit was built (The shoulders, for example) it looked like they had plans to release other variants (Like the ground combat mode, and maybe some other modes seen only in the G-Savior game) but that never happened.

    Build-wise, I think you'll HAVE to put a few tweaks into it. Straight OOB without paint looks underwhelming

  3. Man...G-Savior needs a new coat of paint. As in a new version that is true to its Gundam Roots as well as a HGUC model counterpart. The old kit is ok, but not that great.

  4. Replies
    1. If you are talking about the movie, Tomino's wrath shall smite your soul until you die a thousand deaths.

    2. Citation needed.

  5. Is this compatible with the all Gundam project line? A few of the parts like the side skirts and the backpack look really interesting! Actually, If you could swap out the biceps and thighs with something from another kit, It would look much more filled out and quite amazing! Hopefully it's possible but if not I pray pray to bring near a version 2.0 someday =D

  6. Come on... The movie was not THAT bad.
    You gotta admire the guts of them by making a of Gundam, it would obviously be nearly impossible!
    And the animation isn't as shitty as people say.

    1. Then how come his new Gundams have names such as G-Self, G-Arcane and G-Lucifer?

    2. G-Saviour in Reconguista in G will fit just right in... maybe one of those AG-TECH taboo weapons?

    3. Having "G-" in the name is nothing new dude
      ever heard of the G-armor or the G-defenser

    4. G-Armor and G-Defensor are not GUNDAMs though. Now if you had brought up the Side Story G-Unit compromised of 5 unique GUNDAMs, you'd have a better argument.
