Monday, November 25, 2013

Gundam WIng Series: 1/100 OZ-02MD Virgo - Scratch Build

1/100 OZ-02MD Virgo - Scratch Build
Modeled by Nozomu Nakai

Who would like to see an official release of this model kit?  Leave us a comment below. 

[Updated 11/25/13]
[Updated 11/16/13]


  1. I personally like vegeta8259's Virgo better since he build his from scratch.

    1. This is a scratchbuild. Learn to read.

    2. Isn't this a scratch build? "Gundam WIng Series: 1/100 OZ-02MD Virgo - Scratch Build"

    3. Damn straight.
      This is using lots of MG Tallgeese, Vegeta's was made way before then.
      But this is gorgeous nonetheless.

    4. This one is also build from scratch, I have to say this one is much cleaner than Vegeta8259's

    5. Its got tallgeese parts, look at the legs, vegeta8259's was ALL RESIN ALL ORIGINAL, thus 100% original parts in the aim of full authenticity...

      Still, we can choose what we like, im just a sucker for soemone who spent more time than they should of in effort :3

    6. Gundam Scratch Build battle starts now!... XD

    7. Vegeta's Virgo also used the Tallgeese as a base, the HG 1/100 one though.

  2. true true, besides we all saw build it step by step rather then picture by picture so yeah it personal connection :T

  3. A kit of ANY oz ms would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Well, I was a first wow that's nicer than Vegata's, but then I realized "wait Vegeta's is COMPLETELY scratched built." So his is better, because he put out more effort. That being said this is a nice mod.

    1. Vegeta's Virgo also used tallgeese as a base, the HG 1/100 version.

  5. @Anon 1:27 This was also a scratch build... so your reasoning as to why you like vegeta's better doesn't hold water ;)

  6. Looks like it was made from a MG Tallgeese. Super nice!! I'd love to see an official release someday.

  7. Virgo would be nice. Aries moreso.

  8. The title is misleading because this is not a scratch build but a heavy customized MG Tallgeese.
    But it's still an amazing piece.

  9. this is based on the MG Tallgeese, so it better for the stability and mobility but it i still think that Vegeta8259's is better(even though this is much cleaner)

  10. i would love to see Bandai produce any and all Oz mobile suits from Gundam Wing. such as Leo, Aries, Virgo, etc. but what i would also like to see would be units from the Maganac Corps!

    1. YES! the maganac corp! I dont believe bandai has ever released a single maganac model on any line EVER

  11. Screw the watermark. Hope gginfinite folds up.

  12. Gunpla Scratch Build Battle starts now!
    if Plavsky particles were real... XD

  13. Too all of you saying this is a scratch build you are incorrect. This is a kitbash/ scratch build using a Mg tallgeese frame as the base kit. Yes vegeta used some hg tallgeese parts. But they were parts that he recast then modify. Vegeta's Virgo sctarch build is better because he made and modified ever part that was on it.

  14. I like it...I like the shoulder A LOT!

  15. To answer the question above the pictures: Yes, I would love to see an official release of MG Virgo.

    Also would love the Taurus.

  16. I give vegeta his well deserved credit for such an awesome job at his Virgo and the rest of the OZ project...

    but... in my eyes' judgment, I say that this is a lot better than his proportion-wise, detailing, paint, and most probably since if this uses the MG Tallgeese frame then the ease to reproduce the same thing all over again.

    the only real knock I have with this build is that it doesn't seem like the Planet Defenders (can we just call them bits, Planet Defenders is too long >_<) don't seem to detach and have some gimmick around them

  17. hell yay, of course i would want a mg virgo; in fact the entire zodiac series still deserves some recognition.
    that being said, we should stop comparing the 2 kits; and just enjoy them for what's its worth
    2 virgos simply means that as fans of the series, we all gain

  18. This looks way better than Vegeta's.

  19. Screw the watermark. Hope gginfinite folds up.

  20. YES!! With red LEDs for the head and shoulders. It would be epic if it came out with vayeate and mercurous kits

  21. I like to buy one unit virgo, somebody know when I buy?

  22. I like to buy one unit virgo, somebody know when I buy?

  23. I like to buy one unit virgo, somebody know when I buy?
