Monday, October 28, 2013

Robot Damashii (Side MS) XXXG-01W Wing Gundam - On Display @ 53rd All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2013 [Updated 10/28/13]

Robot Damashii (Side MS) XXXG-01W Wing Gundam (Release Date: Feb 2014, Price: 5040 yen)


  1. It says February release for 5,040 yen!

    1. I think it's gonna be an exclusive again same as the shenlong....

    2. I think it will probably be an exclusive. Say if we get Deathsycthe but Wing is one of the most popular in the series and was piloted by the "main" character so it stands a chance of a normal release.

    3. None of the four figures look like they're exclusive. There's no Tamashii Collector icon on the tags, exclusives through March have already been announced, and a February release matches up for normal releases (after Sinanju and Hi-Nu in January).

    4. Shenlong was a exclusive because I think the Altron didn't sell too well and is a supporting MS.

      I don't know if the Wing Zero TV ver. sold super hot, but that and the Wing Gundam is the titular MS. If anything from the Wing universe is going to get a mainline release it's going to be those two.

    5. The TV Zero sold pretty well. But the fact that I don't see anything that makes it look sorta RGish has me thinking that it will be an exclusive. The non-exlusive Gundam Wing Releases for the five Gundams at the end of the series all have a sorta RG look to them due to having a little bit of gray added to them.

  2. Looks good, proportion wise it's comparable to mg version I think, although shoulder armor seems bit large.
    This is perfect for busy people who didn't have time to build wing gundam kit.
    Luckily I've built my mg wing back then.

  3. There's the Jack I know!

  4. This is a noob question. Where you guys buy that action base stand that's holding the gundam wing up? What's it is called?

    1. Tamashii Stage Act 5 I think? Never bought one personally but you should be able to find them in most hobby shops online and local.

    2. Yup, Tamashii Stage Act 5. They are sold in sets of 3 and you have to assemble the parts together. Each stage comes with 2 types of clamps. There are also different colours to choose from, but I think most people like the clear one best.
