Saturday, November 16, 2013

Robot Damashii <Side MS> ZGMF-X12D Gundam Astray Outframe - On Display @ Tamashii Nation 2013 (Japan) [Updated 11/16/2013]

Robot Damashii <Side MS> ZGMF-X12D Gundam Astray Outframe (Release Date: TBA, Price: TBA)
[Updated 11/16/2013]

[Updated 11/5/2013]


  1. Replies
    1. Hi turd, welcome back.

    2. its funny how seed people are always talking about turds, as if seed wasnt one big turd to begin with

    3. I dare to say that all the turd we see around SEED is thanks to some folks that don't want to respect other people's tastes

    4. seed = turds

      I also agree, very good sir

    5. lol, by that logic seed haters are the turd flies, always gathering around every seed post

    6. more like waste management

      and seedfag admits seed is turd. lol

    7. The idea of acknowledging the possibility of other people having different tastes is too hard for you, isn't it?
      I pity you my friend.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. FOOL, seed fanboy who never read the side story of seed, like Manga seed destiny astray. but This is very cool dude

  2. The name is Outframe D

  3. the suits are awesome, idc if the story sucks for seed, the mecha designs are dope...all the haters should just chill out because in the end youre just hurting the gundam franchise....fucking losers.

  4. Personally, I'm really looking forward to this release. I've always found some of the SEED designs interesting.

  5. SEED story is as normal as any other gundam series.
    But for Destiny however, the storyboard director screwed it up.
    Actually, it was more of his wife screwed the story up. Don't get a woman to write a war story. They'll turn it into some romance novel relationship drama.

    Suit design wise, they're as good as any gundam series.

  6. I wish there was a HG of this :(
