Tuesday, October 15, 2013

MG 1/100 Sazabi Ver Ka - On Display @ 53rd All Japan Model & Hobby Show 2013 [Updated 10/15/13]

MG 1/100 Sazabi Ver Ka (Release Date: Dec 2013, Price: 9,000 Yen)

*LED can be installed in the head*


Images via amiami, hobby search


  1. That box art reminds me of Perfect Grades. I'm kinda expecting it to come with a handle.

    1. Well I feel like this guy's box size will be close to the PG size. >_<

    2. here it is, the guy who knows nothing about gunpla commenting on the only thing he knows! Boxes!

      I guess it would be kind of a bother for you to have this one in your collection of boxes, right?

    3. Dude how boring and pointless is your day that you've been reduced to talking shit to people on the internet over one comment? grow the fuck up!

    4. Probably as boring as yours for replying to us ;)

    5. Suiton, its not feel like, it is and will be the same size of PG's. I have a Sazabi metallic coating kit and the box is already the same size as my PG Wing Zero Gundam box.

    6. I hope this one use proper color separation instead of annoying sticker. Mg sinanju failed because of that.
      Confirm that and this one will definitely pre-ordered by me.

    7. Wait to go suiton. It's nice too see that your keeping up your streak of being unoriginal by rephrasing the first post. If you had any clue about The O kit you would know that it is around the same size as the sazabi but with less parts and it had a PG size box. And do to the sheer size of the sazabi it will also have a PG size box. For a guy that complains about others not being able to have a human conversation. You really have nothing intelligent too and here, but hey at least you didnt post a wish list and that's truly something.

    8. Suiton, don't use the Sazabi's PG size box as well as it's high price as excuses to label it as unworthy of buying, just like of what you did to Nu Gundam Ver Ka. If you don't want to buy this kit, then go ahead, don't buy one. Nobody is forcing you. But don't mislead or force other people to not buy this kit because you personally will not purchase one.

  2. that isn't the official boxart, one, because it has no decals, two, it doesn't have the psycho frame showing.

    1. A) It's a demonstration box design.
      B) It DOES have a decal shown.
      C) What psycoframe?

    2. those grey parts between the red. with lines, looks like psycho frame though. just like unicorn's.

    3. It could be the official boxart, seeing how other Ver. Ka boxes looks like though... But I could be wrong of cos haha...

    4. talking about boxes, can we consider this as the biggest ver Ka. box yet?

    5. the images that show sliding armor parts that indicate the presence of psychoframes have been deleted. I have personally seen them sliding armor parts with psychoframe underneath it because apparently, the one displayed in the GBWC in our country was showing some gimmicks that werent supposed to be shown yet, that's why a day or two after, Sazabi ver Ka and RG SF was removed from display in the GBWC here.

      B) It DOES have a decal shown.?? uhhh yeah, that one decal probably is more than enough for this kit huh?

    6. they did the same on the Nu Ver ka when it's first displayed

  3. Good thing it ain't a seed gundam. lol

    1. i just notice you two and its cracking me up hahaha!

    2. Laugh out loud. the fact that you think a robot from your retarded mess of a movie is vindicated for not being part of a separate series within the same franchise lead me to recommend you seek psychiatric assistance for your delusions. Laugh out loud.

    3. I wanted to take those two very seriously, but that icon featuring precure mascot bunny makes me not to

      Oh blimey

    4. Not surprising that the seedfag is also a curefag. I wonder what other young Girly shows he watches.

      Pedophilia? Hah!

  4. Soo Sazabi has a sniper rifle. Very nice

  5. I see chrome part at it's leg.....

  6. Stoaked to see this monster in front of me. Seed shmeed " it's all gundam to me". Be dumb

  7. This looks sooooooo nice. From the look of the size of the box that is going to hit my wallet hard for shipping. I do like the color seperation.

  8. Propellant tanks twice as long as the original ones... wtf Katoki?

    Still, it looks cool enough, though I know my wallet'll cry if I'm going to buy this. And with Gundam X coming in January...

  9. Thanks for the treat Bandaï <3

  10. I have pre-ordered this and the Nu Gundam titanium finish kits. Really looking forward to have =D

    1. *Really looking forward to have them soon... =D

      Sorry typo... I was too happy about it >.<

  11. cmon show us what it can do and any dynamic poses...?

  12. I bet you the next VER KA. will be the Hi-Nu Gundam Ver. Ka, with the same line art as the robot damashii

    1. Hopefully, I've been waiting for the hi nu ever since the nu ver ka was released

    2. I second that. Hi-Nu is my favorite gundam design of all time.

    3. bitch fucking please, i would bet that the next ver ka would be a zeon suit, most probably kshatriya.
      notice the motherfucking pattern as the Nu Ver Ka then sinanju stein. the kit that would precede it would have to use the same NEW fully articulated manipulators.

    4. So not happening. There's Ben design issues with the Mg kshatriya from the start. if they do release one it wont be cheap. I beat we will see a Mg geara Zulu or jegan before kshatriya.

    5. personally, I agree with the Hi-Nu ver ka theory for december next year, but if bandai choose to do so, then in two years to come (dec 2015) bandai will have to spawn Nithingale ver. ka, because like all we know for sure, bandai is all about pattern. unicorn ver ka ---> sinanju ver ka, nu ver ka ---> sazabi ver ka. As for MG kshatriya (ver ka or not), personally i have no doubt that bandai will finally made it, and talking about engineering and design, just look at bandai's recent kit, they all have uniqueness in terms of engineering and design, so, don't stop believing :)


      EITHER WAY, HI-Nu or Kshatriya, we all know both will be awesome if made into an MG Ver Ka, We will cry and praise bandai if they release either one.

    7. as for the pattern, this is my theory regarding releases of the new articulated manipulators.
      as The new EFSF articulated manipulators were introduced in Nu Ver Ka, they suddenly released/announced the MG Sinanju stein Ver Ka, one reason is to make use of the newly introduced hands.
      This time, they introduced the new articulated ZEON manipulators in the Sazabi Ver Ka, so my theory is the next MG kit may it be Ver Ka or not, is a mono-eye or Zeon kit.

      again, this is just my theory
      it may sound ridiculous, but my guess is MG kshatriya (just having high hopes about it)

    8. Why wish for a MG Hi-Nu when there is already one? And that one is not too bad itself.

    9. My guess is that we'll see a Zaku 3.0 using those manipulators to go with the RX-78.

    10. Here's an idea: why don't we get Hajime Katoki to make a kit based of a design he actually CREATED, instead of getting him to redo EVERYTHING.

    11. never actually thought of Zaku 3.0, now that you mention it, Zaku 3.0 makes more sense.

    12. @anon 5:36
      The only problem with an MG Kshatriya is the price point. Even the Elyn MG had a very high price. To recover from the setback, Bandai would have to go all-out with their own Kshatriya and it will drive the price point so high that they would have a problem selling it. That was the problem with PGs, too costly to make, too hard to sell.

      @anon 6:45 That's really no longer a barrier for them. They had numerous iterations of the RX-78-2 and it did not stop them from making a ver.3. What's to stop Bandai from making a new version of a popular design? The Wing Gundam has several versions as well. As long as it sells, it's going to be made and remade. Remember the Stein? It's an MSV, but it still got made because it can potentially sell. If the RD Hi-Nu sells, you can almost expect them to make an MG Ver Ka of it.

      @anon 8:35 Because most of the main suits - the popular ones - were designed before he got to have his own line. I am pretty sure he won't make a Strike Gundam ver Ka though. But all the old ones are pretty much fair game to him and also since Bandai pays him exactly to redesign them.

    13. wasn't he involved in the current MG Hi-Nu's design anyway?
      and katoki's designs are known to be more sleek and slender, which is what the MG Hi-Nu represents.
      they don't call him long-legs katoki for nothing

  13. Did anyone notice the clip looking piece at the bottom of the sazabi long rifle?

    It combines with something!!!!!

    1. It combines with Sinanju's bazzoka.

    2. Did you notice the off-colour tab at the handle of the sniper rifle? If there was any doubt as to whether or not the rifle was going to be included, that tab would seem to show that it will. Pretty cool addition, especially if someone can replicate that hanger pose.

  14. Oh my. No matter what you guys nagging. I'm definitely will buy this monsta

  15. An additional rifle? I'm liking this more and more. Except maybe the pink. I think Char got over that by Zeta gundam...
    Also why no psychoframe? :(

    1. I assure you, it does have psychoframes.

    2. @Anon 9:25 it might have psychoframe, the shoulder splits

    3. I bet long rifle, decal, LED and maybe some additional funnels will sell separately. Sazabi doesnt have glow psychoframe, the metal strip over his body is psychoframe

  16. So much detail went into this kit. The opening back-leg thrusters are just a win for me. The panel lining channels, the raised armor bits, cut outs, and just everything. Looking at it now, if you can afford it, it's a must have.

  17. the hands looks like its new

  18. Did I just saw a basketball for Nu?

    1. LOL, yes, it's there... my Nu will tossing that red pod ball

    2. ^
      Anon 6:10: this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AH39x6ArI0

      too bad a CCA mix isn't made yet... XD

  19. ahhhh that pose i came

  20. kind of disappointed on the proportion of Sazabi. The shoulders are huge and the legs are short, but regardless I am going to purchase this

    1. bitch please, the proportions are near to perfect, and I like the proportions better than the HGUC

    2. anon 11.03 will going to love this Sazabi plus he already want to buy it. Just give him some times

      anon 5.50 proportions better than the HGUC? Totally agreed, it's been Katoki-ed!

    3. What the hell you are talking about?? The proportions are flawless

    4. I never thought i'd see the day someone would complain about a Katoki kit with short legs.
      The reason for the bulky proportions is because Bandai want this kit to be closer to the original 1988 lineart than the last MG.
      Sazabi is not meant to be something with graceful looking legs. It was always a strong hulking mass of Zeonic terror.

  21. sazabi got geara doga as it's grunt suit. where are MG Jegans when we need them to assist amuro suit?

  22. I hope he comes with a LED with the price were paying?? :)

    1. uhh, most unlikely, though I am hoping that this kit comes with a special Char aznable actionbase same as they did with Nu ver ka.
      and no, LED units will be sold separately.

  23. I hope they have an alternate mounting mechanism for the shield. I hate it when it is back of the forearm only.

    I have the original MG, and the extra details alone make me interested in this one, but worried about the shield.

  24. I heard on a youtube clip that they only used gloss and matte topcoats on the presentation models. Looks just as good as a painted model imo

    1. With ideal tools and an infinite supply of spare parts for when you screw up of course it looks good.
