Thursday, October 17, 2013

MG 1/100 - Sazabi (GBWC 2013 Philippines Entry)

MG 1/100 - Sazabi  (GBWC 2013 Philippines Entry)


  1. Never thought the base kit was a Sazabi

  2. One big cluttered mess.

    1. Just like your face.. One uttered mess.. lol

    2. inb4 super sensitive Filipinos flame you

    3. Awww filipino fag ass builder here?

    4. Too late @ 2:17

    5. @2:07 what the hell's an "uttered mess"?

    6. @anon 2:07

      before you hurl insults please learn the proper use of past tense first.

  3. I prefer my models be able to move and do other poses.
    This one looks like it'll fall apart if you try to move it.

  4. I gotta say he has awesome skills but lacks in imagination, the paintjob is done right, the scratchbuilt parts looks good too but when it comes to creativity.. That's one fugly unit, its like the theme is 'make it look absurdly huge'.

    skills 10/10
    creativity 3/10

    and for the Filipinos that will flame me.. No I am not 'ingit', 'insecure' or whatever insult you can think of.

    The local gunpla scene isn't up par with other countries. Sure there are really good model makers out here but they seriously lack the creativity. You do not just slap together parts because you think its cool, you gotta think of the proportions, the aesthetics and so on.

    1. "Form over substance" is a Filipino flaw. The number of Filipino grammar nazis is proof of this.

    2. For the last 2 years the better gunpla builders from the Philippines haven't really joined GBWC because of the Receipt rule. Honestly the entries this year really suck as a whole.. no real eye catcher and no real competition between entries. Also the number of entires have seriously dipped since 2010 and 2011 GBWC.

      I thought MatX entry would win because his entry was beautifully done.. and yet for the second straight year a model that looks like trash wins.. yeah the skill in the entry is good but it doesn't look good and even feel like a Gundam.

      That entry looks like a Jaeger from Pacific Rim at best.. a piece of junk that can't move at worst.

    3. Yeah, the receipt rule sucks. Kits in the country are already overpriced due duties and taxes, department stores make this worse, some kits costing as much as twice the Japanese retail price.

      And about the entry, the modeler tried to put too much effort into the small details it looks unbalanced. I agree that the better modelers had more inspired works than this (and generally, most of the entries).

      And as for MatX's work, I didn't like his entry this year. His work does showcase his skills as a designer and engineer but to be frank, that rotating mirror gimmick gets old real quick and takes away attention from the gunpla

    4. Do you know the difference between art and design? This entry is more of an art than a design. People bash this kit so much but they fail to understand that the modeler has his/her own reasons for what they do to their models. I don't think it's right to bash someone based on his/her style of art..., but yes, I do agree that the entries this year kinda suck. .., and please consider the receipt rule. It sucks. .., and also, please don't generalize Filipinos as "not on par with other countries", I actually enjoyed the entries of the Filipinos more than the the entries of USA.

  5. a lot of effort had been put on this one, no one can disagree... officials have no choice but to not hurt his feeling, so gave him instead... but if you want to talk about IDEA, PROPORTION, DESIGN, TASTE, and BEAUTY? this one really didn't make it... u can't disagree on that... there's just too much of kitbashing... but if i am the organiser, i will award him as well, no hesitation....

    1. Awarding the one who "you think" gave the most effort is stupid.

      Like in all things, it's the output, not the effort, that is what's important.

    2. @theREALsuiton: Work smart, not work hard. I hope we get cleaner-looking, more cohesive builds from this guy in the future.

      And I hope his future builds can make use of and MG's articulation. Otherwise, he might as well could have used and NG of even FG build and still come up with similar results.

      Hell, I think we can give this guy some pla plates and glue and he'd still end up making a model.

    3. *of an MG's
      *NG or even

  6. Craftsmanship is topnotch, no doubt about it. But its not really pleasing to the eyes. Cant blame people if theyre saying its a pile of shit. And I bet almost all these anons are pinoys. With these kind of people, Im totally sad for my country.

    1. Nope, we actually need to be more open to criticisms in our country instead of trying too hard to keep things pleasant.

      Stop taking things too personally, accept criticism, work to improve, and move on. Trying to sugarcoat everything isn't good, it just makes us complacent and as a result, we don't get the motivation to improve.

  7. skill-wise/craftsmanship is really good. But i'd like the kit to have a more distinct look. or should I say, the parts of the kit is not distinct. everything just blends in together that's why you can't recognize which parts are which. It needs more visual contrast. Every part is indeed too cluttered. But with that craftsmanship, the artist can indeed do more. There are pros and cons, but with the cons, I hope that the artist will indeed improve more with his future works. I'd be looking forward to that.

  8. @2:31 AM, I'm dying to see what a creative kit looks like to you. It takes quite a bit of creativity to kitbash this many parts, dream up a color scheme, do decent weathering and incorporate lighting gimmicks. Sure the hangar/maintenance diorama is already overplayed, but you have to admit even the dio was executed quite well (except for the messy wiring). Oh and I believe a Filipino made 2nd place at last years GBWC in yeah, the local scene is getting there.

    kudos for having the balls to put your account name on, unlike every other anonymous "gunpla connoisseur" here yet to grow a pair. That said, would you mind sharing links to some excellent builds that meet your idea, proportion, design, taste and beauty standards?

    @Jupa don't be sad bro, this is one winning build you didn't happen to like. heck, I didn't like last year's champion either, but it made 2nd place at the world finals, so it must have had something going for it that I didn't see. The execution was top notch though, and the same is true for this build. Just ignore the trolls, they probably never even customized a kit in their life.

    @everyone hating on this kit: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. whats pretty to some may be fugly to everyone else. just ask your mother. this is a fantasy/sci-fi model competition so anything goes. We're talking about plastic scale models of GIGANTIC HUMANOID WAR MACHINES with ONE pilot, capable of doing battle in SPACE ....... and some of you are bitching about bad proportions? poor design? lack of imagination?....seriously...WTF?

    1. "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

      And unfortunately, there are many beholders who find this work ugly.

    2. "It takes quite a bit of creativity to kitbash this many parts, dream up a color scheme, do decent weathering and incorporate lighting gimmicks."

      Nope, other than the color scheme, you don't need creativity to do any of those, you need skill those things.

    3. Many beholders? Wow, you make it sound like there are about 20 or more people that posted that it was ugly. Sounds to me like a general condescending statement; if there is such a word. I'm filipino and I do agree that it needs something to break the monotony. Overall it's great. Reminds me of Kobayashi's MS. Not sure if you knew who he was. Check out his gk designs. Then you can rant, foam in the mouth about his design. Been a gundam fan since the 80's. Ugly? No. Overdone? Maybe. Like an unknown guy told the crowd as I jumped in a crowd.of poppers and breakdancers and someone yellef you suck! The freshest dancer in the group yelled...Let him rock, my friends...Let him rock. The rest is history as breakdance group in the 80's became one of the best top 20 in North Florida. XD

    4. Also, to you newbies mid-90's gundam fanboy; check Kondo and Fujita. They are up there with Katoki in MS design. Man this samsung smartphone keyboard sucks :( Waiting for my unlocked iPhone to get here ,O.o

    5. Keita, KAtoki redesign, and everyone in gundam team that redesigned RGM, HI-NU, 2.0 stuff and those who MG-ed and RG-ed kit from HG. YOU love these new kit don't you? why do we love them? just something they did, adjustment by millimeter here and there, subtle detailed up, to make it look so good we just couldn't resist buying it.

      this one? this one is different. i won't buy it. I'm a kind of guy who like the beauty without trying too hard. this one tried very...... very..... veeeeeeeeery hard...

    6. @Tony: Between this post and that last one, yes, there are many who found this work ugly. No ones trying to put down Bulastog, we're just saying that this entry isn't really one of the best aesthetically.

      The guy's been around for years, I'm sure many of us have seen his works and yes, his skills are insane, one of the best in the country even. But this piece of work is too much, and yes, too much for you might not be ugly but for some of us, it is.

      For starters, I can't even appreciate the whole thing cause of all the small details. My eyes keep getting diverted to the bumps and holes and other (IMO) unnecessary details.

      This kit represents that girl who puts on too much make up and acts all crazy at a party. As the guy above me said, it's trying too hard and IMO, it doesn't really make a statement other than "Look at me! I'm all pimped out and ready to party."

      And since you've mentioned some famous designers, IMO, the difference between those guys works and this one is that those were inspired by how the designers sees things. When I look at this work, this just screams "I'm trying to win GBWC with insane detailing"

  9. filipinos can dish it but they can't take it

  10. @Tony

    All I'm hearing is some gunpla discussion with 'brag.. brag.. brag'.

    Srsly brah.. Let's talk about gunpla. Nobody cares about you

    1. Anonymous-lol. Im not sure if are talking about "not caring" regarding me? Honestly I don't care if you or anyone cares. I wanted to make a point. If you are the same anonymous, well good for you. I'll stop now. I'm sure everybody wants to hear your wisdom. The stage is all yours. Break a leg buddy :)

    2. Sorry anonymous, one last thing if it's okay. The other parts of my non-gundam related comments was more of a joke- take a light "brah" lol

  11. @Jupa and Paulo

    I know some of the anons who loiter in these parts of the web and no they're not Filipinos and yet they think this is ugly.. We've already established that this guy has MAD skills but his design is just plain crap. The anons are only bashing the DESIGN, please read the posts carefully before you get all mad.

    Also its funny you'd say 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', Why can't you see a LOT of people are saying this thing is ugly.

  12. How did this thing won..?

  13. A bunch of ass fag trolls, debating again on toys... WTF to that...Common! FYi its a hobby, and everybody goes berserk when the word "competition" intervenes... Telling shits about bad design, lack of creativity etcetera... ok ill ask you guys, when did your first built kits becomes a great built from the eyes of other people huh?? Of course for you, its great.. i mean guys, before you bash and tell shit about something, why dont you go back to your house and take another look on your kits and compare it to the one built by someone that you keep on shitting and bashing on....

    1. You also joined the debate so that makes an "ass fag troll" as well.

    2. Good lord what logic you have..

      Yes creativity is subjective and they say one man's trash is another man's treasure.. But the MAJORITY of the people here says this thing lacks creativity. So it must have been lacking.

      You don't need to be a film director to critique a movie.. I don't get you guys saying 'show us your works first before you criticize others'. What are you a 5 year old kid?

  14. WOW! Insane skills! Design is a bit sketchy for me, but respect for the skills and patience.

  15. big credit to the creative mind behind this ,but in the outmost consideration can say that this have been overly done ,don't get us wrong but think that simplier it shows the more beauty it holds, learn to be optimistic rather exploding on the negative comment,Cheers

  16. nice one but sad say this one habe overly been done,cheers
