Thursday, January 23, 2014

MG 1/100 Gundam X - New Images [Updated 1/23/14]

MG 1/100 Gundam X (Release Date: Jan 2014, Price: 3,800 Yen)

[Updated 1/23/14]

[Updated 1/18/14]

[Updated 1/11/14]

[Updated 12/27/13]

[Updated 12/25/13]

[Updated 12/21/2013]

[Updated 12/10/13]
Large Images Added

[Updated 11/24/13]

[Updated 11/18/13]

[Updated 11/14/13]

[Updated 11/10/13]

[Updated 11/4/13]

[Updated 10/26/13]
Images via Master File

[Updated 10/23/13]


  1. Replies
    1. I'm sure nobody will buy this. The design is too old and outdated.
      If they release this 10 years ago it will sell like hot cakes. Now is different.
      This will teach bandai not to postpone MG release too long, or it will be in vain.
      30 years from now everyone will have 3D printer at home and you don't even need to build a gunpla, just print and paint.
      Bandai must work harder if they want to keep MG line relevant and competitive.

    2. You are dead wrong bro. lol

    3. It looks very (too) similar to all the Strike suits from Seed, to be honest. This could be both a good thing and a bad thing. Good because, let's face it, Seed and Seed Destiny had some of the coolest looking suits...but at the same time, those of us who bought alot of Seed suits are kinda sick of building the same suits over and over again.

    4. you must be new in the gundam community to think that only newly released kits from recently airing anime will be the only ones that will be selling like hotcakes... :3

      though I must agree with you on regards to the 3D printing one... but I don't believe it will take us 30 years to get there... I give 10 years at most while 5 years being the minimum. I started making 3D models recently and am now studying how Bandai designs their inner frames and armor plates for their gundams along with the mechanics involved in moving them just to be able to design a full working gunpla that will be 3D printable.

      At the moment, all I know is that 3D modeling softwares like Blender and 3Ds Max have incorporated 3D printer support into them, I just don't know about the rest but I do believe that the rest will most likely to follow. There's also some DIY 3D printers out there too... Seriously, it's all just a matter of time now.

    5. Gundam X similar to Strike? It's probably the other way around, if you insist that they are similar. Before commenting on " X mobile suit is similar to Y mobile suit", please check which anime/design came first (or better yet, watch all other Gundam series you haven't watched yet). It's just facepalm whenever someone claimed Hi-Nu is similar to SF or in this case, GX is similar to Strike. As for the model itself, there are those who have been waiting for GX and haven't really bothered to collect all the Strike varients.

    6. Chronological basis does not matter when stating X is similar Y. It's just a matter of context or personal preference that defines this. This is no face-palming matter.

      However, you can facepalm all you want when someone starts stating Y is based on/ripped off X when X is a latter design.

      And yeah, I believe this will sell well, cause X is still a cool sleek design and with the manga and Gundam BF, X is getting a little more attention than it had during the last decade.

    7. this is just plain retarded, of course it matters, they say that X is based from strike, but in fact, it's the other way around, shut up seed fags, most of seed's MS designs are recycled crap.

    8. Anon at 2:56, you should read a bit more. They never said once that the Strike was based off the X, just that they look similar. Which I don't see at all, but whatever.

      And I fail to see how that's a bad thing? If anything, all lead Gundams have similar colour pallets anyways. The X is an amazing design and I don't see how this is going to fail in any way.


    10. "I'm sure nobody will buy this."

      U wrong........ This kit i've waiting to buy for more 10 years

    11. GAT X FRAME for sure!

    12. Anon 12:53 how the fuck will be a GAT X frame if that doesn't posses Vulcans in its chest frame,just because it's "anorexic" doesn't mean that will be a recycled frame,again.
      And no,I like both series equally

    13. To Op who said "I'm sure nobody will buy this."

      Your dead wrong !

      HLJ and other online sellers have stopped taking orders on this kit due to the HIGH amount of orders they got. The high grade version of the gundam X from the gunpla show is one of the best high grades that came out of this year and is really popular . Il be getting this master grade since i loved the HG version. Also theres a huge demand for older designed gundams or mobile suits .

  2. Replies
    1. so yeah, you should make a blog.

    2. ah so now this is sexy? funny, for someone who hates so much freedom and strike freedom...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. sorry wrong person Bobby, im just a nobody who tried to point out the fact that Gundam X and Freedom are basicly the same Gundam desing, so you gotta understand that its funny as hell seeing you saying Gundam X is sexy.

    5. @7:57 AM
      Oh. I'm sorry I'm just having a hard month handling trolls. Besides the similarities of (Double) X and Freedom is due to the mechanical designer, which is obvious.

    6. sounds like that time of the month for you

  3. Anybody knows whether the hand is swappable type or not?

    1. Yep, swappable hands.

    2. It's gonna get a swapable fingers like MG Strike RM, Rouge Ootori, and Wing Proto Zero.

      It's makes me nostalgic,hope they would remastered the units from G Gundam too XD
      *or at least make the other 4 Shuffle Alliance members :3

  4. Swappable or 3+1+1. Most likely the first.

  5. So why they did not show the top part odd this page? We clearly see the images, plz.

  6. MG Gundam X, about damn time.

  7. Grrr hate those pointy feets it's like a woman wearing shoes the proportions on hg gundam x maou are a lot much better than this >.<

    1. really? i always thought it made the ms look more grounded.

    2. woman shoes? GIRL if you want women shoes or boot then look at reborn gundam's hooker boots :p

    3. And the Turn A Gundam feet.

    4. ^Turn A has a manly stache so it more than makes up for the shoes.

  8. Maybe DoubleX MG next? :D

    1. don't know about double x being next,maybe virsago? that would be nice. personally i hope this drums up interest in either an hd remaster or at the very least an english dub of the show.

  9. OH GOD YES, those blue, psycho-frame like parts are made of clear plastic!

    1. >psycho-frame

      Have you even watched the show?

    2. I have watched the fucking series, I just used it to describe the glowing panels in his body during microwave beam activation, or something.

    3. Brofist* you totally nailed that fucking 6.27AM troll bro

  10. I hope it got the X divider part too

  11. I always felt that the Gundam X series was under-represented. I mean, We did get HG 1/100 for the gundams but Bandai did not even release Ashtaron for this scale and worse Ashtaron and Virsago's upgraded forms(even for the 1/144 scale Hermit Crab was not released). I always liked the design for this series, since this was what made me buy gundams in the first place back in '97, so I'm glad that Bandai finally made an MG for Gundam X. I only wish that there would be a 1/100 for Hermit Crab, Chest Break and Bertigo...

    1. hermit crab, chest break, and bertigo are not so popular compared to x, x divider, and double x. and given gundam x is not so popular at all, i think bandai is just doing x and double x. then they will do the x divider mg as online exclusive since it is a variation and bandai loves putting variations as online exclusives especially with something like x divider that is just new accessories and a new backpack. and you know fans of x that get the mg x will be mad about it if we get x divider mg in online exclusive but they will get it anyway and bandai will just be more motivated to do more variations in online exclusive. endless cycle.

    2. C'mon man, atleast include Virsago, I would love to see that as an MG kit.

    3. Poor Bertigo didn't even get a 1/44 scale model, even if it's not a mass produced model. I'd love to see it at least in HG.

  12. man. i am so glad that gundam x is finally getting some attention. i seriously doubt this will have the x divider, when bandai will probably make that an online exclusive and release the double x instead. bandai loves these online exclusive crap and they've been releasing too many of them lately. x divider is technically a variation of the regular x so if they put it out as online exclusive they could make more money. or maybe they will put out an 'upgrade' pack for the x divider conversion parts since it would need a new backpack and accessories and everything else is pretty much the same or totally the same.

    1. I loved how bandai included both units in the MG rezel type-c. I wish they would do the same in this kit, but that is most unlikely to happen.

  13. Yep the design is too old for this generation. But I'm pretty much sure this guy can still sell itself.

    1. well, this generation is retarded, this generation has some shitty gundam designs *cough*AGE*cough*.

    2. I wouldn't agree with that. All generations have good and crap designs (e.g. ZZ was a huge step down from its predecessor). Plus the GX design looks very sleek and futuristic anyway so I don't see a problem.

  14. Screw the watermark. Hope gginfinite folds up.

  15. We all know that Bandai is going to do the X Divider and Double X in MG. Do you think we'll get the X Divider as an online exclusive? I get the feeling we might, and people are gonna rage about it and be all pissed off at Bandai and most will end up shelling out the cash.

    I hope this isn't the case, but regardless I'll be getting it since Gundam X needs some attention, and Bandai putting out the HGAWs was a miracle, and the X in MG is a super miracle.

    1. you know what a super duper miracle would be? If you shut up with your stupid wishlists that annoys the crap out of everyone here. i feel we'd all like that pretty much

    2. My gut tells me that Bandai will make the X Divider a exclusive. Abd your obsession with suiton isn't really solving anything Ben.

    3. No Gundam X leads will have an online exclusive.

    4. I agree to the anon @ 9:00 PM, I don't think the X Divider will be an online exclusive. A perfect example would be to look at the HGAW line. First came the X, then the Divider, then the Double X. Time will tell (and sales figures) whether or out we get the rest of the Gundam X kits like the Airmaster, the Leopard, the Virsago, the Ashtaron, the Bertigo, and many others.

    5. @MechaMan
      And if we look at AGE-2 which both of Normal and Double Bullet are standard, GX Divider will be released as standard release. Except for AGE-2 Spec Ops which just a recolor, Rick Aller's GX can be put in exclusive.

  16. ^^^ and here's our two favorite losers.

    1. And here's a example of someone trying to point out the obvious, but only is half correct

    2. I was referring too g.g and suiton. Not you Ben. Btw Ben you better be careful suiton might call the authorities on you. He seemed pretty serious about it on hlj. Lol

    3. @anon221
      Nope, suiton will not be able to do it. He might also get caught because of his own actions.

  17. Yay finally got new MGs aftwr long-endless SEEDs

    1. Yeah, cuz Doga, Double Bullet, 3.0 and Proto Zero don't count, right?

  18. Woah! This kit looks pretty good looking XD
    Though....It looks REALLY familiar somehow 0-0

  19. i think it'll make use of the XXXG frame

  20. and then another release for the MG X divider.

  21. One of the best gundam TV series that i watched on my childhood days!, this is a dream come true to us kids in the 90's that this kit will have a MG treatment, i hope DX will be next. ^_^

  22. Frame similar to XXXG frame? Disappointed.. I personally think XXXG frame is a joke in MG line, its backtracking from technological advancement within MG line. Just for example, I'm not a SeeD geek, but EW MGs and Astray MGs is night and day in every aspects, price difference only 1000y. If this series utilizes similar frame, be prepared for: tiny finished kit (yes, tiny.... i have MG EW kits and suprised that such small thing came out from big box, but at least this mg series will be +-1cm taller than EW MGs), limited shoulder , waist and ankle movement. At least bandai should give special display stand and ver ka-like decal.. It won't be funny when new MG and old HG displayed side by side,and the result is HG looks much cooler due to tons of panel lines...

    1. I'm guessing you aren't a fan of the MG Figthing Action frame either?

    2. Well X is small MS in the first place so unless bandai decided to disregard the scale it should be tiny the same case with EW's mg and for the articulation on EW kits it because the armor design restrict the movement i mean if you take off the armor parts it got pretty good articulation so you should blame katoki for his design not the frame

    3. @Anon 2:55
      Dude, MSs from FC, AC, and AW are small compared to UC 0079-0096, CE, AD, and AG. Off couse we'll get X in same size as EW's MG kits in same scale.

  23. Screw the watermark. Hope gginfinite folds up.

  24. Of course they had to make the Gundam X an MG. Build Strike has been confirmed to have an MG next year, so I'm pretty sure
    Bandai will quickly get this guy over and done with and then modify the runners and parts to make an MG Gundam X Maoh.

    So we could say without the Gundam X Maoh and Build Fighter's success, we would probably have to wait even longer for this MG.

    1. True. Build fighters must be one of the best if not the best series for GunPla fans and even fans of older series that haven't had modern HG models yet.

  25. Soon we'll have the MG X Gundam in our hands.
    I wonder how long til we see the MG X Divider and the MG Double X getting announced and released.


    1. An attempt of spamming wishlists of Gundam X this time -_-

    2. this is suiton we are talking about here, he thrives on wishlist trolling.

      On topic, I'm excited for this kit. I want to take those solar panels and paint them in the holospectral chrome. That would look awesome

  26. My question is, where is a master grade G-Saviour?

  27. My only complaint so far is the color. I don't recall Gundam X being dark blue.

    1. Yeah. But, it's about the quality of the kit itself, not the color.
      Theres always paint.

    2. I don't recall 90's series animation being accurate.

  28. Definitely bookmarking this post.

    I hope Bandai doesn't screw this up, as in for an MG class kit, the Satellite Canon should have a color going for it, preferably a molded plastic with clear piece on top of it.

    Also, if this uses the XXXG frame, wouldn't it be a bit weird? The kits from Wing stand below 16 metres, or in 1/100 scale, 16 cm. The X stands about 17 metres, and in MG Gunpla should be 17 cm. According to several texts on the pictures, it does stand 17 cm, but how would it be?

  29. I'm loving the clear parts! Can't wait for the X Maoh!

    1. Fuck that, i'm waiting on Double X!

  30. Why is there clear purple on that model, I can just paint the solar panels aluminum underneath the clear blue, but CLEAR PURPLE really bandai?

    1. My guess is that they're going with a Ver.Ka like design

    2. What? What does ver.KA have to do with it?

      Anyways, I don't know what these clear parts are all about, but the recent display model had opaque parts there. These clear ones have only shown up in this one magazine article, so maybe it's outdated?

    3. Hope your right, that or they at least change it to clear blue I can at least paint inside that.

  31. Anybody else wanting a full X and Wing (tv version) Master grade series?

    1. To quote the old Japanese guy in "Click", "FUCKEH YEAH!"

  32. I think we should get a 2.0 strike freedom next.
    All this old shit can wait.

    1. This isn't 'old shit'. We would like more of these older designs being made available with current gunpla technology for a change, not the same hero suit made and remade ad nauseam (look at what they're doing with the Strike, or what they regularly do with RX-78-2).

      You want an improved Strike Freedom? Buy the PG or RG - especially the RG, it seems that it's Bandai's new way of remaking older kits.

    2. I agree. They have left too much nice "old shit" behind. And enough wit ver. Ka stuff, I hate it '-_-

    3. Screw seed , strike freedom cant wait forever before DX, GP01 ver 2.0, Alex ver 2.0, Zaku II ver 3.0 happen. Also fuck for ver ka hater, both sazabi and nu ver ka are peak of gunpla engineering. Its literally nu & sazabi ver 2.0

  33. Wow, that purple looks absolutely terrible. I mean, it's not a big deal, I'll just paint them...but purple? Really?

  34. Preordered this as soon as it came up , been waiting bout ten years for this master grade :D

    All we need now is for them to announce a MG Double X or Victory II :D

    1. I like to see MG Double X and MG V2 in my kit shelf

  35. I say happy birthday to me! I know exactly what I'm getting myself in January

  36. It looks very nice, I've been waiting for this for a long time but the one I want the most is the Double X :)

  37. X Maoh next please bandai :D

  38. I'll wait for the x maoh version :D

  39. Replies
    1. yeah..and next i really hoping for double x,leopard and airmaster fufufufuffu

    2. The day where you show a silent 20sec video bragging about getting another box for your box collection and immediately forget about it and continue spamming whatever gundam X MG is next on your wishlist? oh, boy, cant wait -_-

  40. Am i the only one who thinks that Airmaster and Leopard are gonna
    get left behind and it'll just be X and Divider like they did with the high

  41. I don't know about you guys, but i don't really like the swappable hands on new MG kits these days. And looks like this kit will get one too. I was hoping will get the 3+1 fingers again or maybe like 3.0 hands. Okay maybe 3.0 bit too much, but really bring back the old 3+1 fingers again, bandai.

    Aside from that, can't wait to see it released. Looks like gonna be awesome kit (minus the hands of course)

    1. Well I don't know... since this is a smaller kit the 3+1 fingers just might be too fragile or they have to make them unproportionally big and that's definitely the same case with 3.0 hands. however I really don't like the swappable fingers either, in my experience they are loose and difficult to handle properly. personally I would prefer entire swappable hands like on HGs or some of the seed MGs like strike noir or Destiny.

      on a sidenote: THAT COVER ART! Yummy!

    2. Both the Crossbone and F91 MGs have 3+1 hands, and they work just fine

  42. Heh. Right when i order the 1/100 GX, this comes out!

    1. Yo! Same here! I just got my 1/100 X divider for Christmas!
      Think we should get the MG?

  43. Where, in the FUCK is the master grade G-Saviour?!

  44. This may sound off topic, but i hope bandai re-visits older series like G, T.V. Wing,
    and Shillouete and make MG's of them too.

    1. G and W already have MG, give me a break with fucking tv series Wing. Wing already have too many MG, bandai most likely never make this fucking tv series when they already made Endless Waltz. If you want tv series accurate just go RoDa or old HG

  45. Is it just me or the blue parts in the latest pics are darker than how it should be?

    1. Right. They're more of the dark blue used on the old Deathscythe kits
      than the lightish blue used on the x kits.

  46. Leopard and Airmaster background shots! Upcoming MG's?

    1. the far future? Suuure.

  47. On that magazine page scan with the MG Gundam X and tv wing zero, why was the wing zero labeled HGCE? Some sort of typo? The katakana says HGCE Wing Gundam Zero, 3 etc etc (kanji characters). Guess its typo then.

  48. I wouldn't be surprised if they announce or tease any MG from Build Fighters in the coming months.

  49. All these years I have only been waiting for 1 MG model. That is Altron! When will they ever come out with Altron!!!!

  50. i need the g-falcon, dx and virsago chest break and ashtaron hermit crab! i've been waiting FUCKING 10 YEARS for the model to arrive in MG!!!

  51. i really do wish that's a black part than a black sticker thats on the rifle.. the latest image looks discomforting rifle-wise..

    and also hope the rifle would look like a decent shield when its supposed to look like a shield..

    1. We've already seen the sticker sheet, so those are definitely black parts. I am also concerned about the shield mode. we haven't seen ant shots of it from the back, and none of the images show it being held much differently from the HGUC X. In the images we see, it looks more like it's still holding gun with a dislocated wrist rather than holding a shield. Seriously, how hard is it to install a hinge system for the handle? Looking at the HGUC, I know there's space for it.

    2. Look if you're are true Gunpla modeler you should be able to modify it yourself to bring out your own satisfaction. This hobby is model kit building meaning effort is required to get the results to want. Your in the wrong hobby if you expect everything to be perfect right out of the box without any effort from you. That's called high end action figure collecting, stick to that if you don't want to put a lick of work into it but still have a fantastic looking product straight out of the box.

    3. Who are you to dictate what a "real" Gunpla builder is. Installing a hinge sounds simple, but for many casual builders, it's not easy to make something that isn't floppy as all hell, especially if they don't have the right tools, which a lot of people don't because they can get pleasure out of the hobby from just building kits OOB with nothing but a pair of nippers and a/or hobby knife, or sometimes no tools at all. Not everyone cares about even the simpler aspects like panel lining. and/or painting, and they're not obligated to do so.

    4. I'm not saying or dictating what right someone has to do want to get into a hobby. But one thing to keep in mind is that this is model kit building which requires work. You clearly haven't been round long enough to understand how spoiled you are in how Bandai practically has everything done for you. I know serious model kit builders and not just Gunpla but other products like aircraft, tanks, cars etc..who laugh at Gunpla. They don't consider it a serious hobby what so ever since it requires little work compared to building kits that require glue, painting and so much more. They say that resin gunpla kits come close to what actual model kit building is but even then it's amateur level. Of as I am big Gunpla fan I don't completely agree with my friend's sentiments but I can understand where they are coming and can appreciate the fat that anyone can get into the hobby. But when people bitch about a kit not being perfect right out of the box I do cringe a little and imagine my friends shaking their heads in disapproval while I look down in shame. It's fine if you're a an OOB builder but at some point just like life you want to move on to the next level(such as painting, modifying , etc) rather than being in the same place. A hobby like this is designed to build your experience and skill. It's a bobby of progression not idleness. Whenever I see something that a kit is lacking I look forward to how I can tackle the problem and look forward to fixing it myself whether I fail or succeed since it's all about the learning process. The first thing that come to my mind isn't..."why didn't Bandai include ______, Bandai should have ______ etc.."

  52. It looks amazing! Looking at the sticker sheet, it looks like they kit has the proper colours molded in plastic and from the official pics articulation seems to be top notch. I have no complaints on this so far since the design is very accurate to the line art. For those complaining about the translucent purple effect parts, atleast Bandai included some sort of gimmick to compliment the statellite cannon mode.

    I been reading alot of the idiotic comments on here and I just want to address a few things. The kit does not use The XXX-G frame from the Wing EW MG line. I've built more than enough Wing kits to know what the inner frame looks like. The Gundam X inner frame is very different which you can clearly tell from the bend in the legs and arms that the official pics are showing. You can also see a slight computer model of the inner frame exposed through the armor in one of the pics and again you can clearly see it's not the same frame. For those of you who keep going on about MG variations about the Divider and MG DX and even the rest of the Gundam X MGs, it's not gonna happen anytime soon. Don't get me wrong as I would love to have Bandai give their attention to the X line as they have with the Wing EW and Seed lines. But if you'll notice Bandai will only produce the kits in the line if they are popular or relevant at the moment(i.e., the EW manga and the Seed/Destiny HD remasters). The're not making the Gundam X because they are finally answering our prayers or anything like that. It's becuase of the currently running Gundam Build Fighters. It's because of this series that they launched their new all HG Gundam project to give us the HG Gundam leads that they have been neglecting for so long. If you are expecting something from Gundam X after this suit expect it to be the Gundam X Moah and any future variant/add on from the show. A big maybe would be the X-Divider as an online exclusive but that's it. Similar to them releasing the HGAW Wing Gundam which was only released to be easily modified to the Feniche ti's the same with this kit. They are using it as a base for the Maoh, but of coarse they will eventually continue the Gundam X line but just not anytime soon like this year for example. Not untill they finish Build fighters and accompanying MGs. Just to put it into perspective the MG Turn A Gundam came out in 2007 and its only now that they have announced the MG turn X(the 2nd kit in the line) to come out some time this year.

    1. One of the best comments in this blog so far. People seem to think Bandai is trying to please the fans and take it too personally when they do not do what the others think they should.

      Regarding the MG Turn X, we haven't heard from it for a while now. But I am pretty sure it's slated for a mid-year release.

  53. The new image...

    I'm still iffy on the hands, are they gonna be 3 or swappable? I will be changing them if it's the latter. Shoulder vulcan looks great, a bit of paint and you're done. Gray piece on satellite cannon seems plastic, great, Cockpit looks like it has a hatch in the inside, nice. Articulation on shoulder reminds me of the GAT frame, am I wrong?

    One more thing, those dark blue, are they painted or are they not? Because from the other pics and that one, it looks like it's been painted..

  54. is the Wing Reflector using sticker or plastic?

    1. It's both. The X-shaped solar panel like wings are made of clear plastic and there seems to be a holographic foil sticker underneath the clear plastic wings. It's no different from what we have seen in past MGs like the search eyes(the green jewel in the center) on the Wing/Wing Zeroes or the psychoframe parts on the Nu ver. Ka(using foil stickers underneath clear plastic to represent an "illuminating light effect").
